Chapter 7 :: His contemplation

1098 Words
Meanwhile in KING's company,.... all that time Rikkard King was with his name sake wife, he never spoke a word since she told him not to.....! he just listened, as she ordered! For the first time in 3 years she really spoke. not just looked at him with confusion! or pouty mouth wide open in shock..... or complete blank look! She Actually in complete sentence, PLURAL! many sentences! whatever brewing her mind,.......or should he say she talked back. That little caterpillar could talk ? wonder never seize to happen, huh! He walked into his chamber where his secretary Jared davis was already waiting for him....... and when he asked about today's schedule to him,...."you will be free until lunch boss,......and at 2 p.m. you have a meeting with potential client from India who had been waiting for quite long time to have talk" ''Hmm,....anything else ?'' Rikkard sighed and asked "Nope.....not for now" Jared replied and stood there for awhile, looking at him. Jared has been working for him for 4/5 years..... Rikkard snapped his neck up to look at him..."what" Jared seemed little hesitant....but he asked anyway "are you alright Rikk, seem....umm a little off! How was the date with your secret wife ?" more like teased! Rikkard was working on laptop on some project and he stopped his furious typing as he directed his already narrowed eyes on Jared only to see him smiling.......more like holding back his laugh. his nostril flared up in anger..... Fucking Asshole.....he thought ''Good'' but containing his emotions he simply replied and didn't say anything further. "Good ? Just good ? and nothing else,...? you had to spend a whole 2 hour with your wife, nothing happened there ? I mean, i was busy here in meeting on your behalf so i forgot to call you about your important meeting...... Jared air quoted the last two words,....and continued "And you are not even angry that you had to spend a time with her ? then something REALLY BIG must have happened that you made you lost the track of time" Jared asked and Rikkard looked up with a clenched jaw, his knuckles turning white..... Jared almost took a step back realizing he may have stepped out of his boundary,..... as much as it was fun sometimes to tease his boss, but he was genuinely having a second thought right now because he could feel Rikkard's anger coming out in waves......he knew by his look that has it been anyone else, Rikkard would have fired him immediately. seeing his secretary's worried expression, he unclenched his fist, turning his face neutral......he let out a sigh, rubbing his face with both his hands he turned to his laptop, and answered ; ''She asked for divorce'' without taking his eyes off from laptop screen Jared's mouth formed a big 'O' Ok this is something big....... FUCKING HUGE, infact..... "D-did you ask why" Jared asked, he knew they don't live together but he never asked the reason. ''No, she wouldn't let me talk!.......just rambling about how unfair i was through 3 years of this marriage'' Rikkard said gritting his teeth "Oh! Umm....ok! What unfairness she was talking about !?....if. i. may. ask" Jared asked hesitanly, squinting his eyes like a curious fellow he was. ''Well,...uh! It was a sudden marriage, i wasn't mentally ready since i just took over the whole multi-billion dollar business only four years ago ........I needed time to settle down, to think! but dad was adamant! Either i marry to his choice or give him my choice which obviously he had to approve and give him grandbabies as soon as possible or he'll disown me as he quoted "You're not getting any younger and i won't live forever, either you do as i say or you are no son of mine" I had no time to fall for some money/status hungry whores, he knew that so he literally forced me to marry his friend's daughter." Rikkard mumbled looking away and continued.....''I knew Alexander parrish......He is a good man and dad's best friend but i didn't know his girl! He didn't even ask my opinion just ordered me to come to his mansion and within few hours i was married. You may have noticed that i do not really LIVE with her.....i - i thought maybe after some time I'll ask her to move in but it never felt like a right time and in a blink 3 years gone '' Jared opened and closed his mouth few times but didn't even know what to say, first of all he wasn't there at wedding and he never knew about this day before, he got to know months after and when a year passed this very day, Rikkard asked him send flower bouquet and anniversary card on his behalf..... to his wife who lives in California. Jared never said a word to anyone in the office or mentioned anything in media about this marriage not because it was strictly forbidden.... not because Rikkard instructed him not to but because somehow he noticed that Rikkard never said or discussed anything about his wife in public, nobody knows anything about his personal life, he preferred it that way. beside he despised media, gossip and gossipers!.... So, he understood that it's not a matter for discussion at least not between them! and maybe he'll tell everyone when he'll feel comfortable about it. Sense of responsibility was the one thing that made Jared trustworthy to Rikkard. It's just sometime he can't help but just tease him about this secret wife of his.....especially on his anniversary! Jared wasn't just Rikkard's secretary but he became a friend too in this last 5, he never minded much! Rikkard always had problems trusting people so he doesn't have many friend....... so many people tried, especially women! but like Rikkard claimed,..... money and status hungry! he could see right through them and brushes them off immediately. He may have found a girl, get settled in future......he just wanted to do that on his own terms! out of all people Jared knew how his boss hated being told what to do! he would do exactly opposite just out of spite. It was his way of getting back at his own father! only handful of people he even allowed to get close to and Jared truly consider himself lucky to count himself one of them...... but his name sake of a wife seems to sticky enough to actually managed to get under his skin......and now his boss is all riled up! ----------------
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