38. We two are good now

2900 Words

Keiran entered inside a room and saw Knox stirred on the bed, sat up to see him coming to see him.  "I am sorry. I- " Keiran's hands fisted to his sides. " - I almost - " He was having a hard to even say that he almost pushed his little brother to death. His eyes shifted to their other brother, Karter, who was staring outside the window, staring at the forest with his back was faced to them. Karter wasn't supposed to be there. He returned early from his work after getting the news of the last night's incident. He made it as early as possible, thinking his help might be needed there somehow. Luckily he came to that cottage first, used his power to heal Knox to whom he saw with Keiran.  "You told me to leave you, twice," Knox spoke softly. "It was me who desperately wanted you back,"  Hi

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