Chapter 27 :: To meet friends and family!

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Flashback Kol told Shariar everything about himself, his trueself. He looked surprised considering he knew Kallan Shepherd very well.......It's just he could not believe it that time! after all why would he, a high ranking FBI agent's and a senator's son who was missing for years and now he's back and now working for wanted criminal and even proposing to work with officer to take the same criminal down ? no one would believe, just because they looked so much fit and handsome for their ages, doesn't mean they were born yesterday,........Mayuree thought! after all they were sent to kill all of them! for a moment she started having second thoughts......she feared what could happen if they don't help them and decides to kills them right then and there! but instead a miracle happened 'fine' Shariar Talukder answered. He knew about the agent's missing son......after all they worked together on 3 undercover mission. He got to know about him at one of them, he knew Shepherds tried their best to find their son but in vain, they found no clue, so they gave up, after 3 years of search! But not even in his weirdest nightmare he thought he would find a fbi agent's son here....... what was he supposed to say Kallan,..... like; ''Hey, how are you, listen i just found your son, right now he's pointing gun at me but don't worry he didn’t shoot, he is just confessing his connection to a wanted Mafia leader and his shady past ?'' that maniac trained them as assassin..... and sent him on a mission ? and he wasn’t even alone,.....they were 8 of them came here and Allah knows how many more were still in captivity! trained assassins for Harold Lothbrok! but let't just say he believes that he is actually he's son ? Shariar decided gave him a benefit of the doubt and made some calls, after all his story checks out, whatever he said was true but instead of calling directly to Kallan, he contacted Marianna Shaw and sent her their pictures...... To say Kallan and Marianna both were shocked would be an understatement........a day later they arrived to check everything personally. especially everything Kol was saying! but their resemblance was uncanny and after running few tests and interrogations it was proven that Kol was indeed Kallan's lost son...... but obviously nothing was as easy as they thought......because of how 4 of them actually planned to fulfill their mission and disappear......that's what complicated the matter! the crime they were about to commit even if they didn’t go forward with it didn’t make it any less of it.....and right there confessing it infront of all law enforcement officials was entirely different situation. they managed to explain their other 4 team mate their plan has to be postponed by saying "their timing wasn’t perfect" but as much as they wanted to stay with those officers, they couldn't,....they had to go back and stay put for a day or 2 to give the agents time to plan counter attacks too........ a plan to double cross Harold, without his loyal minions knowing. a plan,...... where in a surprise shootout 2 of them will die and other 2 will return to Harold alive but as Spies. Zahin and Natasha agreed to wprk for Kallan and Shariar as spies......Mayuree and Kol on the other hand will return to USA with those agents but first they had to execute their plan successfully. and they did..... 2 days later news spread out that out of 8 terrorists 6 of them, 5 male and 1 female, died in shootout and 2 injured but went missing..... yep! per plan Zahin and Natalie had to return but had they returned unscratched Harold would have suspected something, they injured themselves too Though Mayuree would have liked if all of them could go out of that hell hole Zahin disagreed. He volunteered those agents, so did Natalie! after all both of them were orphan, they had nothing to loose. as expected, Harold wasn’t happy he heard the news about the shootout......after all he invested time and money on training them. 'бесполезный' [ useless ] He growled meantime, agent arranged 2 dead bodies that looked similar to Kol and Mayuree and exchanged a way all bodies looked so battered, it was almost impossible for anyone to recognize faces. But they knew Harold would come to check everything personally! and he really did! but of course, he had no idea that his every move was anticipated by his enemies..... as much as it hurt Mayuree to leave the two there it had to happen...... she cried! not only because they were leaving but also they may or may not actually meet each other after this.....Kol tried his best too not to get emotional and they both said goodbyes. and returned to USA with new passports, visas and new identities.......towards new future with new possibilities! hopefully! In present "Rikkard plz....let me" She whimpered as his manhood continuously doing delicious things to her body 'Nope...' He growled thrusting harder and faster deep inside her from behind "Why...mmmh" She whined as she arched her back to look at him begging with eyes 'Not until you tell me who do you belong to... Do you know... Who ?' He growled c*****g his head and asked clenching his jaw while thrusting inside..... God knows he couldn't hold much longer "I..i know, Ahhhhh....." She moaned out loud 'do you Caterpillar!' He purred again slowing down his thrust and nibbled her ear "Yes!" another moan escaped her 'Who ? who....answer me!' He commanded impatiently "!....oh my god ,it's you!" She whispered closing her eyes as pleasurable shiver ran down her spine...... oh, she was close yet so far! ''say it loud and clear! Say my name'' He commanded as this time he started thrusting more forcefully again "Rikkard" and finally her toe curled and back arched as her orgasm raced through her "Mayur" He groaned and stilled behind her riding his own orgasm. she slept dreamless sleep,....worn out,drained, exhausted! And sated! Apparently that's what it took to make her fall asleep peacefully......5 round of s*x in the middle of the night, until she couldn't lift her finger due to exhaustion. Maids and housekeeper left after preparing meal for them without disturbing them. They were instructed to come at afternoon and not to disturb Mrs.King at all as she was sleeping. Without making any noise he got out of the bed and took a shower, had lunch and after that he took out Mayuree's phone to search for Zahin's number as he knew that they were in constant touch, especially after the car incident. He called him and asked him to meet.... By the way they communicated in the garage that night, he was sure that Zahin knew Mayuree way before that his kidnapping matter what she said that night. And after that, their constant phonecalls, of course he noticed ! they both knew something and they were hiding something.....something he had no idea about, Zahin knew something about Mayuree and about the car incident...... About her past, maybe the one his investigator failed to find out. But first, he had to meet her parents. --------------------
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