Chapter 7: The Confiscated Cellphone

2729 Words
Hannah’s POV My cellphone’s vibration woke me up. I blinked my eyes groggily hoping no one had noticed that I had dozed off during Magical Theory class. Satisfied that I was safe, I bent down to check my phone. No wonder you’re barely passing this class, Red. I grit my teeth as my gaze swung towards Joseph sitting in a corner of the room behind our teacher. He was the TA for this class. His scores were off the charts in magical theory and he had recently volunteered, saying it would look good on his college applications after graduating. We can’t all have expensive tutors hired by rich daddy dearest. I typed smugly. I sneaked a glance his way with a smirk as I saw him read my text. My cellphone vibrated again. Most of us prefer to stay awake for Mr. Warren’s lectures. I scowled at him. He gave me a triumphant smile, knowing he’d won this round. My phone vibrated again. You look cute when you’re angry.  I felt my face turn flaming red. Groaning inwardly, I tried to resist the urge to look at my phone when it vibrated again. I lost that battle. Now you look even cuter. “Care to share with the rest of us why you’re using your cellphone and breaking school rules?” Mr. Warren’s cutting question made me look up at him guiltily. He was standing directly in front of my desk with a disappointed face. “Hannah—“ he began solemnly, holding out his hand for the offending device. “—you know the rules.” Knowing that it was useless to argue, I handed my phone over after locking it. Folding my arms sullenly, I looked up at Mr. Warren as if to ask why he was still standing over my desk. “It wouldn’t hurt to pay attention.” He murmured sincerely so that no one else could hear him. “Your grades need improvement in my class Hannah. You need to improve your grip on the base material.” I simply shrugged defiantly, not meeting my teachers eyes. I knew he was right, I was just too stubborn to admit it. Mr. Warren slowly walked away and resumed his lecture. I didn’t miss how Joseph was handed my phone for safekeeping. With any luck, he would be the one assigned to go put the phone in the admin office. The rules clearly stated that if any student was caught with their cellphones during class, the phone would be confiscated by the teacher and delivered to the admin office cellphone collection bin where the students could come pick up their cellphones at the end of the school day. I hoped Joseph would just give me the phone after class. When the signal for end of class went off, I began walking towards him. He was standing outside, going through some papers. I stopped all of a sudden when Laura jumped him from behind. I rolled my eyes watching as he turned and slid his arms around her waist. She leaned towards his ear, saying something which was probably sexy and scandalous at the same time. I did not want to go to him when his arm candy was with him. I guess I’d just have to wait until the end of classes today to get my phone. Suddenly, Joseph caught my eye and said something to Laura before untangling himself from her. He began to walk towards me. Surprised that he would even acknowledge me in front of anyone from his crew, I stood there hoping he would give me my cellphone back. “Hey sleeping beauty.” Joseph teased. I could see Laura behind him looking a little upset. I looked at Joseph expectantly. He ruffled through some papers and finally handed me one. It was a big fat D on my Magical Theory quiz. “Mr. Warren’s right. You really need to improve your grades in his class.” Looking at Joseph testily, my voice was sharp. “I don’t need another lecture. I need my phone back.”  I had heard this lecture a million times. Abigail wasn’t even in this class, she was in the advanced level class but always tried to lecture me to study harder when it came to this subject.   Joseph broke into a grin. “Uh-uh.” He wagged his finger. “I can’t break the rules for you Red.” Since when has he ever followed rules? Seriously, this boy is going to make me murder him. He began to laugh as he noticed my mounting frustration. Simply walking away, he took Laura’s hand and left me fuming, holding my quiz with a D on it. I felt like an i***t. I probably was an i***t. I had a D in Magical Theory. Magical Theory was the basis for all our spells. It’s in this class that we learned the system behind the spells we cast. For example, if we wanted to create fire (one of Joseph’s favorite spells) we needed to picture the molecules warming and vibrating. We needed to use the energy in our bodies to emit a spark from which we fed the fire and created it. We can’t just think of fire, we had to think of the entire system to create the fire and use intricate hand signs to channel our inner magical energy. Magic isn’t easy. Just ask me. I pretty much suck at it. I’m good when it comes to physical combat but my magical skills are subpar. Walking towards my next class, I began to wonder if maybe I really should invest in a tutor or some extra help. Griffin was a werewolf so he couldn’t help me much in my magical classes. Like a good big brother, he did however let me have all his old notebooks and assignments from the core classes all of us were required to take such as English, Science, World History etc. Atleast I was passing in those classes. Even I had to admit that I would probably be failing if it wasn't for Griffin's old notes.  