Chapter 4

789 Words
Unknown's pov "This will be your last doses and hopefully the first stage of the experiment will be successfuly done " A man dressed on a white cote said, he then proceeded to inject some green-looking liquid into my body. The needle didn't hurt as I was so accustomed to them but the pain that surge after that was something I have never experienced before. My whole body was in agony, the pain too much to handle. I could feel my body changing, my canines elongating, muscles forming where there once was just skin to bone, my blond hair changed its color to a mixture of brown and red, meanwhile, my veins started glowing with the colors of red yellow, and orange all mixed up. the pain started to subside significantly and was replaced with a warmth that soon escalated into heat, I've never felt lava but the feeling that I was getting was the closes thing I could imagine compares to it. In split second my body was on burning on fire. the whole process took approximately five minutes but to me, it felt like an eternity of utter suffering "Stage one completed" someone sed but I couldn't tell who cause there was No one in my surroundings. The suffrage ended finally, but all the process just took a toll on my body, dark spots appear on my vision, I wanted to scream for help but I knew that no one will come to my rescue. I fell unconscious on the bed where they had me tied up. Matthew's pov We were setting our vehicles with some of the equipment that we might need on today's mission when all of a sudden I felt a pang on my chest. I fell to my knees and let out a howl of hurt and pain. " Alpha !!" Someone from behind shouted, I could hear his steps approaching at a fast pace. My breath hitch on my throat and I finally fell onto what I thought was someone's arms. Declan's pov I was inside the packhouse grabbing some stuff to bring with me on the way to this suicidal mission when suddenly a howl broke into the sky. 'Matthew' I thought to myself I took off running downstairs heading toward the main entrance Once outside I could see a bunch of our pack members gathering on a certain spot. I made my way in between the crowd to see what they were all starring at Choke and fear run through my whole body. Matthew was laying on Luis' lap one of the pack members that will be accompanying us on today's events. "What happened? " was the only thing I could mustard "I don't know he.... he just suddenly felt unto his knees and I run to aid him but once I reached him he just fell unconscious" "Call doctor Nian now, and tell her to meet us here" I gave the order to No one in particular "Lucas help me out will you" We took Matthew to the infirmary that was installed on the packhouse and waited for the Doc to arrive. I was pacing back and forth on the Holloway just outside Matthew's room Doctor Nian arrived, and I rushed towards her. "What happened?!" She asked Her fear was evident as was main. "We don't know, he just suddenly collapsed" "Okay, Let me take a look at him " I guided her to our Alpha's room. Once we entered I could see how the doc tensed up for a moment. "Okay, give us a moment so I could run some test on him. The results will be ready in about an hour or so." "An hour! We can't take so long we are supposed to embark on a classified mission in an hour." "Well it seems to me that the Alpha is not going anywhere any time soon" "But Sabrina she..." "What, What's wrong with her ?" "Sorry can't say, that is classified information." "Well, it looks to me that you will have to deal with this matter on your own because this Alpha is not living my sight." 'F**k. You couldn't have chosen a worst timing to faint right Matthew ' I thought to myself, But The mission must keep going 'Everyone gather your stuff we are living in 30 minutes ' I linked the warriors that were coming with us 'What about the Alpha?' Someone asked 'He is not coming' was the last thing I said before closing the link. "Keep me updated." I sad to doctor Nian who was already taken some blood samples from Matthew. She answered back with a simple head shake and with that, I took my leave to rescue my Sabrina.
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