Chapter 4

1943 Words
As for the entire year, I suffered from Doug’s bullying and his friends at school, but I insisted on not telling my parents about it. I kept telling myself that I could endure all things. I encouraged myself every day that it would bore Doug and his friends to target me one day.  After a while, my father asked me, “How’s it with Campbell’s boy?” “Doug? Well, he’s never changed, dad. He is still annoying,” I replied. “No matter what, let him reject you. Make him suffer. Ask him to break the bond, Emmy. It’s your chance to avenge your granddad.” My father’s words confused me, so I asked him, “Avenge granddad? I don’t understand.” “Doug will be the next Rainfall Hill Pack’s Alpha. If he broke the bond-mates between you two, he’d suffer,” my father said. “But why?” “An Alpha should be someone trustworthy. If he can’t honor the bond-mates given by The Highest One, let alone the trust of his pack members. Now, do you understand, Emmy?” I nodded, but something crossed my mind. “Dad, if until the end I don’t reject him and neither does he, then what’ll happen?” My father shook his head. “Either one of you rejects the other, or both of you finally fall in love with each other. That’s how it goes with the mate-bond.” He sighed, then reached his hand to my shoulder. “With Campbell’s boy, no matter what, please, don’t give up! Don’t lose with his pressure. Let him reject you and guard your heart carefully. Never fall in love with him!” I smiled. “No worries, dad. I disliked him from the first time I met him because of how badly he treated me. Now, knowing that his father is the one responsible for the dethroned granddad, there’s nothing he can do to force me to reject him. He’ll surrender in the end.” My father laughed. “That’s my girl!” Then he sighed again. “It’s too bad that I’m not the next Alpha. If I did, you’d be a great successor, my daughter.” “Didn’t you say it was not always like that? That not always the Alpha’s offspring will be the next Alpha?” “Naturally, the Alpha’s offspring is the one who’ll replace the Alpha. However, if there are stronger candidates, it’s possible to choose another.” My father continued his explanation, “The arrangement of the chosen Alpha by blood-relation is usually when the pack is still small. If the pack is growing, and more suitable candidates for the next Alpha available, they can challenge the current Alpha to choose them instead of the Alpha’s offspring.”  I listened to my father and then shook my head with a heavy sigh. “Then no way I can be the next Alpha, dad.”  “Why not?” “I’m not the strongest in the pack. I’m only an Omega. How can I be the next Alpha?” My father stroked my hair gently. “Dear child, never forget that strength is not only determined by force. Determination is also a strength. Intelligence is also a strength.” He stopped for a few seconds, then continued, “And love…. Never forget about love. It can move mountains. It can help you endure more than you can think. Love can help you overcome even the impossible things.” My father looked away. “The only thing I regret as not being the next Alpha is seeing you being treated this way by our pack. I’ll think of something to change it.” I shook my head. “I’m fine, dad. No matter what, I’ll find a way to our pack. Yes, I’m not the strongest there, yet I know I have enough determination and love. I believe I’m not the smartest, but I’ll learn hard. Even if I don’t become an Alpha or a Beta, I’ll make myself useful in the pack, dad. I promise you.” My father’s eyes were shining. He smiled widely, and then he looked away. “My daughter has grown up. I wish to see you establish a solid position in our pack too, yet, one thing I wish the most is your happiness. I wish to see you marry someone who you love and love you in return.” He patted my head. “No matter what you do, who you’ll be in the future, make sure you’ll be happy.” “I’ll remember that, dad.” That was the last long chat between my father and me. The sweet memory was so strong. It brought me to tears since now my father would not see me marry, nor could he watch me grow in our pack.  “I love you, dad. I’ll make you proud of me.” Then I closed my eyes. “Dad, no matter how long or how difficult it’s, I’ll find the culprit behind your death and avenge your death. I don’t know how for now, but determination is a strength, as you said before; I won’t give up until I avenge your death.” I hugged her knees, then wept silently. After a while, I was too exhausted and then fell asleep. In my sleep, somehow, I dreamed of seeing someone look-alike my father. “Dad, is that you?” My father was wearing bright white clothes. “Yes, child, it’s me.” “Dad, don’t worry. I’ll take care of mom and myself. I’ll avenge your death too.” “Emmy, don’t avenge me, daughter, don’t think about it. I want you to think of your life and free your heart from the thinking of revenge. Always guard your heart and never pollute your heart with hatred, Emmy. It is not worthy at all.” “But, dad….” “Sweetheart, my time’s up. Please, take care of yourself, daughter. I love you.” “Dad! Dad!” I called my father, but he disappeared from my sight. Then I awoke. “Dad….” There was a knock on my door. It seemed my mother had returned home. “Come in.” “Emmy, are you okay? I heard you called your dad.” I burst into tears, then immediately I ran and hugged my mother. “Mom….” “What’s wrong, sweety?” “Dad…” I tried to speak, but I choked. I coughed for a moment, then cried again.  Megan Davis, my mother, hugged me tightly, then patted my back. She sang a song she used to sing when I was little. “Everything’ll be okay. No bug will bite you. Dark won’t swallow you. I’ll always be here for you.” I smiled a little between my tears to hear my mother sing the childhood song. “Yes, mom. I know you will always be here for me,” I whispered. Then I wiped my tears. After breathing for a while, finally, I said, “There were two officers coming today, mom. They told me of dad; he’s dead.” Tears threatened to flow again, but I continued, “They said the beast attacked him. One of them gave me her card if you want to contact them.” I rose, then picked the card.  My mother just stood there with an empty look. Her body was trembling. “Your dad… he’s dead. He’ll no longer come home.” I put the police card on the table again, then hugged my mother. Both of us were crying. My mom then passed out. “Mom! Mom!” Since my mother was still unconscious, I dragged her to my bed. Then I tried to find essential oil in my room. After seeing it, I moved it beneath my mother’s nose. After a while, my mother’s eyelids twitched. “Mom?” My mother was finally conscious. However, she didn’t respond immediately to me, as if she didn’t hear me.  “Why should you go? Why?” My mother was crying again. “You promise me we’ll grow old together. We’ll see Emmy’s marriage and her children. Why? Why do you leave me?” I hugged my mother with tears flowing down my cheeks. “Mom….” My mother stared at me, then sobbing, “I’m sorry, Em. I should be stronger and brave for both of us. Yet, your father’s death is a big blow for me.”  “I know, mom. I know. I can’t believe that he’s gone.” After a while, finally, my mother stopped crying. “We should continue living.” She sighed. “We should arrange his funeral; I’ll call the cemetery.” Then she left my room. I felt a more profound emptiness within my heart. I just stared at the wall for a while. Then there’s a knock again on the door. “Sweetheart?” “Yes, mom. Just come in.” My mother entered. Her eyes were swollen, yet no more tears there. “Emmy, we need to talk.”  I sat straight, waiting for my mom to say. “Go ahead, mom.” My mother sat on my bed, then glanced at me. She sighed. “I’ve been thinking for a while. Since now your father’s gone, we probably should move elsewhere. What do you think?” I was just quiet. Though the school’s situation was terrible, I should adapt to the new school if we moved. I didn’t think it was worth it. I could bear another year. After that, I would be free! So, after thinking for a few moments, I finally said, “I can’t, mom. I need to graduate first. If you must move to another city, I think I’ll stay here until graduation day.” My mother shook her head. “No, I’ll never leave you, sweety. It’s just… an option.” I held my mother’s hand. “Mom, I love you. I’ll study hard and make sure that you’ll be proud of me.” My mother’s tears were flowing again. “And I love you too, sweetheart. You always make me proud. Never forget that.” She breathed hard. “Now, we only have each other. No matter how busy I’m, you are number one in my life.” I hugged my mother tightly. “Yes, mom, I know. Don’t worry about me. We’ll go through this together.” “Yes, child. We’ll be okay.”
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