Chapter 4

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Bell I curiously look down at my tiny student, Freya Alderwood, while silently wondering if I broke her with my earlier statement. The stupefaction on her face shocks me. Isn’t she happy that she is a hybrid? Instead of being weak and useless there might be some power hiding in her after all—that realization would make any Omega happy. why is she staring at me like a goldfish out of water? Well, not that it matters. As a demon, I love to cause trouble. It’s not like mortals matter to me, and this little dark-haired hybrid is no different. She is useless, but...I can’t deny that I feel a weird tug whenever I meet her azure blue eyes. Could it be guilt for not helping her when I know exactly how to make her stronger? With a resigned sigh, I offer my advice. “Perhaps you should consider joining my class for aspiring witches. We cover the fundamentals of spell-casting, and you may even have the potential to summon a familiar to aid you in daily tasks.” Freya’s azure blue eyes light up with excitement. “A familiar? Like a dragon pet or something?” A dragon? I snort in amusement. “Maybe not a dragon. Only the strongest witches from the finest families are able to summon such mighty and proud creatures. But perhaps a black cat or a spirit dog? It all depends on your determination when you perform the summoning ritual.” Freya’s eyes sparkle with determination as she clings to every word that I utter. “I see. Can I do the ritual right away, or must I train before attempting to summon my familiar?” “No,” I chuckle. “You can perform it right away… How about tonight? I have a class at midnight beneath the yew tree near the ancient stones. That would be a good place for your first attempt.” Freya looks at the ground, clearly trying to hide her uncertainty. “Midnight? Isn’t that...kind of creepy?” I laugh again, the sound echoing through the stone corridors of our school. “Creepy? My dear girl, witches have always had an affinity with the night. The moonlight can amplify your magic and make the summoning ritual more effective.” I pause, inspecting her reaction closely. “Unless you are afraid?” Her eyes flash defiantly up in response to my teasing taunt. “I am not afraid,” she asserts, her fingers clenching into small fists. “But you should be,” I say, leaning in closer so that my words carry a weight they didn’t possess before. “Summoning a familiar is no small feat. It’s a binding contract, one where you offer the spirit a piece of your life essence in return for their loyalty and service.” Freya looks taken aback by my words but quickly composes herself. “I understand the risks,” she replies, her tone steady and full of resolve. “Good.” I step back and nod approvingly. This child might just surprise me after all. “I expect to see you at my class tonight, then. Prepare yourself mentally for the ritual. Fear or doubt can disrupt the spell and lead to unforeseen consequences.” “I will,” she says, her voice strong. “Excellent.” I can’t help but reveal a hint of my satisfaction. “Oh, and Freya?” Her eyes meet mine, full of anticipation. “Yes?” “Do not forget to wear something warm. The night under the yew tree can get chilly.” The corners of my mouth twitch upwards in a rare smile as I see her steeling her nerves. “I will remember,” Freya nods, her dark hair bobbing with her quick movements. With that, we part ways. I head to my class but can’t get Freya Alderwood out of my head. It makes no sense. She is a weak student of mine, the Omega of her pack, yet I’m curious about her potential. I’ve never been particularly interested in my students’ progress before, but something about Freya’s determination intrigues me. It’s a spark I’ve seen in only a few of my most successful pupils. Perhaps this little hybrid has more to her than meets the eye. The rest of the day slips away in a blur of instructions and spells, and when I finally walk to my last class of the day, my thoughts are still firmly on Freya. I can only hope she won’t underestimate the ritual. My feet carry me toward the yew tree, where my students are already gathered. I announce my presence with a firm, clear voice, “Good evening, young witches.” The students turn to me, some looking excited, others anxious. Among all the other faces though, it is Freya whom I find myself drawn to look at. There’s a determined glint in her eyes that makes me think she really might have what it takes. “Now,” I say, gesturing for the students to gather closer, “since we have a new member among us tonight, we will start from the basics. The very foundation of summoning a familiar is your own willpower.” Murmurs of agreement run through the crowd, but Freya stands silent, listening intently. I smile to myself and begin to explain the ritual: “You need to focus your magic, your raw emotion, and will into a single point. Imagine it as a ball of energy, swirling and thrashing inside you.” “Then,” I continue, my voice growing quieter as all eyes are fixed on me, “you cast that energy outward. Call upon the spirit you wish to bind with, whether it be a cat or dog or something else entirely. Picture them in your mind as clearly as you can, visualize your bond, and reach out to them with all your heart.” I pause, letting the words sink in. The ancient stones around us shimmer in the pale moonlight, casting long shadows on the students’ eager faces. “And remember,” I interject, “this is a contract. You are asking this spirit to give up their freedom to assist you. In return, they will be your loyal companion until the end of their days or yours.” The crowd is silent now, each student lost in thought. No one dares to speak, but Freya isn’t afraid. She nods in understanding and steps forward. “I’m ready.” “Very well.” I nod, the edges of my lips curving into a faint smile of approval. “Step into the circle, Freya.” She hesitates briefly before stepping onto the moonlit patch of earth encircled by ancient symbols. I watch as she closes her eyes and folds her hands in front of her. The rest of the students watch in tense silence. “Now, open your mind.” My voice is soft, yet it carries over the quiet clearing. “Invite the spirit in.” I see Freya’s brow furrow in concentration as she opens herself to the ethereal plane, reaching out with her essence. There’s a sudden gust of wind, and then I feel it, something is happening and— “What the hell?” I whisper to myself when I feel my human skin vanishing. My hands feel funny, and I look down at them—only to witness my nails being replaced by claws! This isn’t good—Freya’s familiar is me! “Wh-what is happening?!” One student worriedly asks as the winds pick up speed. Another student backs away from the circle. “I…I think she is summoning something powerful. We should leave!” Leaving is the best idea my students have ever had. Nothing good will come out of this, not when their true nightmare is about to materialize before them—me. In seconds, I shoot up taller, my delicate human features replaced by my true demonic ones. There is nothing I can do to stop it. The students scatter like frightened sheep, screaming as they trip over one another in their haste to get away. I can hear their fear-stricken voices fading into the distance, but I can’t pay them any mind. My transformation is nearly complete now. My once human body is now large and monstrous, covered in red skin that glints under the moonlight. Large devil-like wings protrude from my back while a long tail with a sharp arrowhead swooshs from side to side. It’s been a long time since I was in my true form. I flex my newfound claws, feeling the power surge through them. I could probably take on anyone… I hear a gasp and turn to look at Freya. She hasn’t run away like the others. Instead, she is paralyzed in her spot and shivering in fear. There is no mistaking the look in her eyes, though, and my lips form a smirk. “Is my own master…afraid of me?” I ask with faked innocence before tilting my head to add, “How interesting.”
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