Chapter 8: The Spirit Plane

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Hannah’s POV Abigail and I sat on the school grounds, near one of the fountains. I allowed my fingers to lazily touch the surface of the water, swishing back and forth to form ripples. Abigail lay on her back on a bench nearby, talking to her father on her cellphone. I couldn’t understand a word of what they were speaking because they spoke in her father’s tribal language. She abruptly clicked the phone shut and turned to look at me. “Hannah?” she asked warily. I looked up waiting for her to ask me what she wanted. “Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?” “We have all of next year to decide.” I replied. “What’s the rush?” So yeah, I am a procrastinator. I have never ever been driven to overachieve like Abigail. Abigail bit her lip before speaking. “I’ve been offered a summer internship with the Council under the condition I join as a volunteer member before my senior year starts.” “I don’t understand why they start recruiting us so early.” I complained. “Just to brainwash us, I bet.” “The pay is good after I become inducted, which would be after senior year.” Abigail replied. “The work is for a noble cause…” She trailed off as if to ask me if her train of thought was right. I laughed at the word ‘noble’.  “Just a bunch of power hungry officials looking to extend their jurisdiction.” I replied bitterly. c*****g my head to the side, I stared at Abigail before choosing my next words carefully. “Have they asked you to act as envoy to your father’s tribe as part of this ‘internship’?” Abigail looked at me a little surprised, moving to sit up on the bench. “They just want some basic information. My father says I should do it. He's already a vital part of the Council. He finds it exciting that I might follow in his footsteps.” “If-If you truly believe in their cause, go for it.” Hannah finally replied. “Don’t just do something for job security or for your parents.” Abigail clasped her fingers together in her lap, fidgeting slightly. “Take some time to think about it.” I said kindly. “You know, they are sending Griffin that way as well.” Abigail said quickly. “He’s going to try and recruit some werewolf packs in Africa.” I looked at her startled. “You’ve spoken to Griffin about this?” Abigail nodded. “Rafe’ as well.” Her cheeks pinkened a little at the mention of his name. Maybe I should be a little offended that no one included me in this aforementioned conversation? “What did they say?” I inquired. Abigail shrugged her shoulders. “Basically the same as you. I need to be sure I believe in the cause before joining up because sometimes they ask things of us which could be…difficult to execute unless you are entirely sure it’s for the greater good.” I laughed a little bitterly. So like those two... they want to be superheroes working towards the greater good. More like a bunch of misguided superheroes. If you ask me, they could to a lot more for the greater good, if they weren’t shackled to the Council. “And Rafe’ being in the Council has no influence over your decision whatsoever?” I pressed. Abigail looked at me a little abashed as well as surprised. “You’re my best friend Abby. You think I wouldn’t catch the way you become so flustered when he’s around?” I was a little surprised myself at how easily I took it in stride. For the record, I didn’t feel even a single ounce of jealousy or anger. In fact, I didn’t feel the same flutter of butterflies like before whenever I saw Rafe’. At some point, things had shifted, whether it was because the dynamics of our relationship had changed or because for some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about a certain self-proclaimed evil wizard, well that still remained to be deduced.  Abby looked down at the ground. “I knew he was off limits.” Abigail murmured. “I’m sorry Hannah,  you've been crushing on him forever! I just can’t help it. That night at the vampire party… things got a little intense. We—“ “Wait, what? Something happened?” I hadn’t expected this. I just thought it was a natural evolution of feelings. I definitely didn’t expect to be happy for my friend and my longtime crush to be forming feelings for one another. “It doesn’t matter.” Abigail went on quickly. “He doesn’t feel that way about me at all. It was just a heat of the moment thing.” “How can you be so sure?” I countered back. Abigail looked down at the ground as if trying to decide whether to tell me something. “Abigail…” I warned. “Don’t leave me hanging here.” “He told me he likes someone else.” Abigail rushed the words out of her mouth like word vomit. I looked at her a little stunned. Actually, I felt angry. Trying to analyze my feelings, I realized I felt outraged on behalf of my friend. “What a creep.” I finally proclaimed. “If you ask me, he’s missing out. You’re gorgeous Abigail. Any boy in his right mind would be crazy not to want you.” Abigail looked at me, her mouth agape in surprise. I raised an eyebrow inquiringly. “I’m just surprised how well you’re taking all this.” Abigail finally spoke. I shrugged, turning to look over the grounds. I straightened a bit when I saw Joseph walking towards me. He had offered to tutor me in magical theory. I had begrudgingly agreed. I wasn’t a fan of the subject but for some reason, I’d agree to anything if it meant getting to spend time with him. “Yeah well, let’s just say I have bigger fish to fry.” I finally spoke up, eyes trained on Joseph. I beckoned him closer when he stopped, not wanting to come close and interrupt the conversation between us. Abigail’s eyes lit up in understanding as she saw me staring at Joseph nearing us. She looked at Joseph a little warily as he nodded towards her in greeting.   “Will you be okay out here alone?” Abigail finally ventured, taking the hint and getting up to leave. Joseph laughed at her. “I won’t eat her.” He promised, holding his hands up. Then with a wicked grin added- “ at least not all of her.” Abigail gasped at his lewd comment while I elbowed his side. I smiled in satisfaction when he grunted a little in pain. Guess my strength training was paying off. “Ass.” I shot at him. “I know you like it.” Was his naughty reply. I rolled my eyes and caught the apprehensive look in Abigail’s eyes. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell the Paw Patrol about this.” Joseph signaled to Abigail, motioning between the two of us. “You’ve been awfully chatty with them lately and they’re already looking at me as if I’m the devil incarnate.” “Paw Patrol?” Abigail inquired. I gave Joseph a smack on the shoulder for that comment. “Don’t call Rafe’ and Griffin that!” I exclaimed. Joseph laughed uproariously. “Oh but you know I am right. They like to save everyone and they're dogs.” I glared at him trying my best not to crack a smile. “How do you know I’ve been hanging around them lately?” Abigail challenged. “I’m observant.” Joseph replied, tapping the side of his temple. “And smart.” “Not to mention modest.” I scoffed. Abigail shook her head, taking in the synchrony between us. She had never seen the both of us interact  recently. I could tell she thought it super weird considering we had started the year off in a wizard's duel.  “I’ll see you later, Hannah. Call me if you need anything.” With that, Abigail turned and left. I could see she was not happy about leaving me with Joseph. Joseph on the other hand, grabbed my hand, pulling me further towards a clearing on the grounds and away from the gardens. We walked until we were quite far from the school. “Let’s get started.” He said. I began to pull my books from my bag but he put a hand over mine to stop me. “We’re not going to study magical theory through books. We’re going to apply it practically. Roll up your sleeves and take a swig of your energy drink, Red. It’s time you learned to be a true witch.” A little excited and a little skeptical, I began to listen as he spoke, showing me how he applied energy in varying intensities to get the desired results. About an hour later, I was huffing and puffing, trying to exert any remnants of magical energy. Joseph laughed as he saw me straining. “An hour? Is that your limit, Red? You need to build your stamina.” “Bet the girls tell you that all the time.” I retorted angrily. The ass laughed even louder at my retort. He was next to me in an instant, leaning close to my ear. “Care to find out, Red?” he whispered almost lustily. I jerked back, trying to tell myself I was imagining things. He was just trying to get me flustered.  “Stop trying to be funny and let me concentrate.” I replied, a sheen of sweat had formed on my forehead. I tried to form the correct hand sign but Joseph’s hand suddenly clamped down over mine. He contorted my fingers so that they were slightly bent and not outstretched. “Less energy means you need to bend your fingers.” He said, his voice still right by my ear. I instinctively leaned into him. His arm came to rest around my waist. My breathing was a little shallow. “Now.” He said and I concentrated. A flare of light crackled to life in the middle of my palm. I smiled in triumph and enjoyed the tingles in my body as Joseph’s hand caressed my hip lightly in approval. The light faded from my hands as I leaned against him, exhausted yet enjoying the warmth emanating from him. If only I had the courage to turn into him and kiss him.  “Think you can write that essay now?” he inquired, tightening his grip around me. Nodding against his shoulder, I felt something stir inside of me. I felt a spark of magic flare inside of my core but just as suddenly, it was gone. It was like a memory or a feeling of a memory on the edges of my consciousness. Trying to tap into it, a pounding headache suddenly overtook me. “Aaahhh!” I let out a moan of pain, clutching my forehead. If Joseph hadn’t held me up with both arms around me, I would have fallen. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Images of someone burning at the stake assaulted me as a searing hot pain flashed in my brain. I clutched my head and could feel Joseph cursing as he settled me against a tree. He tried to move away from me but the instant his touch was gone, I reached out a hand to grab him. “I’m here, I’m here.” He spoke up, next to me again. He was holding a bottle of water to my lips “Drink this. I think we overdid it.” The images stopped and the pain began to recede slowly. I drank the offered water, leaning into him. My eyes were closed and I began to drift into a state of semi-unconsciousness. I could hear his panicked voice cajoling me, fingers patting my cheeks to stay awake. It was all futile because I felt myself drifting away. When I opened my eyes next, I was standing in an unknown grassy area. It was dark and a corporeal figure stood in front of me. The angular planes of her face, sharp and shrewd as if everything she did was a calculating gesture. Right now, she was smiling at me. Her ethereal body was levitating off the ground. I looked around with wide eyes. Where was I? 
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