Chapter 1:39: Keep Things Professional

2268 Words

Regina I lay flat on my back in the bed, which now felt entirely too big and too empty. I had my hands folded over my stomach, which was comfortably stuffed from the chicken dinner. (It was delicious, even though we had to reheat everything.) I could almost imagine the bloat was from the growing baby, instead of a result of me stuffing myself like it was my last meal. But damn, Japheth was a great cook. I wasn’t sure if I should be amused or annoyed by the dog, who now followed me around like a big, harry black shadow. He was currently on the floor beside my bed, snoring softly. He kind of looked like a lumpy bearskin rug. Although I lay perfectly still, my mind was at war with itself. I wanted to get away from Japheth, and at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to crawl in

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