Chapter Two

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Keiran Ross had just landed a few mere hours ago and had arrived at the hospital to see his father, who had taken ill while he was gone. He was a strong looking man, that contained a powerful aura of dominance and strong masculinity with an air of confidence that most didn’t have. He was well built with dark hair, a set of hazel eyes, wearing a very expensive tailored black business suit and tie. He had been lost in his thoughts idly listening to the conversation of a young playboy of a brother. So much so, that he had nearly collided with a young woman and her daughter as they exited the elevator. “Oh I’m sorry miss! My brother is quite the clumsy oaf these days.” Aaron said as the woman stopped and looked back at them. She was a pretty thing, soft auburn wavy hair that was half pulled up, bangs that framed her gentle face, blue eyes someone could get lost in, and an enchanting figure accented by the navy blouse and matching skirt she wore. Her small feet were tucked into a pair of matching small heels, but the shape of her legs were visible even under the dark pantyhose over them. Keiran found himself focused on her mouth, the shape of her lips and the color of her hair reminded him of that woman those few years ago. In fact, the similarities were almost exact. “I’m alright. Thank You for your concern.” Roxanna flushed a little under the male gazes. She recognized Keiran instantly, but she couldn’t just drop and say that she was the one from the party, and that Amelia belonged to him and ask him for his blood could she? Instead she decided to try and remove herself from the situation as quickly as possible. She would handle this another day. She could feel him staring at her, and when she looked up Keiran’s eyes seemed to lock with hers and it nearly took her breath away. “Have we met before? You look so familiar…” “Hey Keiran! Look at that little girl, she looks just like you.” “Just a coincidence, you gentlemen enjoy your day.” Roxanna stammered and quickly walked past them. She felt like she needed to get away quickly. “I’m hungry mama, who were those people? I like the tall man he’s pretty like mama! I want him to be daddy.” Roxanna almost tripped when her daughter said that and had to collect herself as they headed out the door. “One day you’ll meet your daddy, but right now you have me, and I’ll always be here.” The driver was standing at the entrance near the Rolls Royce and opened the door as they approached. “Miss Lockhart. Miss Amelia.” Lucas said with a smile. He was a young man, muscular with sandy brown hair. Roxanna had hired him on the spot when she started her business. He had been the one driving the taxi when she went into labor and made sure she got to the hospital safely. She appreciated him saving her that time and now he was well compensated for being a personal driver in her employ. Roxanna helped Amelia in first and slid into the seat next to her. She helped Amelia settle into her booster seat and buckled her in safely. Amelia’s small legs were visible under the frilly blue dress. Roxanna couldn’t help but admire how cute her chubby little legs were as they dangled over the side of the seat. Lucas shut the door and walked around to the drivers seat and got in. “How are you feeling now miss Amelia?” Lucas asked as he started the car. “Better, but hungry now!” Amelia said cheerfully. “Lucas, bring us back to the company I still have work to do.” Roxanna mused as she pulled out her phone to call her assistant. “Garret, Amelia was discharged, but I still have files to go through. I’m bringing Amelia back with me, she can’t return to preschool today. I’m gonna need you to look after her when we return, order us some lunch from that restaurant on fifth. She loves the food there.” “Of course.” Garett agreed over the phone and Roxanna ended the call. She sighed, Amelia’s situation was complicated, but she didn’t feel like approaching Keiran was the right thing to do. He was apparently engaged to Eva, which muddled things. She would like to take Amelia to meet her father, but she felt like if Eva and Lorraine knew that Amelia belonged to Keiran, they would definitely try to hurt her or try to get rid of her and she wouldn’t allow that. For now, Roxanna could only try to protect Amelia the best she could. At the hospital, the two brothers were riding up in the elevator and Keiran looked like he had seen a ghost. She looked like that woman, he could feel it, and that little girl looked like him, even Aaron sensed it. It probably was just a coincidence, but he couldn’t help but feel like it was her. “Aaron, have your buddy investigate that woman and find out who she is.” “And if it’s your mystery girl?” “Then I’ll marry her and that awful woman that mother picked will be kicked out of our estate.” “Who knows, that kid could be yours too. She looks like you, don’t you think she looks similar to our dear niece Isabella? Ross family traits are quite strong!” “The resemblance is uncanny. Something’s off and I want to know exactly what it is.” Keiran stated as the elevator opened. “We’ll get to the bottom of it, but for now, let’s go see dad. He’s been talking about you all week.” Aaron said as they stepped off and headed down the hall of the hospital wing.
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