Chapter 45

989 Words

I get tackled into a hug so quickly. Ashton gets squished in between Susan and I. I wrap one arm around her as she cries on my shoulder. "I missed you so much! I was so worried!" She sobs and I nod quietly. I want to go to sleep. The light hurts. "Babes, let her get some rest. We can talk to her later," Carter says and I smile at him, grateful as Susan lets me go. Cole turns to Liam and tells him to get everyone out of the pack house. People start to leave as Cole turns to me. "Bethany is asleep upstairs. Why don't we go rest?" He asks and I nod to him. I want to be in a quiet place. Everything is too loud. "Carter, if you can look after Ashton for a while, that will be great," Cole says as he turns to Carter. Carter nods and turns to me as he stretches his arms out to take Ashton.

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