Chapter 1:5: Remember This Moment

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Regina I might have had a bit too much to drink. It was like a dream, being in Japheth’s arms again. He was so strong, so sure, I didn’t even stop to consider that I was twenty or thirty pounds heavier than the last time he carried me to bed. It was amazing that he still looked at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world, regardless of the stretch marks and the love handles. Of course, Japheth still looked like god. His skin was evenly bronzed by the sun until it reached his waist. From there downwards it was a few shades lighter. He was all lean muscle that my fingers practically ached to get reacquainted with. My brain was a little sluggish and a little foggy, but I wasn’t so drunk that I didn’t know what was happening. I was very sure that this was exactly what I wanted. When he settled himself in the middle of my legs, I wondered how on earth I had ever survived five long years without feeling the heat of his body. God, I missed this. I missed him. I had missed the way he knew my body inside and out, and with no effort at all, he could play me like a finally tuned instrument. He knew just where to touch, just how to stroke, exactly where to kiss, when to be gentle and when to be rough. Within seconds, he had me panting with desperation, my whole body practically vibrating with the most intense need I had ever felt. It was like he had taken five years of repressed s.exual need and set it on fire. I just wanted him inside me, but he insisted on trailing his fingers all over my body. His hot mouth found my n.ipple and started to suck with so much force that the sensation teetered on the boundary between pleasure and pain. Exactly the way I wanted it. I arched my back off the bed, and clutched his head against my breast, holding him there. While his tongue continued to circle my n.ipple, his fingers slid up my thigh and then cupped my center, rubbing against me rhythmically, creating just enough friction to drive me crazy, but not nearly enough to satisfy me. Not until his fingers parted my fold and slipped into my center, which was already slick and ready for his invasion. He wet his fingers in my fluid and then used it to lubricate my clit, circling it with the utmost gentleness and care. “Jeff, damnit,” I tugged at his hair and lifted my hips imploringly. He released my n.ipple from his mouth, and I thought, finally, finally he was going to slide inside me. He reared back, and I spread my knees to welcome him. But instead of getting inside, he lowered his face, and caught my sensitive nub between his lips. A cry that sounded more animal than human was wrenched from my throat as he began to suck with the same level of intensity that he had previously lavished on my breasts. At least we were in a hotel room, which I hoped was fairly soundproof. Even if it wasn’t, who cared? It was the middle of the afternoon, the next rooms were probably unoccupied, and even if they were, who cared? I was having a blissful moment, buzzed enough from the two and a half piña coladas that I had lost my inhibitions, but not so drunk that I was unaware of myself. I definitely wanted to remember this moment. He slipped his fingers inside, first two, and then three, pumping in rhythm to his deep kisses. The orgasm that split me apart felt like it was an earthquake that had been five years in the making. My body clenched around his fingers as my heels dug into the bed. While I was still quaking, he sat up, removed his fingers, and lined up at my entrance. He pushed his way inside with a low, satisfied groan. “Oh man, Reggie,” his words were slightly breathless. “You are so tight.” Of course, I was tight. It had been ages since I had been with any man, and none of the men I had been with could hold a candle to Japheth’s manhood. He stretched me and filled me in a way that no one else had ever been able to accomplish. He began to pull out, very slowly, and then push back in. It was agonizing, going so slowly. “Damn it, Jeff,” I grumbled, thrashing my head back and forth on the pillow. “Give me more!” He grinned at me. That heart-melting c.ock-sure smile that made me want to kiss him and slap him simultaneously. Since I couldn’t reach him to do either, I did the next best thing. I gritted my teeth and clenched my kegel muscles around his shaft. I was out of practice, for sure, but I still had enough strength to pull a deep, guttural groan from Japheth. “Jeezus, Reggie, you’re going to kill me,” he said between gritted teeth. But he got the message, and he knew exactly what I wanted. He situated himself and then grabbed my knees, pushing them backwards as he began