Chapter 1:4: Last Chance

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Japheth I must be dreaming. There was no way this could really be happening. She couldn’t be here in my arms again, soft, willing, eager and excited. But she was. And I was fully awake. If there was any doubt, she cleared it when she stepped on my foot with her heels as we struggled to get through the door. It hurt like bloody hell, but I squashed down the urge to groan out loud. I didn't want to do anything to spoil the moment. Instead, I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way to the bed, dumping her rather unceremoniously on the side as I reached for the offending shoes and yanked them off, throwing them back in the direction of the door. One hit the wall with a thud, but I hardly noticed. All my attention was on her. It was like I had been living in a drought for five long years. My heart was parched, my soul was bone-dry, and she was there, like a fresh spring bubbling up in a ravished landscape. It didn’t seem like there were five years separating us, it seemed like only yesterday. I leaned down to kiss her lips again, and she took advantage of my position to yank the brand-new expensive suit coat off my shoulders, pushing it down until it was dangling from my wrists. I had to let go of her in order to strip it the rest of the way off, and then I tossed it carelessly to the floor. I wanted to tell Regina to slow down. It had been so long, and I wanted to savor every sensation with her. I wanted to make the moment last. But at the same time, I was afraid that if I delayed her at all, she would change her mind and walk away, and walk out of my life, forever. Again. Her fingers worked over my dress shirt, but her fingers couldn’t seem to manage the small buttons. With a growl of frustration, she simply ripped the shirt apart, causing buttons to pop off and fly all over the room. There went my good shirt for my cousin's wedding. The vague thought came and went just as quickly. Her fingers found my skin, and I forgot everything else except the exquisite touch of her hands. She was like a potter, shaping each part of my body, sculpting it, tracing it, seeming to memorize my shape with her fingertips. I knew her touch, and she knew my body. She knew how sensitive my n.ipples were, and how ticklish I was along my ribs. I gave her a second to play, and then it was my turn to undress her. I never would have guessed a business suit could be sexy, but hot-damn she pulled it off. Just the sight of her breasts straining against silky fabric under her blazer had me imagining all kinds of naughty office fantasies. “Take it off for me, Reggie…” I held my breath, wondering if she was going to shake herself out of this daze of desire and refuse. But instead she let go of my body, and propped herself up on her knees on the bed. She swayed a little, and then reached for the buttons on her blazer, undoing them slowly, her amber eyes watching me keenly as she slid open the lapels and shrugged them off. What I had thought was a blouse was actually just a lacy cream-colored camisole. Her skin was very pale, like a glass of cold milk. When we were kids she was always honey-brown from long hours in the sun, usually with stark white tan-lines. I leaned down and kissed the curve of her neck, the juncture where her neck curved into her shoulder, wondering if she would still shiver with delight when my teeth scraped lightly across the spot. She did. There was something magical about rediscovering all her secret erogenous places. The tender spot behind her ear still made her moan, and when I opened her arm and pressed my lips against her inner elbow, she sucked in a sharp breath. So familiar, so precious. I reached for the hem of the silky shell, and lifted it over her breasts. She lifted her arms like a child and let me slip it up and off her head. I tossed it aside and feasted on the sight of her. Her curves were more generous than I remembered, but I loved it. Even her breasts seemed larger and fuller, as I measured them in my palms. They seemed to be straining to escape from the lacy black bra. “You are as beautiful as ever,” I murmured, as I reached behind her to find the snaps. She grumbled something unintelligible and reached for my fly. She had the clasp undone and the zipper down before I managed to free her from the bra. She shoved the trousers off my hips and then sat back on her heels to examine her handiwork. The frank feminine appreciation in her eyes only made me grow harder. My c.ock was already straining against my boxers, begging to come out. Finally, I got the last hook loose, and I was able to free the straps from her shoulders. She shrugged it the rest of the way off, revealing her pale breasts with dark, dusky n.ipples. She was so pale that I could see the delicate blue lines of her veins just under the skin, and her n.ipples puckered under my gaze, either from the rush of cool air, or the rush of her desire. Either way, she was perfect, and I was eager to taste those delicious buds again. I was about to lean over her, but she pushed me back, and reached for her skirt. It had a zip in the back that somehow she managed to reach behind herself and undo. Then she shimmied her way out of it, falling off her knees in the process. It wasn’t graceful, but it was appealing in her eagerness. She couldn’t wait to be naked. She couldn’t wait to be joined together once again. She fell back on the pillows, wearing nothing but a pair of black lacy panties. They sat high on her hips, but dipped low in the front, barely covering her natural mound. Her eyes were glued to my boxers, as she licked her plump lips. “Jeff,” she said, her voice low and sultry. “Take them off.” “You don’t want to take them off for me?” She shook her head, and propped herself up on her elbows to watch, as I freed my erection and pushed my boxer shorts down my thighs, and finally kicked them off into an unknown corner. Her eyebrows lifted in silent approval, and I grinned. She still liked what she saw. I knew that most ladies appreciated what I had to offer, but with Regina, it had always hit differently. I had always felt like she saw me from the inside out. She knew my deepest, darkest secrets and insecurities, and she still wanted me, just the same. I wasn't just a pretty-boy package for her to unwrap. She reached her arms out to me, in a silent invitation, and I crawled onto the bed, climbing slowly into the familiar and comfortable cradle of her thighs. When I leaned over her body to kiss her, I could still taste the faint hints of coconut and rum. But when I looked into her amber eyes, they seemed clear and lucid. “Last chance to back out, baby-girl,” I offered, still hoping and praying that she wouldn’t. “If you want me to stop, tell me now.”
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