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AMBER My head was spinning. I could feel Star crying inside of me. The fact that after everything that we had gone through with the Mortiferum Amentia, Adam had even considered Paige, let alone deemed her to be the obvious choice, was like a dagger through both of our hearts. He looked confused by the horrified look on my face. It was as though he had expected me to f*****g congratulate him on making such a f****d up decision. "Paige Ross! Are you f*****g kidding me?" I eventually managed to ask. He shook his head. "No. I truly believe that she is the right choice for us. She is in good health, she isn't from the Lakeside pack, so I didn't grow up with her. My whole family like her already, so she will fit right in," he reasoned. I looked him dead in the eye. "Over my dead body will Paige Ross be a surrogate for your children," I told him firmly. He looked shocked by my negative reaction. "Why? What do you have against her?" he asked. I couldn't believe that he even had to ask that. "I had to watch you obsess over her. You said some truly terrible things to me because of that infatuation spell. Do you really think that I want to see her carrying your child? That I want to see any woman carrying your child?" I asked. He sighed and slumped down in his seat. He honestly looked disappointed. "Adam, your wife is right. Paige is not the right person given the history. It is going to be hard enough for Amber to deal with you being with any woman, even if it is just for reproductive reasons. You being with a woman you chose over her, even due to a spell, would be so much worse. Surely you see that?" Council Member Perry interjected. Adam looked annoyed. Clearly, things hadn't gone his way. My heart sank as I realised what that meant. He had wanted it to be Paige, and I suspected for more reasons than he had given. I watched as he sat there pushing the food around on his plate, but no longer eating. "I'm tired. I'm going to turn in. Council member Perry, it was good to see you. Good night," he said before kissing the twins on the head and going upstairs. I apologised to Council Member Perry. There was an awkward atmosphere because of Adam's behaviour. He shut me down, though, and made it clear that I had nothing to apologise for. "I would, however, suggest that you ask Ruby to come and take a look at Adam, perhaps Paige too. I fear that there may still be a little something left over from the Mortiferum Amentia," he said. I nodded, I had been thinking the same thing. Council Member Perry stayed for a while longer, even helped with the dishes. We chatted, and he helped to lift my spirits. I had decided that he was right and called Ruby, who sounded happy to hear from me. Once I explained what was going on, she agreed to come here first thing tomorrow morning. I was so grateful to have such wonderful friends right now. Council member Perry told me that he would accompany Ruby to see Paige in the morning. That way, he could tell her that the Council wanted to have her checked over to make sure that everything was okay after the sleeping spell and the infatuation spell. I thanked him, and he returned to the Pack house for the night. I checked in on the twins, who I had put to bed a while earlier, and paused outside of my own bedroom. I sighed deeply and gathered myself before pushing open the door. To my surprise, the room was empty. I had expected to find Adam in our bed, but there was no sign of him ever having been in here tonight. I walked down the hall and pushed open the door to the guest room. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore at the sight of him fast asleep in there. I closed the door quietly and returned to my own room to sob my heart out. My husband, my mate, had chosen to remove himself from our marital bed because I said no to him screwing Paige. That was how it seemed anyway. I hoped that Ruby would figure out what was going on and that we could put an end to it all once and for all. I wanted my husband back. After a night of broken sleep, tormented by dreams of Adam and Paige together, I woke to a knock at the front door. I hurried downstairs to open it and was relieved to see Ruby standing on my doorstep. I ran through everything again and told her that Council Member Perry had suggested going with her to see Paige. I picked up my phone to call him and let him know that Ruby had arrived. Before I could dial, it began to ring. "Hello," I answered. "Amber, it's Council Member Perry here. I am afraid that I was ordered to return to see the Council Leader this morning. Of course, this means that I won't be there to assist Ruby. However, I have no doubt that she will do just fine without me. Please keep me informed of her findings. I wish you the best, and please know that I am only ever a phone call away, my dear," he said. I thanked him and filled Ruby in. She nodded and said that she would go and see Paige first as she was due to work the breakfast shift at the restaurant today. It would be easy enough for Ruby to check her over and asses her without her even knowing. I sat nervously, waiting to hear from Ruby. I hoped that this would all be over soon. Well, Adam's interest in Paige anyway. We would still have the Council's orders to work out. I had been thinking about that, too. Although, unlike Adam, my thoughts were on actual solutions. Such as artificial insemination, rather than him f*****g around. To be honest, I would rather lose the pack than put up with that. I thought about how it had felt walking in on Chris and Kim. How much it had hurt. That would be nothing compared to what I would feel if Adam were to be with another woman. I hadn't allowed Chris to treat me that way, and I wouldn't allow Adam either. I understood that neither were cut and dry situations. Chris had been under the influence of magic, and Adam would be acting on the werewolf council's orders. Neither of those explanations provided comfort in the moment, though. I decided that if he chose to go against my wishes and impregnate another she-wolf the old-fashioned way, especially Paige, then it would be over. I was worth more than that.
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