Chapter 12 :: All is fair in WAAAARRRR!?

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it's been 7th day.......the whole team covered almost 70% of their journey, everybody was feeling a little down from all the walking and eating same dry foods and maggi for days! make the journey more fun, Sumen, their camp instructor suggested a friendly match....... they are going to make two teams and have a race to the last campsite. The first team to reach the camp will win and receives privilege of sitting and chill but...... the losing team will have to put up the last tents and make dinners for everyone the rest of the journey. 'Who wants to be the captains!' Sumen excitedly asked and as expected, Sankalp and Shawkat raised their hands and started jumping up and down like over sized monkeys which only made Insiyaa roll her eyes.....''idiots'' she muttered under her breath shaking her head aaaaaaaannnnnd! They started....... Insiyaa noticed one very interesting thing here, that.......most of the girls were very excited to join Sankalp's team. any guess, Why!? She knew why! all of them were looking at Him with googly eyes,... Blaze!!! God damn it! where is the BLAZING hot iron poker when you need one,.......She thought they were openly flirting with him and he! He was smiling and talking with them as well..... oh! No! could it be that, one of them who kissed him on cheek last night ? What's her name again! lara Riya Nora Manisha Soniya, Shikha, Rimi....... crap! how many more were there, exactly ?.....why do those girls had to join this particular trek! uuurghhh. She should have talked to them, that way at least she could have had ideas of what they were thinking......Right !? Grr....she growled inwardly and stomping around while climbing a hill It was already 11...most of the trekkies were resting a little and having snacks. And so was Blaze and Sankalp, munching on some of her homemade biscuits and salted mixed dry fruits and nuts ( more like stuffing their faces ), when the girl named Kaila came up to them. 'why are we stopping again ? We've to win' She whined whike breathing heavily 'Oh!...Sankalp ko trekking pe harana muskil hi nahi na-mum-kin hai, baby doll' [ Don't worry! baby doll! It is immmmpossible to beat Sankalp at trekking ] Sankalp said with very a suggestive wink and Blaze chuckled at his silliness Kaila was huffing and puffing all the way..... 'well that's good! My body can't take this much stress! See! A pimple came out this morning.......I'm soo stressed' She exclaimed pointing at her cheek with her perfectly manicured finger while fanning herself in a most dramatic manner 'Oh! No! Baby doll.....we should see a doctor, you don't look so well' Sankalp went on with his sarcasm and then suddenly he picked a weed from a nearest thick tree root, came to her and started rubbing it on her face claiming that it is some kind of chinese herb that grows only here and is VERY GOOD for female skin..... Blaze's shoulder was shaking from laughter at his silly antics when he heard some noise and turned. He noticed Insiyaa was venomously eying them and went ahead. It seemed Kaila saw her too and asked pointing fingers up... 'Sankalp who is up there ?' Sankalp's eyes went wide when he turned around and saw Insiyaa and shared a look with Blaze 'my MOTHER!' He muttered and ran after her with Blaze on his tail 'Hey wait i didn't know your mother was on this trek too!' She whined again before going behind them 'Insiyaa!...listen! Just wait a second!' Sankalp was running right behind her but she didn’t listen a word and continued walking in faster speed than before 'Let me win this race please.' Sankalp ran to her and stopped infront of her and whined ''Huh! you wish! Look at the state you are in. I can easily beat you and I WILL'' She answered rolling her eyes 'Oh! C'mon Insiyaa always comes first in everything in school, we all know that....let someone else win at something outside.....please let me win here, Please!' He whined while Blaze was listening their bickering with a smile ''Well...that's your fault. You can only win if both of you do not spend all the time massaging someone's face or legs'' She poked on his chest while indirectly taunted Blaze there.....which he understood that well. Blaze narrowed his eyes at her and retorted raising his perfectly shaped eyebrows.... ''It's called FLIRTING, not that we owe you any explanation'' JERKface!.....She thought glaring at him 'And It's good for health, you know like a meditation' Sankalp suddenly said with a smile