15. Stay with me

2600 Words
Keiran couldn't speak anything. He was sitting on his chair like a statue. He never thought to see that girl in that appearance. He used to have a hard time suppressing his desire even when she was in baggy clothes, undone messy hair. In that gown and a little makeup, she looked complete seductress to him.  His intense gaze was fixed on her from the beginning. His gaze didn't weaver for even a second. The hall was many guests, but the only person he could see was Aileen, loses herself in the world of melody.  The way she was playing her Cello, looked professional as if she was trained for many years. He was jealous over that Cello. He wished it was him to whom she was holding, not that object, Cello.  He gritted his teeth, seeing all of the unmated males and the creatures in that hall, staring at Aileen with surprise and adoration and lust. There were two other females were playing, yet he felt like all of their eyes on Aileen only. He wanted to mark his territory on her, let others know she was his and no one else.  He saw them playing for a while, and then there started the ball dance. All of the princes and princess, walked in the middle of the ball, danced with their partners. "Do you three know them all?"  It was their aunt who was staring that her nephews in astonishment. Their eyes fixed on the three girls, staring at them with different emotions in their eyes. She wondered if it was what she was thinking it is.  Keiran's expression darkened when a duke asked for a dance with Aileen, who accepted that without any hesitation. They both walked in the middle of the ballroom and did the couple dance with her. He was burning in rage seeing the way she was smiling and blushing in that duke's arms. How dare you, dove?  He left his seat and walked directly at Aileen who was oblivious of him taking steps toward her.  Aileen was having a good time in the ball. To the person she was dancing, was a human. He was a passionate guy, telling things that were bringing blushes on her cheeks. "You can be a poet, you know," The duke smiled at her. "You like it... I can be one if you stay beside me when I write a poem about you," He was wooing her, and she knew that, yet she liked the way he talks and makes her blush profusely.  He twirled her around once, he brought her closer to him, telling her, "I don't think I can stop writing poems about you. You have no idea how many lines I have formed in my mind," Aileen laughed softly to hear him. He was a duke, yet has no ill-temper and arrogance in him. He even writes sonnet and poem in leisure.  "Tell me the lines you  - " She was interrupted by a familiar voice suddenly said, "Leave her now,"  Her body stiffened as her mind registered the voice that she dreaded.  As soon as her brown eyes met with cold red eyes, she shuddered in fear.  His beast was on the surface, may do anything to anyone who will come between him and her. She did feel his intense gaze on her since the time she stepped into the ballroom.  She avoided it, believing he would get the hint that she didn't to go any conversation with him, but he approached her, pushed that duke away before pulling her to him, snaking his hand around her waist.  She looked at the duke, her dancing partner, saw him walking away from there to the stage, to take his seat beside the other guest. Her eyes were searching for her girls, a wince escaped from her lips getting a pinch on her waist, made her looked back to prince Keiran who was staring down at her with scarlet eyes.  "Wha- ?" She wanted to know what his problem was. From the time they have met on that campus, he kept bothering her with or without any reason.  He accused her as a terrorist, threatened her with Jane, and even barged into her room, touched her like she was his property before she could say no.  She thought to ignore him in their own ceremony, but he- he was like he can't keep himself away from her. It was not like he liked her, but it was for him to trouble her, indulging her with sinful things his mind wants to do on her.  "Don't," His warning tone and monstrous eyes sent chills down her spine.  He pushed her a little and twirled her around, pulled her, and her back bumped into his hard chest.  Her eyes shut instantly as his warmth engulfed her and her mind turned chaotic, inhaling his scent around her.  His hand was resting on her belly, and his mouth dipped on her bare shoulder, swinging their body back and forth, back and forth on the dance floor. They felt it was only them on the dance floor and no one else. Her breath hitched to his claim, "I don't share what's mine, dove. Try it, you will see the worse of me,"  She was never scared of anything in her life, but he was scaring her. She was scared of him for many reasons. With his single touch, she melts like ice, and her heartbeat increases.  His intense gaze gives a butterfly in her stomach, weakling her knees. With his whisper to her ear, her body temperature increases, and her core throb in wanton in sinful desire for him. She shouldn't feel like this toward him. To punish herself, she went to fight with her demons in hell. Her wounds were still fresh, yet her body responded to his touch and accepted submission to him.  No, you can't accept this. She scolded herself, prying his grip to leave the invisible cage that he formed around her. His iron grip was making that impossible for her to escape from him. Her breathing escalated.  "Leave me," Her tone was low, yet sharp, he heard that clear even in the music, and the chaos around the whole ballroom. His expression darkened and his grip tightened around her even more.  "There has no escape, dove," She shivered in his dark and determined tone.  How can he sound so dangerously passionate to her? She was confused. Suddenly a gust of wind hit her and before she knew it, Keiran took her somewhere in with his teleportation power.  ~ ~ ~  Their intimacy didn't go unnoticed by Keiran's aunt, to the King, and the mother-daughter duo, Tiffany, and Princess Mariel who clenched her fists to both sides of her. Her mother sent her to the dance floor when she saw prince Keiran and the other princes, walking toward the center of the ballroom. Before she could have a chance to get closer to Keiran, her steps halted to see him holding a Cello player in his arms. In the way, he was looking at her, Mariel's eyes darkened. Those eyes of hers were holding hatred and jealousy for her only. Her evil mind was planning how to eliminate that girl who dared to take her place in Prince Keiran's arms. Ignoring all the princes, dukes who were asking for a dance with them, she returned to her seat, stared down the floor in anger. "Who is that girl, mother? I don't want to see her in this land,"  Mariel's expression was extremely cold. She didn't mask her real look as most of the guests were on the dance floor or went to the buffet section of the Royal Ballroom. Everyone was used to seeing her as a vulnerable and unfortunate woman. They used to pity that queen who lost her beloved husband and has to raise her daughter, princess Mariel, along with handling their Kingdom on her own.  