Chapter 6

2007 Words
Jessica and I went to school together on the school bus the next day. Although Jessica’s parents were wealthy, they didn’t allow her to have her car until 18. That was why I thought Jessica was in the same economy class as me. Consider Jessica had never worn expensive clothes, shoes, and bags, precisely as I did. “Uh, Jess?” “Yes, Em?” “I don’t know if it’s okay for me to ask, but I’m curious.” “Just spit it out.”  “If I’d never come to your house, I’d never know that your parents were rich. So, why do you always present yourself so modestly?” Jessica grinned, then put her hand on my shoulder. “I know it. I guessed you’d ask.” Jessica laughed a little. “I'm probably good at reading people’s minds.” “Are you?” Jessica laughed until our schoolmate, who sat in front of us, turned to see her. She bent her head to avoid eye contact.  “No, I’m just joking,” Jess whispered. When the schoolmate saw upfront again, Jessica sighed.  “So?” “Well, I want my friends to accept me because of who I’m. I mean, if they want to be my friends because of my parents’ wealth, it’s not a genuine friendship.” I touched my chin while thinking, then I nodded. “I agree, but is there any situation before that draws you to maintain a low profile?” “Yeah. Two years ago, I met a guy at a party. He’s cute. As he approached me, I was so flattered. I thought he truly liked me. After a couple of months, I knew his father was having a dire business problem. When his father persuaded my father to invest in his almost bankrupt company, he also asked his son to approach me. It’s to help his way to get money from my father.” “Oh, no! It’s horrible!” “Yeah. After I graduated from junior high, entering high school was like a fresh start for me. I built my image since I was here the first time. None knows my family’s background. They only know me as who I truly am, the plain Jessica.” I held Jessica’s hand and squeezed it a little. “You’re not plain. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever known.” I was just quiet for a moment. “After the jerk, have you ever had a crush again?” Jessica shook her head. “No.” “Why not? Is that because of him?” “Well, sort of, but I’ve not met a guy who can melt my heart either.” Jessica shrugged. “How about you?” I sighed, then licked my lips. After that, I whispered, “It’s complicated. As you know from yesterday, I’m a W.” W for the werewolf. Then I continued, “You probably won’t guess this unless you’re truly a mind reader. You see, Doug and I have a mate-bond. It's destiny, well... sort of.” “What?!” Jessica shouted until everyone around looked at her again. She raised her hand and grimaced. “Uh… sorry!”  “Jess!” I pinched Jessica’s hand a little while whispering to make sure none could hear our conversation, “Why did you shout so loudly?”  “Sorry!” Jessica whispered too. “I was so shocked to hear that. How come he becomes your mate? If he’s your mate, shouldn’t both of you love each other?” Jessica grimaced again. “Both of you even dislike each other. Well, disliking is even too mild. Both of you detest each other!” “It’ll end if one of us breaks the bond. He’ll give up in the end, I’m sure of it.” “Why don’t you?” I didn’t look at Jessica. “Because I’ve promised my dad, no matter what, I won’t give up.” Jessica thought for a while, then she whispered again, “So, the bullying. Is that because of this? Since he wants you to break the bond?” “Yeah, but I’ll survive.” “Em, I’m worried about you. Are you sure about this?” Jessica stared at me for a few seconds. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Who knows if things’ll be better if you surrender?”  I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “You don’t understand, Jess.” “Then tell me so that I can understand better.” I sighed again while closing my eyes. “My dad asked me to let Doug be the one who ended our bond. I’d given my word to my dad.” “Then why did you promise your dad, if I may know?” “ I’ll tell you later about that, Jess.” “Okay, Em. But I want you to know I’ll support you. We’ll face this together.” I shook her head. “I don’t want to get you into trouble, Jess. It’s my problem, not yours.” “Well, we’re sisters, remember?” I sighed while hugging myself. “That’s why I don’t want to involve you more. I don’t want to drag you into my muddy world. It’s better if I'm the only one who deals with it.” Then I bent my head. “If they hurt you because of me, I can’t forgive myself.” “But….” “Jess, please