making silly face Insiyaa scoffed and said.... ''seriously...tum yahan pahar charne aayi ho ya ladkiyan'' [ You've come here to climb mountains or girls ] Sankalp smirked and said.... ''She's such a poor innocent you know she's got a pimple today!'' ''YES! YES!...I've never seen a poor innocent girl like her in my entire life'' She exclaimed raising her hands in the air 'You don't like her! Do you!' Blaze snorted and stopped beside her and asked out of nowhere looking at her with an amused expression ''Why....what's there not to like,....look at her, how perfectly she sways her hips! Toing. Toing Toing'' Sankalp said animatedly pointing at Kaila's waist who was walking toward their direction and wore nothing but a checkered half sleeve shirt with a flimsy top under it and a very skimpy short shorts.... She scowled at him and looked at herself and all the other girls.....she was probably the only fairer s*x there who ACTUALLY bothered to cover herself from neck to toe,.....with a beany hat on head FOR HEAVENS SAKE....IT'S COLD ''Oh! Believe me! It's not JUST her hip'' Insiyaa mumbled clenching her jaw then turned around to glare at them and left them behind again......that sassy remark was perfectly audible to Blaze who let out a deep throaty chuckle again in return. ''Oi...slow down a second! Insiyaa!'' a voice called again behind her only this time it was not Sankalp. It was Blaze.... No. no, no! That rude i***t! She is not going to stop for him. Not. At. All...... Suddenly he grabbed her wrist to make her stop and sat her down on a rock forcefully and sat right beside her. 'Sit down .... please! sit down, we're all tired and I'm out of breath'' He said, he was actually tired from running after them ''and i admit, you are right! she is a bit silly but then we can't flirt with girls like you, you are off they are the only option left' He said and chuckled nervously while rubbing his neck ''Girls like me ?'' She asked getting confused... ''Mmh....Girls like you aren't made for flirting..... You are made for love'' He whispered in her ear and..... her breathing stopped! She couldn't decide whether to take his word as a compliment or an insult She looked at his face, tried to read his expression..... His eyes! Oh! those enchantingly beautiful bluish grey orbs! Or, It's just grey! ....well its not entirely grey but not blue either just a little hint of it! like the Storm raging inside them His perfectly shaped pink lips! Bloody hell!.... Was he confessing his feeling.... Ya Allah! 'And with that!..i bid you Good day' He got up and gave her a mocked bow then started walking forward she was confused by sudden change of mood and absolutely didn't notice that he was not just talking......he was distracting her uh--oh "oompph" he was tying her shoelaces together and distracting her from looking, as soon as she stands up she fell down on the ground. ''BLAZEEEEE ARAGOOOON'' A shrilly scream rose high in the sky Sankalp got the hint of what Blaze has done by that time and they doubled over laughing at her situation and was clapping like idiots. ''I'm going to complain the instructor about this'' She screeched again ''Oops! My little troublemaker! It's not your school'' Blaze leaned over tugged her stray hair behind her ear from her angry red face and whispered again, making her freeze and left. Let's just say,.... None of the two team could reach before actual site because most of them were getting tired from doing silly staff so, they slacked, when it came to the point of Cook and setting camps, members started dropping responsibilities on others.....which went to the point of starting a little brawl! after a long discussion with Sumen, whole team decided that they would exchange their work!.....those who were setting up camps until now, will cook and those who were cooking until now, will set the camps! AND,.....whoever claimed that cooking Maggie for 40 people were easy or setting camps for whole team were no big deal ...... they got to chew on their own words! but at the end everyone was tired and it was fun! although, maybe Insiyaa remained pouted but occasionally humming a song..... Main Gudiya Ban Jaungi, [ As I turn into a doll ] Mere Saath Tu Khelte Rehna [ keep playing with me ? ] Kabhi Baahon Mein Jhula Jhulana [ keep carrying me in your arms ] Kabhi Dil Se Laga Lena [ and then embrace me from time to time ] mmmh mhhhmmmm.......???? and also gave Blaze and Sankalp side eye........for the attempt of cheating!
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