No one believed that an innocent woman like her could be so evil in her mind. She looked at her daughter, assured her, "My dear daughter, didn't I tell you before that he will be yours? She must be one of Prince's w.hores. You'll be the queen of the Vampire King. How do you feel threatened by that poor girl like her?" "Mother, what if that girl turns out to be his lover? She is a human. They are looking for a human suitor for Prince Keiran. But I am not a - " Her mother narrowed her gaze at her that made her mouth shut.  "Don't ever say that who you are, Princess Mariel," Her mother warned her, fixing her pitch-black eyes on her. "If they find it out someday, I will take care of it for you. For now, you behave and impress the King and the next king on the line." Mariel was not going to let anyone ruin her plan so easily. She has been waiting for this day for years. No matter what happens, she would make Prince Keiran marry her daughter soon.  King Jerrick was stunned to see his son indulging with a human girl, not caring about anyone there.  Even though he didn't have a good relationship with his sons, he knew many things about them. It surprised him to see Keiran forcing himself on that girl and took her away from that royal ballroom.  "Now I am hoping you will not think to force anyone to your son, my dear brother-in-law," The King looked at his side, saw the witch, Arabella, was standing beside his throne. He stared at her blankly that gave her a hint that the King was interested to listen to her, wanting to know what she meant by that.  "Do you mean she is his soulmate?" He looked at her questioningly. Arabella didn't answer his right way.  Her eyes searched for her other two nephews, saw them dancing with the other two friends of that painter girl. "Let's leave that in them. That's what I want from you." She looked at him, told him calmly, "It is my sister's last wish. I am going to involve myself in their life even if you are totally against it,"  The King stayed quiet, fixed his gaze to the ballroom. ~ ~ ~  "Why did you bring me here?" Aileen looked at him, confused. She looked at her surrounding, saw she was standing on the hilltop. She took a few steps back as she was close to the edge of the hill.  The cold breeze was blowing, making rustling sounds, passing by the wood. It was not snowing, and the was clear. Moon and stars in the sky were the only light that cut the darkness of that area.  "Who gave you the right to hurt yourself?" She flinched when his cold voice echoed the whole place. She turned at her side, saw him standing close to her. "What?" She frowned at him, didn't hear him at first.  He took a threatening step to her, stated to her through his teeth, "You have bruises and deep cuts all over your body. I still get the scent of your blood from you. How did you get them?" He demanded an answer.  He didn't forget the last time visit with her in her room. He changed her dressing on his own. How could he possibly forget those cuts so fast? That was one of the main reasons he brought her out of that ballroom.  Aileen looked stunned. "How  -  " She stopped on her track. Her eyes widened when the realization hit her. That night she felt weird things happening with her. She even saw bite marks on her skin. So that wasn't a dream that I felt him on me! Glaring at him, She demanded, "Did you come to my room that night?"  "Why wouldn't I?" He looked at her challengingly. His eyes were glinting with mischief, but his face was expressionless and his jaw was as sharp as concrete. His lips curled, showing his arrogant smirk to her.  "You- " She raised her hand, was about to smack on his face, stopped by Keiran, who grabbed hand fast and pulled her to him forcibly. A yelp escaped from her mouth as her chest bumped into his chest hard.  Keiran took a sharp intake when her soft chest collided with him. He could felt her hardening picks clear against his chest, clear. A wild desire rushed through him, made him want to tear her gown, latch his mouth, gaze his teeth on them. He wanted to do more, worshiping her perfect body, invading her to give her pain in pleasure. But he couldn't do those things to her, not at least at that moment.  As he opened his eyes, his gaze fell on her, saw her blazing eyes on him. He smirked at her, mischief, telling her with a soft yet firm tone, "The time your hand will land on me, I will take you as my bride."  Her eyes widened, gave him a look of disbelief that made him laugh at her huskily. "These hands would be tied with the bedpost every night to take you on my own will. Do you want to be my bride, dove?" That was nothing compared with the things he has stored in his mind for her, yet she was shivering in his hold.  He left her hand and took a step back from her. "Now do it," His tone was low and deep, made her heartbeat increased surprisingly high. He knew what her answer would be, quite predictable from her truly. She hated him. She would never do that, not even in her unconscious state.  He came to his previous state, mocked her provokingly, "What? Scared, are we?"        She wasn't scared but was quite opposite of that. She still couldn't find the reason for him bringing her to that place. She didn't want to stay there anymore. So, she tilted her chin high, told him, "I am leaving,"  She turned around, walked out of that place, without caring about her darkness and of her not being familiar with that place. Keiran didn't look bothered by her ignorance of him. He knew she was going to come back to him anyway. He smirked at turned his gaze to the edge of the hill, stared at the view calmly.  Aileen didn't even get to take five steps toward the wood, she bumped into something hard and stumbled back. She knitted her brow in confusion and again tried to walk toward the front only to bump into a wall again.  Something came over her mind and that made her lift her hand and knocked on the air and she heard the sound! It didn't take much time for her to return to him, and asked him accusingly, "What spell did you cast to build an invisible wall around this whole place?" He did that for protection purposes and also for privacy.  Only they could see who was standing outside the wall, and there has no other way around.  Without saying anything, he sat on the ground with his eyes fixed on the front view. She stared at him in rage, didn't expect him to take her so lightly. "I want to go - "  "Stay with me for a while and we will go back to the time we have left from the ballroom," He sounded serious when he told that to her. "You can't go back on your own as we are not in Northland," 
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