As the day progressed, I felt the absence of my phone like it meant I was missing my right hand. Rafe’ was accompanying me to the admin office and he could tell I was ready to tear to shreds any person that stood between me and my cellphone. When I couldn’t find my cellphone in the collection box, I began eliciting angry exclamations regarding stupid warlocks who need to be punched again. The reception lady, who was a very nice werewolf, looked at me as if I needed help. I couldn’t believe he didn’t leave my cell phone here. Rules my ASS. He kept it!! Fuming I left, vowing to kick his butt when I saw him in our last detention together today. Rafe’ just rolled his eyes at my attitude. In his defense, he was one of those boys that barely ever went on his social media accounts. He could care less about what was going on on f*******: or Snapchat. Me on the other hand, I used all my social media accounts to stay updated regarding the latest gossip. Yes gossip was my guilty pleasure. Sue me. I was about ready to explode by the time detention rolled around. It didn’t help that today we were supposed to be dusting the library. Showing up on time, I began working, checking in with the librarian. A little put off that Joseph hadn’t shown up yet for our last detention together, I was a little too enthusiastic with the feather duster. It was while I was dusting the top shelf while standing on my ladder that my allergies flared up and sent me into a fit of coughing/sneezing. I tried to keep my footing but it wasn’t possible. I fell backwards and flipped myself so that I landed on my hands and feet in a crouching position. At least my combat training was good for something. I heard a small whistle behind me. Turning quickly to see who it came from, Joseph was standing there with his hands in his pockets, staring at me appreciatively. “Well you’ve got some talent after all.” He applauded. “Not talent-“ I blew my nose into a tissue I extracted from my pocket. “—I train a lot with my brother and Rafe’. This right here is the result of werewolves running me into the ground with their training.” “I’ve seen you on the grounds early morning with them recently.” He admitted, walking over to me but stopping a little distance away looking distastefully at my dusty appearance. “I didn’t know you were following me.” I teased, motioning for him to pick up the feather duster I had gotten for him from the librarian. “I’m not following you.” He said quickly. “I do some training of my own in the mornings.” He cast his gaze towards the feather duster I had pointed him towards and shook his head. “I don’t dust, I have cleaners for that peasant.” He teased. I rolled my eyes at his lame comeback. “Besides—“ he went on. “—I don’t have detention today.” I looked at him surprised. He held up a signed paper from his academic counsellor excusing him from today's detention. “I have a college interview on skype.” I looked at him surprised. “College?” I repeated. “You think my father wouldn’t encourage me to pursue my academics further?” he challenged. “Oh yes what was it your brother called us? Lapdogs of the League? Well I’ll have you know that even us evil warlocks are encouraged to go to college. I am heir to the Salem Coven of Witches, my father expects me to excel at everything.” Raising my eyebrow at the fact that he seemed proud of the fact that his father expected him to be perfect, I decided to voice my other concern. “You’re not really part of the League, are you?” I inquired. “Are you a supporter of the Council and its Triad?” he countered. The Triad governed the Council, consisting of an elected representative from each supernatural faction : 1 Warlock or Witch, 1 Werewolf and 1 Vampire. They decided on the best course of action to maintain the supernatural order of things. It was the closest thing we had to a government or a body that governed our actions and kept wayward supernatural beings in check. My mother had worked for them for awhile before marrying my father. She was not a fan of them and had disapproved of Griffin's interest with the Council. Maybe it was because she was my mother, but I seemed to agree wholeheartedly with her.  “No.” I replied honestly. “It’s all just a power struggle if you ask me. Each side has its own agenda. If you actually think the League cares about you , or anyone else, you’re sadly mistaken. We’re all just scapegoats for either side to further their personal agendas.” Joseph looked at me a little taken aback. “You mean to say you don’t believe in the Council?” “I don’t believe the Council should be as powerful as it already is and for what it’s worth, I don’t believe in the League either.” I counteracted.   “You’re the first person that’s staunchly shunned their support for either side.” Joseph commented, his hands in his pockets still. “Well probably not the first, just the first that’s actually voiced their opinion.” I looked around me conspiratorially. “I hope my secret is safe with you. You never know, if too many people get wind of my ideas, I might just disappear, kidnapped by some unknown entity in a bid to quiet down my radical thoughts.” “That’s not funny.” Joseph replied. “It could actually happen. You need to be careful who you share this with.” “I am.” I responded, looking at him sincerely. Joseph looked a little stunned to see the extent of my trust in him. After a moment, he cleared his throat. “I uh…” he began to take his hand out of his left pocket. “… here.” He ended gruffly, handing over my phone. My eyes lit up then I suddenly remembered his little prank. “Why didn’t you put it in the cellphone collection bin?” I scolded, grabbing it from him. “Oh, I needed time to go through your phone and get blackmail material.” He replied a bit lewdly. “How else am I supposed to coerce you to join the dark side?” Smacking his shoulder at his taunting remark, I unlocked my phone. “Were you successful?” I inquired with a huff. “No.” he replied with a satisfied grin. “You’re pretty boring. Come on Red, Rafe’? You can do better.” “I can’t believe you read my private text messages with Abigail.” I scolded him. There were enough text messages about me mooning over Rafe’ in there to give him blackmail material for the rest of my life. “For what it’s worth, I didn’t read all of them. I almost puked when I read the part about how you loved staring at his butt.” His face wrinkled in distaste. “You know Red—“ he grinned at her devilishly. “—I have a much better rear-end than that mutt. I’m a bit disappointed you haven’t checked mine out yet.” He gave me a wink. “I did however appreciate you girls listing me first on your list of Hottest Guys at Sinai Institute.” “Oh!” exclaimed Hannah. That list was from last year! He really went in deep! “Don’t you have anything better to do? Is that all you did this entire day? Go through my phone?! What an invasion of privacy!” I was outraged and even flabbergasted that he had the audacity to go so far back into her private messages. He didn’t even seem even a bit apologetic! He actually found it funny. “What did you expect, your phone was in the hands of an evil warlock, an apprentice to the prince of Darkness.” He joked. “You should know, I have zero morals and scruples.” His hands were both shoved into his pockets as he stared at her as if to remind her to be wary of him. For the moment, I decided to forget his complete lack of disrespect for my privacy.  “That’s not true.” my voice was soft and earnest. Joseph looked a little surprised. “You do have scruples Joe. You’re a good friend. You help people like me totally hopeless when it comes to applying magical energy. You take care of your girlfriend when she wants to go to crazy raves and get high. You look out for your friends to keep them safe. Someone without any scruples or morals wouldn’t give a flying f*** if I’m about to fail magical theory.”  “You don't know even half of what I've done, what I'm doing. Don’t place me on a pedestal.” he scoffed and, as an afterthought, added, “Laura is not my girlfriend.” “I expect better from you because I know you can do better.” I pressed. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew the truth about me.” He grimly stated. “I do know the truth about you.” Joseph looked at me with momentary surprise. “You try to prevent forest fires.” my teasing made him emit a huff of laughter. “I’d better get going. Since the strings I pulled got me out of tonight’s detention, I’ll leave you to your work.” He turned to leave but I placed a hand over his arm, pulling him back. “Good luck with your interview.” I said, looking up at him sincerely. “But I honestly hope this is what you want, not what your father wants Joe.” Joseph gave a shrug of his shoulders. “I’ve spent so long trying to be whatever he wants, that at some point... his wants and my wants melded into one. If you’d asked me to separate one from the other well…that’s a question I would not have an answer to.” “Well that’s a first.” I laughed, removing my hand from his arm so that he could turn to leave. I watched his retreating back before turning to get back to her task.  ****  Third person POV  Hannah didn’t see Joseph turn around and stare at her as she busied herself with the books. He looked down at his hand, which held a black memory chip in it, then back towards her phone on a nearby table. Shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, he began to walk away. 
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