Chapter 44

980 Words

I growl louder and push him away. I push people away as I see Selina laying on the floor with a baby on her stomach wrapped in a Jacobet. Her hands tightly wrapped around the baby but her eyes are closed. "Selina?" I whisper in shock noticing the bruises on her face. I kneel down near her and touch her face softly. I close my eyes, letting my heart absorb the sparks. I place a hand on her face gently. "Wake up baby," I mumble quietly to her. She doesn't wake up. I frown. "Who's baby is this?" I ask the people. Nobody replies. The baby looks at me as I try to lift it up from her chest. He's going to hurt her. He crawls away from me and starts to cry as he lays his head on her chest. "You're hurting her," I growl at the baby as I try to lift it up. I feel her tighten her arms around

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