The Position

1332 Words

The PositionTo my surprise, when I left Anna’s shop, my plain carriage sat there. My footman Skip Honor seemed ever so pleased with himself. “When Mr. Anthony told me he’d left you here, and you weren’t yet at the restaurant, I had the driver retrace your path.” “Fine work,” I said, “and I’m grateful.” Although it wasn’t far, I didn’t fancy walking the distance. Ever since I’d broken a bone in my foot a year back, I tried not to overuse it, as at times it ached after too long a stroll. Jonathan rose without much difficulty to greet me. He still had his cane, of course, but even so, his color was good and he seemed rested. “I’m glad to see you improved.” I smiled fondly at him. “The same.” A waiter brought tea. Once he left, Jon said, “How is your home?” “Tony’s man says they should b

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