Chapter 107: AN OLD FLAME?

1069 Words

REINA There's still one or two more stops to make before Linda arrives, I hope. I did not go immediately to her room. Now, it's time to see healer Maya. I stopped at her hut and knocked twice before entering. This is not Damon's office, so I don't want to be too surprised. I entered and saw Papa Tunde seated on a chair comfortably in her room with her. Why am I not so surprised that they already know each other? Weird people have a way of connecting. "I guess you have already met and introduced yourself to each other." I said, awkwardly and they both chuckled. What's funny? "Maya and I know each other from way back. We were sort of… You know?" He cleared his throat and I understood. I squeezed my face, looking so irked. I couldn't picture them together and now, all my mind will be

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