to thrust in earnest, letting go of his iron self-control, letting go of everything except the need to satisfy himself - and satisfy me in the process. “Yesss,” I hissed, bracing myself against the headboard. We were making the hotel bed squeak in protest as it rocked underneath us. His muscles were glistening with sweat, and my breasts were swaying wildly in time with his motion. He grunted as he pressed deeper, and I moaned loudly. “Regina,” he could barely gasp out my name. I love you so much… That’s what he used to say, back when we were married, and for all the years before we made it official. I love you so much and You are mine forever. This time he didn’t say the words, and I was glad. It would ruin the moment and complicate everything. Because we had fallen out of love, and I wasn’t his forever. I was only his for that moment. “Regina.” He was getting close. I could tell by the strain in his voice, and the way the tendons were bulging in his neck. “You are so beautiful. I’ve missed you so much.” He moaned, low and deep and began to move faster, almost frantically. I closed my eyes, shutting away any memories of the past that threatened to invade this sacred moment. Instead, I focused on the feelings, the physical sensation of him moving deep inside of me, the feeling of him slamming against my cervix that wasn’t exactly pleasurable, but was satisfying nonetheless. The feeling of his hot hands bracing against my knees. I wanted to capture this feeling, and hold it forever. I felt the waves of pleasure building again, one on top of the other. “Japheth,” I gasped, peeling my eyes open so that I could look into the hazel depths of his. “Don’t stop. I’m going to come again.” I saw him set his teeth in determination. He let go of my knees, letting my legs relax back down, and leaned his whole body over mine, bracing on his arms. I was able to grab hold of his shoulders then, and lift my hips to meet him thrust for thrust. I was able to peer deep into his gaze, into the windows of his soul, and see the man I once loved lurking there. A primal scream was ripped from my lips when I came the second time. This time I had no control over the clenching of my inner walls, and I pulled Japheth over with me. He gave a wild sounding cry too, as he stiffened and released. I could feel the hot flush of his seed deep inside as his member convulsed. Moment’s later, he collapsed on top of me, practically smothering me with his weight. Japheth was still inside of me. He kissed the top of my forehead, and then held onto me as he rolled, so that we ended up side by side. He brushed my hair back away from my sweaty forehead, and smiled at me again. Not a cocky smile this time, but a soft, sweet one that made my chest ache in a strange, yet familiar way. “Regina…” He whispered my name again, and then his curling eyelashes drifted closed. Within minutes, his breathing had become shallow and uneven. I squirmed away from him, parting the intimate connection of our bodies so that I could go use the bathroom and clean up. I came back into the room, and stood at the side of the bed, naked. My core was still throbbing from our love-making, and my skin felt ultra sensitive. His eyes opened for a moment, and his lips lifted again in a half, sleepy smile. “Come back to bed, Reggie,” he mumbled. “We’ll figure everything out later…” His sentence ended with a soft snore. “No, we won't,” I said quietly. He didn’t stir again. I went around the room, retrieving my clothes and pulling them back on. It took me awhile to find my left shoe, because somehow the pump had landed behind the dresser. I hopped around on one foot as I pulled it on. The nylons I wadded up and stuffed in the trash can. My head was starting to throb as I went back to the bed to have a good long, last look at him. He was so buff and brawny, and yet, he looked so vulnerable in his sleep. I wanted to brush his hair back and smooth out his brow, and kiss those lips one last time. “This was a mistake,” I whispered, more to myself than to my sleeping ex-husband. I turned back to the door and opened it, and almost tripped over something in the hall. I looked down and realized it was my laptop case. I’d dropped it in the hall and had completely forgotten it when he scooped me up to carry me into the room. I sighed and bent to pick it up. The action of bending down made my head want to explode with pain and pressure. The door clicked shut behind me. On impulse, I turned to open it again, but the locking mechanism blinked red. Of course, it had locked automatically, and I didn’t have the key card. It was like the universe was seconding my decision to walk away.
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