promise me you won’t let yourself be in danger or trouble because of me.” Jessica raised her chin and shook her head. “I can’t promise you that. We’re sisters; we should stick together.” “Then I break our sisterhood now.” I stared at Jessica thoughtfully. “You’re now only my friend. That’s all.” “Emerald!” That’s the second time Jessica called me with my actual name, not my shortened name. The first time was when we got to know each other for the first time. I held Jessica’s hand and stared at her with a concerned look. “I’m sorry, Jess. But if our being sisters will give you problems, it’s not what I want. It’s better this way.” Jessica squeezed my hand. “You’re always so stubborn, Em, but I’ll respect your decision. No matter what, we’re still friends.” I smiled a little. “Yes, friends forever.” Jessica repeated it too. “Friends forever.” After the bus arrived at school, Jessica and I walked together to our class. We were only halfway there when we saw Doug and Cherry.  Cherry wore a low-cut red dress that revealed her white and lush breasts. Doug kept staring at those while listening to Cherry.  “So, have you rejected your useless mate?” Cherry asked. “Uh… Sorry? What do you say?” Cherry said, “Men! Just show them some skins; their brains become mushy.” But to Doug, Cherry smiled sweetly and stepped forward to let Doug have a better view of her cleavage. “Emerald, have you broken your bond with her yet?” As if cold water splashed on his head, Doug winced, “No... but I am going to.”  “The last time we met, you said so. Why does it take so long for you to do it?” Cherry’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you like her!” “Of course not! Are you crazy?” Doug snapped, then he scratched his head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I want to push her to break it.” “Why don’t you just break her yourself?” Doug sighed, and then he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’m the next Alpha, you know. As the next Alpha, I can’t break my bond with my mate. My pack won’t trust me enough if they know about it.” “Ah, so it’s the Alpha’s concern.” Cherry tapped her lips with her fingers. “I can help you.” “How?” “From now, let’s show Emerald and others that we’re a couple. I’m hoping you’ll show me off everywhere, especially when we’re at your pack. I want you to treat me as your future Luna.” Doug licked his lips while staring at Cherry’s large and round breasts. “No problem at all!” “If I’m satisfied with how you treat me, I’ll help you. In no time, Emerald will break the bond.”  “Deal, beautiful! Let’s seal our agreement with a kiss, shall we?” As her answer, Cherry pulled Doug’s neck, then kissed him hard on the lips. Doug returned the passion with full force. He hugged Cherry tightly while his hand touched Cherry’s breast. “Hm, soft and dense. I love them.” Cherry whispered hoarsely, “They’re all yours. Show them I’m your future Luna, and I’ll let you taste them even more.” “I will. Don’t worry. From now, all will know you’re mine. After school, let’s visit my pack. I’ll introduce you to my father, the Rainfall Hill Pack’s Alpha.” Cherry grinned, satisfied to hear that. She touched Doug’s left ear softly, then whispered, “After that, you can have me on your bed. Show me how good you’re there.” Doug stared at Cherry with his black eyes. “I can’t wait for that. What if we skip school and visit my pack now?” Cherry laughed while patting Doug’s chest as if she was dealing with a pet. “No, it’s not good. I’ve got a Chemistry quiz today. Be patient. The waiting will be worth it.” “Okay, but I want you to know that I don’t like to be played. If you lie….” Cherry kissed Doug’s lips again to stop him from talking. She caressed his hair while kissing him. Doug kissed her neck and then down to her cleavage.  “I love your scent.” He touched Cherry’s breast again. I was so shocked to see improper public intimacy between Doug and Cherry. My bag fell to the ground with a thud sound.   Cherry raised her head to see Jessica and I stared at Doug and her. “Ah, here they’re, the two pitiful musketeers. What are you doing there? Get lost!” I picked my bag, then walked past them. Jessica followed me. “Eww! Get a room, will you?” Jessica said. “We will,” Cherry replied nonchalantly. After a few seconds, she pushed Doug a little. As if nothing happened, Cherry said, “Emerald! Stop right there! Both of you leave Emerald and me. We need to talk alone.”
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