34. Don't act innocent

3000 Words

"Your highness, it's not really anything serious. Some of the workers have a misconception about having some spirits on the sixth floor of the castle. The last night, one of the maids was passing by outside in the storm on the way to the servant's quarter, has seen a shadow or something floating on that floor."  The soldier who was with them spoke out finally. That floor is very dusty, and now it's damn for the last night's storm. That's why he came to tell them to clean that floor, but to his dismay, none of the maids were ready to go to that floor, thinking that floor was haunted. Although they have many reasons to say it, the head maid, supervisors, guards don't believe in them, instead, accuse them of them, lazing around in their work. He paled as Prince Keiran asked, "Why did they sa

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