The Worry

629 Words

The WorryThe food was delicious, yet I looked round for Jonathan the entire time. After our meal, I sent Jon’s plate down for the servants and said farewell to the others. And to this day, I regret that my farewell to Anna was more than a bit distracted. When we returned to the Archives building, I told the driver to trace the route from the Courthouse to the restaurant. Then if they didn’t see Jon’s carriage, to return here. “I worry his carriage might have suffered mishap. They may need help.” The driver chuckled. “I imagine them Diamonds have the matter in hand, but if it’ll make you feel better —” “It would.” He grinned. “Off we go, then.” Amelia and I returned to the Archives room. Morton sat hunched over a file, glancing up when we arrived. “Good, you’re back. I —” He closed the

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