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ALPHA ADAM MORRIS I had felt Amber's pain when Council Member Perry had delivered the Council Leader's message. She may have looked as though it didn't affect her, but I could feel the anguish tearing her up inside. I also knew that she, in return, could feel how I felt. She knew that I wasn't torn up about it, which only made her pain worse. I hated that I was causing her more pain on top of what she was already feeling, but I couldn't make myself feel torment that wasn't there. Of course, I didn't feel good about the Council forcing me to reproduce with someone other than my wife and mate, but if I was being totally honest, I wasn't completely against the idea either. I glanced at my watch and switched off the computer on my desk. I hurried off to the restaurant and sat at a table in the back. It wasn't long before she was heading my way with a menu. We both knew that I didn't need one, I knew every item on it. The menu was just an excuse for her to come over here. She handed it to me, and I smiled as our fingers lightly brushed each other. She bit her lower lip slightly, returning my smile as she asked, "Can I get you something to drink?" I ordered a soda, and she left to get it. Damn it was fun to watch her walk away, all swaying hips and pert, round arse. I knew that she was giving it a little extra wiggle just for me. I knew that it was wrong, I was a married man. There was just something about Paige that made me not care when I was near her. I had been spending more and more time away from home lately, mainly just so that I could be near her. It wasn't like when I was under the Mortiferum Amentia, though. I felt in control of myself. Nothing had happened between Paige and I. I wouldn't do that to Amber. I reasoned that there was no harm in a little flirting and fantasy, though. As I sat there slowly eating the sandwich that she had brought over, I watched her serving the other tables alongside my mother. Paige fitted in so well with my family. That's when it hit me. The solution to everything! The Council wanted me to produce an heir, and I wanted to get a taste of what being with Paige was like. The obvious olution was to have her be the surrogate for my child or children. It wouldn't be like I was cheating on Amber, not really, I told myself. I would just be obeying Council orders and making sure that we stayed on as Alpha and Lun of the Lakeside pack. I was excited to broach this with Amber. She wouldn't like it, obviously, but even she would have to admit that I was right. I decided that tonight at dinner would be the perfect time to bring it up. Council Member Perry would be the perfect impartial witness to the conversation. He would see that I was just trying to follow orders. He would surely help Amber to see that, too. I was pleased with my solution. The only drawback that I could see was that my physical with Paige was going to hurt Amber. Not just emotionally, but physically. I didn't want that, but as far as I knew, there was no way to stop it from hurting her. I still loved Amber very much, and the last thing that I wanted was to bring her pain, but it was going to hurt no matter who the she-wolf that ended up carrying my child was. It being Paige and me getting to enjoy it wasn't going to make a difference in that respect. I took one last long look at Paige. She was leaning over a table, wiping it. I couldn't help thinking what it would be like to bury my face in her cleavage or take her from behind as she bent over that table. I felt my d**k getting hard at the thought. Hopefully, I would get to find out soon enough. COUNCIL MEMBER PERRY I arrived at Bluebell Cottage for dinner as agreed earlier. Amber greeted me with a hug and warm words. I could see that there was a sadness eating away at her, though she was clearly trying to hide it. I spent some time cooing over the twins while she finished dinner. Adam hadn't arrived home yet. I thought that was strange as i had called into the Alpha's office before heading over here to see if he wanted to walk down together. It was empty and locked up. Figuring that he had already gone home, I made my way over. I decided not to mention this as I figured that there was liely a perfectly innocent explanation. Instead, I concentrated on mary and William. They were clearly thriving in Amber and Adam's care. It was good to see. I offered to help set the table, and we laaid out the plates and cutlery, I asked Amber about the distance that i had noticed between her and Adam earlier. She looked down sadly. "It's been this way since we returned from Chris and Chloe's wedding," she said quietly. "What way?" I asked. "What is going on?" Amber sighed and sank into one of the chairs at the table. "We had one wonderful day, Adam, the twins and I. This was followed by a really amazing night. The next day, everything changed. He has only grown more distant. Adam doesn't usually come home for dinner most nights, and we haven't....... been intimate since either," she said sadly. I thought back to how in love they had seemed at the Moon River pack. How could things have changed so much since then? Before we could discuss it further, we heard a key turning in the lock of the front door. Amber quickly wiped her eyes, removing any evidence of the tears that had begun building. My heart ached for her. Adam entered and greeted everyone happily. I couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be in a great mood tonight. He walked over to the twins and stroked their heads softly. "Hey, kiddos, Daddies home," he said. He then walked over to Amber and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She looked surprised but delighted. Perhaps things were looking up, I thought. Amber told us to sit down and that dinner was ready. She brought the food to the table, and I licked my lips in appreciation. It looked and smelled fantastic. "I've been taking lessons from Peter," she said happily. "Or at least I was. He has been a little busy this week. Hopefully, we will be able to start again soon," We began to tuck into the food, which tasted as good as it looked. "I have come up with a solution to our surrogate problem," Adam suddenly announced. We both looked up at him, surprised. Amber had a hopeful look on her face, but I was getting a bad feeling. "You have? What is it? How are we going to get the council off our backs?" Amber asked. Adam looked as though she had just asked the most stupid question in the world. "By doing as they ask, obviously," he said. Amber's face fell. "But, you said you had come up with a solution! How is you f*****g someone else a solution?" she asked, her tone slightly angry. "Because, I have figured out who the perfect surrogate for us is. Paige Ross," he said so calmy that you would think that he was suggesting a movie that he'd like to watch.
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