Olivia stared at him in astonishment. “How – can you – know all that?” she asked. The Earl laughed. “I am intelligent enough to put two and two together! Whether I was unconscious or conscious, everybody who came near me talked! It was Higgins, Bessie, Wendy, Gerald, and I think you can throw in a few birds, bees and butterflies who all added to what I had learnt already and the rest I read in your eyes.” Olivia laughed and cried, “It is all too ridiculous! Gerry said everything that was happening was something that either came out of a novelette or a drama in a Playhouse and he is right!” She laughed again. Then she said, “As you know everything I was going to tell you, what are we going to talk about?” “Getting married!” the Earl answered and kissed her again. * The Earl and O