Chapter 11 :: the Protective instinct??‍♂️

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though Sanklap left, Blaze did not......he was still there looking at her 'you sure! You'll be fine' He asked again, sounding doubtful...... from what he realized after noticing her for 5 days, she is always so restless and has a knack of inviting trouble sometimes. 'Yes!..yes!! I'll be fine and I'll be right here so, you can go too'' She said and he sighed giving up and left. Even when he didn't feel like going,.....but last thing he wanted to do was making her feel awkward with his presence. Though he noticed one thing, boys in their group would always steal at least one glance at her every 5 minutes.......even girls! but mostly they would give away an irritated, jealous look because of how she spends most of the time with four of boys. They misinterpreted their attention on her in a wrong way probably. No wonder Shawkat keeps throwing glares at everybody.....regardless their gender! But then, who wouldn't notice her ? for one, she was absolutely beautiful with small heart shaped face, petite figure, luscious long hip length hair that sways a little every time she walks around. and those eyes! oh, those large curious pretty brown eyes behind those thick frame and her pouty pink lips....... clenching his jaw and balling his fist he let out an irritated growl Maybe everyone was noticing the fact that she was infact the youngest of all of them here as well. And as he walking around, as expected he did not enjoy it at all,......everything was same, boring, he attended parties like this almost everyday in his college days and even after. there's nothing new here! He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, placing it between his lips he dragged a long puff before letting his eyes flicker through the crowds......he noticed few boys were animatedly talking and repeatedly looking behind where he realized camps were. And suddenly one of boy's voice came in ear..... '....i checked she isn't anywhere here, they left her there, let's go, It'll be fun' His blood ran cold, in his neck straightened up! He snapped his neck to take a look at each of their faces clearly but they were not there anymore.......he tried to look for any familiar face almost growled out loud when found neither her brothers or nor Sankalp. who are they talking about ! whom did they check on ? so help me god if It's her......he would bury them alive Throwing half of the cigarette and he turned around to leave for the camp when he bumped.....with someone! Another googly eyed pest!....that was his first thought. 'hey, hi, Blaze right ? I've been meaning to talk to you, i was won___ 'not now.....I'm in a rush' He growled and pushed that irritating female away.......he only heard a loud gasp and stomping feet before leaving. True it was only 15 minutes of lazy walk but for him it took no more than 3/4minute,......Oh! He didn't walk. HE RAN! and when he noticed them, he stopped few yards away.....breathing heavily Every camp was empty......for all the campers were attending the rave party. though there was light all around them used as border but not inside. He followed them from far, walking slowly behind them making no noise,...... 'hey turned the lights off......' A voice came in whisper and they did and started looking around frantically. But why turning lights off, they could trip over something, right ?....Blaze frowned. And realization dawned upon him,..... since Shawkat never let any FUCKER come near her, they didn’t know so, they were looking for the place she was staying. And since outside was mostly dark, so if you want to look through the dense clothing of a large tent, you truly can't by turning on the have to look for it without any lights from outside at all, only that's how you can notice tiinny tiny specks of any light movements inside. It clicked in his mind that, only camp that was actually would be lit from inside belonged TO THEM! And that's what those fuckers were looking for...... They stopped right infront of it and so did he. they're excitedly looking at each other, one of them grinned as well...... Pesky bastards! And just when they were about to open the flap from outside...... 'what are all of doing here ? if i may ask!' His gruff voice came from behind and all four them jumped cursing. One of them dropped his phone in fright..... They turned around looking at him wide eyed, fucker who looked like their leader tried to look not intimidated by Blaze's presence came in front. emphasis on TRIED! 'th-thare ko k-kya......hum j-jo bhi kare, t-tu nikal' [ what's in it for you ? Get lost ] that boy arrogantly said It was certain that he couldn't see Blaze's face from that distance but Blaze could and though he didn't understand his stuttering words, He didn't have does not take a genius to notice their nasty intentions. He came close infront of those twinkling light and c****d his head dangerously.......looking at each one of them, giving them a long look! letting them soak his aura and feel it inside their bones,......the fear! 'I'm going to count till ten and give the time to 4 of you.....To f**k Off and never to show your face or any part of you in front this tent until we are here, leave now and i'll forgive and forget. Refuse and consequences will be..........SEVERE' They looked each other worriedly, shifting from one foot to another....... He noticed that the confidant they were trying to show was gone, they paled hearing him. That fucker's friends scurried away from there leaving him....... 'well.....!' He c****d his head, waited for him to go as well but that boy didn't move, infact he came close to him, all nervous and flushed, looking down rubbing his neck..... 'i - err i just wanted to t--talk t-to her ....i--i l--like h-her......several times i saw her in jodhpur b-but she is a-always s-surrounded by at least 4 guards. I tried but she never n-notice me and her f-ather a-and even b-brothers doesn't ll_et anyone come close to her here' That boys stuttered in fear, in a civilized tone,..... OH, DREAM ON FUCKER! EVEN I WOULD NOT LET ANYONE COME CLOSE TO HER WITH A 10 FOOT POLE......A thought came out bursting off no where inside his head. He bit his tongue from saying it out loud and kept his jaw tightly shut and took a good look at him and realized that he was no more older than Sankalp maybe......without saying a word he just gave him another long look which made that boy realize that he had no chance here with her. That boy let out a defeated huff and left from there. His posture relaxed right after those boys left, he waited out there for awhile and let out a sigh....... it was a bad decision, leaving her alone in the camp. Thank the lord he overheard them and followed them here. He entered almost 15 minutes after them gone.....only to see No-one was inside! His breathing stopped again. That site was enough to turn his inside...... WHERE IS SHE......! what if someone came before those fuckers! Someone Got Her, Harmed Her! IN ANY WAY was he late ? they already did something......oh, he's going to beat the s**t out of each of them...... his head was spinning with hundreds different scenarios..... He started looking around frantically in every tent before going back inside their camp again only to notice her long hair sprawling all over from one side,..... she snuggling like a baby, in deep sleep, face hidden inside the blanket in a way no one would ever notice a human being....... He slowly lower the blanket and tucked the hair away from her face and smiled...... so peaceful, so serene she was truly beautiful, no doubt! He took a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. 'what are doing to me.... Little troublemaker' He whispered to himself. Blaze was never a caring sort, he has no heart, no least that's what people told him. But then,....... he never felt so protective over someone in years, especially ever since first his youngest sister and then just a year later his mother died! and something between a growl and whimper left his throat..... he walked out their huge tent and exhaled closing his eyes. A vice grip around his heart,.... and what he felt was......fear! and this feeling,..... it's so fresh, so new after all those years! he should not feel this especially for a girl, who means nothing to him.....right ? this ain't, he'll be gone in 3 days and he couldn’t help but feel how would it be like not seeing her after that..... EVERRR! he would never see her......yeah! he let out another sight looking back at their dimly lit came.....and rubbed his face with both of his hands. messing around and thinking about her in any other way is other than his young friend's a big NO! in a FORBIDDEN sort of way.... funny.... is it not ? This little troublemaker bringing change in him without even trying!....... He thought while looking at the open deep blue sky it not! his heart skipped few beats! he have to keep his distance from her......or else he'll snap ------------------------
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