Chapter 1:38: Relationship Blunders

1326 Words

Regina I was floating in a very strange dream. A rough, strong hand was stroking my hair, trailing its fingers through the strands slowly, again and again. My pillow was warm and firm, and my hand was pressed against a firm wall of muscle. I was both incredibly relaxed, and slightly aroused. A familiar masculine scent had engulfed me. I sighed and reluctantly rolled to my back, breaking the magical spell of the dream. I expected to hit another pillow, or else the soft mattress. Instead, my elbow cracked against something hard, and my pillow grunted. That startled me enough to lift my heavy eyelids. The room was awash in the soft yellow glow of the bedside lamp, and my warm firm pillow was a very solid and very real man. I blinked up at Japheth in confusion. “What…what are you

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