Chapter Five

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Roxanna had been on her way home with a sleepy Amelia when her phone started ringing. She had taken off her over shirt and propped it so Amelia wouldn’t hurt her head as she dozed off against the window. Her heart couldn’t help but swell when she looked at her sleeping beauty of a daughter. Roxanna quickly picked up the call. “Garett?” “Miss Lockhart, Keidan Ross would like to meet with you tomorrow, his assistant reached out to set up an appointment to discuss a business opportunity. I’ve already checked your schedule, and your one-thirty is open. Should I confirm with their business assistant?” Roxanna couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had been avoiding this because of the situation with Eve and Lorraine. If it was just a business thing, she shouldn’t look too much into it, but was Keiran suspicious of her? “Go ahead and arrange everything. Let’s see what he has to say at least. The Ross is a big company, and a project with them can only benefit us in the long run.” “I’ll make the arrangements, good night Miss Lockhart. Do try to get some sleep.” Roxanna ended the call, she could almost hear the amusing tone in Garett’s voice. How annoying, she thought with a soft smile. Oh, Eve and Lorraine would be pissed if they knew who her appointment was with tomorrow. That thought alone was enough to lift her mood for the time being. When they arrived at their home at Lunar Villa, Lucas opened her door and Roxanna had a sleeping Amelia draped across her shoulder. The butler, Thomas and the Nanny Maddison had stepped out to meet them. “Miss Roxanna, I can take Amelia from you. I’ll get her to bed.” Maddison said softly. Maddison was a younger ginger haired woman that Roxanna had originally hired as a babysitter, but Amelia was so taken with her, that Roxanna had eventually brought her on full time, Amelia rarely got close to others and Amelia threw a tantrum when she thought someone else was going to be her caretaker while Roxanna was away. “Alright.” Roxanna handed her over gingerly, and sighed softly. “Amelia should be okay to go to school in the morning, but please keep an eye on her temperature. If she so much as has the sniffles start keeping her home, I’ll deal with the school.” Roxanna said and headed inside. She followed Maddison upstairs and helped tuck Amelia in, taking off each one of her little shoes and handing them off to Thomas. Roxanna then went to her room and started a bath. She undressed and relaxed in the soothing bubble bath. She was weary, more from emotional distress, than any sort of physical assertion. She cleaned up, changed into a simple black nightgown and slipped into her bed. It didn’t take long for sleep to take her. The next morning Roxanna was still in bed when she felt something jump onto the bed. Her eyes had barely opened, when she saw her daughter’s little face staring into hers. “Morning sleepyhead!” Roxanna couldn’t help but laugh a little, as she rolled up and captured Amelia under her and started to viciously tickle her. The little girl squealed and laughed. Amelia wiggled and laughed as she tried to get away. Roxanna would have none of it, she was in the process of chasing a girl sporting her pink pajamas around the room when she heard someone clear their throat. Maddison was standing there holding Amelia’s dress for the day. “I’m sorry Miss Roxanna, she escaped me.” Roxanna looked down at Amelia and smiled and ruffled her hair. “Be a good girl for Maddison, and get dressed and get ready for school. Mommy has to get ready to go to work, I’ll see you at dinner, my little flower.” Amelia’s eyes reddened like she was going to cry. She was very clingy when she’s been sick. It absolutely broke Roxanna’s heart, when she behaved this way. “Don’t worry Amelia! I’ll be there to pick you up from school today and we can have lots of fun together!” Maddison pleaded, but Amelia was already fully wailing at this point. “If I take you with me again today, do you promise to go to school like a good girl tomorrow?” “I - I promise mommy..” Roxanna sighed and looked at Maddison sympathetically. “I’m sorry she’s being difficult for you. Please help her get dressed and fed. Have Thomas bring my breakfast to my room while I get ready. Oh, and have him alert the school to Amelia’s extended absence. Tell them she’s still a bit under the weather. Oh, and the red and black dress for her today, the one with the bow, do her hair up. Tights and dress shoes.” “She’s gonna look adorable!” Maddison agreed. Roxanna smiled. “Of course, one should dress well when meeting a member of the Ross organization.” Maddison knew Roxanna was being vague, but there was a statement in that sentence. Amelia was going to meet the man that is her father, whether the child realizes it or not. Roxanna had been so certain that he was the father. She hoped that Roxanna would stop being so stubborn and fearful and tell Mr.Ross for Amelia’s benefit. She needed that blood transfusion! Though, Maddison knew what was holding Roxanna back, If those people were as vicious as what Roxanna said, they might just endanger Amelia to get what they want. Maddison just hoped it’d all come to light and that Amelia’s illness could be cured without any further complications. Roxanna got dressed in earnest. She slid into a pair of dark pantyhose, slid a navy minidress over and slid a black suit jacket over that. She pinned her hair half up. She grabbed her navy pumps out of the closet and slid them on. She quickly ate the breakfast Thomas left, and headed downstairs to collect a well dressed Amelia. “Let’s go to work, Mommy!” Roxanna nodded and called Lucas. When the car was ready, she brought Amelia down. Maddison helped strap Amelia in her seat, gave her the pink bunny stuffy she favored, and shut the door. Roxanna climbed in beside her on the other side. The Rolls Royce pulled out of the gated driveway and headed to Monet.
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