The Tea

1366 Words

The TeaI stared at Mr. Hart, some fear releasing inside me. He wanted me to be with Tony? What had changed? It was then I noticed Tony standing off to the side, watching me. Mr. Clubb and his men had left. When did that happen? I curtsied to Mr. Hart. “Thank you for your kindness, sir.” He smiled. “My pleasure. And I will learn the truth of these attacks upon you; you have my word.” “Thank you, sir.” Tony took my arm, drawing me towards the door. “What did he say?” “It may be someone in Hart quadrant, but I don’t think he’s behind this. He promised he’d find out why I was being attacked.” Tony let out a breath. “That’s something, at any rate.” One of his men opened the door for us, and we went to Tony’s carriage. He turned to me. “Where shall I bring you?” “Oh.” I gave Anna’s addre

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