Unbreakable bond

1344 Words
Talia finished the last minute touches on her hair when she heard a knock on the door. Come in. Tobias walked in and smiled at her. You look beautiful. She laughed and said for someone who spent 9 years living in the forest I'm pretty good with hair. Tobias laughed and sat down on the bed. I want you to know that Celine is not the only one who stands behind you in avenging what happened to your pack. You have the entire pack behind and the memebers of your pack Julius took. We have a spy who made sure they knew you were alive and their hopes have been lifted. And don't worry not a single one of them will let Julius know anything. Now I know I am not your dad but I know he would rip a new one if I let you walk to your future husband alone. So if you'll allow it I would love to walk you and me and Celine would be happy to give you away. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she tried to find the words. Tobias took her hands I can tell by the look on your face that the answer is yes. Now dry those eyes and let's get your pretty ass out there before my son comes up here and rips me apart for holding you up. Talia smiled and grabbed his arm and he led her out. As they wounded to corner she looked down from the stairs and her breath caught and her heart skipped a beat. Ryker lost all forms of thought when he saw Talia. Her beautiful ebony hair was in a loose braid trailing across on shoulder. Her mother's dress fit her like a glove hugging every voluptuous curve. Damn I am one lucky man. Damn straight you are he heard his beta and best man Axel muttered. Axel had been is best friend since birth. When Ryker asked him to be his best man Axel immediately said yes and that he was extactic that the skanky b***h wouldn't be luna. No one in his pack was a fan of Serena and they all ripped dad apart when he told them about the agreement. Julius is only 25 and Serena is 21. His adopted daughter my f*****g ass. He pushed all thoughts of the w***e out of his mind as the woman of his dreams walked down the stairs towards him. He grabbed her hands as she walked up to him. They said their vows and when they kissed they both could feel the bind between grow stronger and deeper. After the congratulations the elder came up and said alright let's get this done. The exchange of Alphas and Lunas was a quick but amazing and beautiful ceremony. Again the bond between Talia and Ryker became stronger but so did the bond between them and their pack. Everyone was quiet when they turned around. Tobias stepped forward with the look of a proud papa on his face. Never in my life have I felt such a powerful strong bond between an alpha and a luna nor between them and their pack. Now let's give the happy couple their privacy. Ryker took his wife into his arms and carried her up the stairs never taking his eyes off her. He shut the bedroom door and laid her on the bed. The love radiating off them both as they undressed each other was unlike anything they had felt. Ryker kissed every inch of his wife's body. Her moans when he finally pushed inside her stirred even the wolf in him. He could feel hers stirring as well. They exchanged looks and opened up completely. Neither of them shifted but they weren't just making love in human form. Their inner wolves were making love as well. It was an ecstasy neither of them knew existed. They collapsed in each other's arms. Ryker kissed Talia on the forehead she kissed his chest and nuzzled into him. He heard her breathes become even and knew she had fallen asleep. Before he fell asleep he made a final promise to his luna. Unbreakable bond baby. Nothing and no one will ever destroy us. Talia woke up in the arms of her husband and immediately could sense something was wrong. She sat up and shook Ryker causing him to stir. Baby wake up something is wrong. Ryker sat straight up. They looked at each other. BLOOD. They both jumped out of bed got dressed and tore down the stairs. They found Tobias and Celine sitting on the couch along with Axel's parents. They were all crying. Ryker froze. Talia immediately could feel it. No!!!!!! Talia grabbed her husband before he hit the ground. She felt every ounce of his pain. She looked at Tobias and could see he could feel his sons pain as well. What the f**k happened? Ryker stood up anger filling his face. Axel's parents looked at Ryker seeing the pain in his eyes broke them even more. Tobias walked over to his son and put a hand on his shoulder. He went for a run and he stumbled back with horrible deep cuts all over him. His body was trying to heal but the cuts wouldn't let him shift to finish the healing. All he said was Julius and unbreakable bond. Ryker and Talia looked at each other. Julius tried to get information from Axel about Talia. Axel refused to give it to him so Julius ripped him apart to try to force it out of him. Ryker looked at Talia and he knew what he was feeling was true. Yesterday we didn't just make an unbreakable bond with each other. We made one with the whole pack as well. It doesn't matter what Julius does to us. He can't break us. He can't take us. Ryker looked at his dad and Tobias realized what happened. He looked at Talia and smiled. You tapped into a power none of us realized you had. Talia smiled and said I refuse to let him take anyone else I love. She closed her eyes and after a few minutes she opened them. Celine stood up and said did you just do what I think you did. Talia smiled and said unbreakable bond. Unbreakable pack. Ryker looked at his wife confused. She has blessed this pack Celine said. Tobias and Ryker looked at their wives confused. She is the daughter of the moon goddess. Talia smiled and said My mom can't carry a child herself so every few hundred years she blesses a family who can't have a child with hers. She came to my parents one night and well here I am. They are my parents and when they were killed the goddess helped me get away. The night before Ryker found me she visited me and all she said was "an unbreakable bond will be your saving grace." I didn't know what she meant until last night. When did you find out the truth about who you were? Tobias asked. When I turned 18 and shifted for the first time I was confused as to why I was a pure white wolf when my parents were both black wolves. She came to later that night and explained everything. It was a lot to take in and I didn't fully believe it until Celine told me what she knows of the dire wolf gene. So what is this unbreakable bond and why is it so important? Ryker asked. There was a time when destroying packs was impossible and that was because of an unbreakable bond between not only the alpha and luna but also between them and their pack. As time went on people stopped caring about bonding and started caring more about power. They stopped choosing their true mates and chose whoever was the strongest. Slowly the unbreakable bond became a fairytale. We all must get that bond back or peoole like Julius will continue to tear us apart.
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