Episode 5: Deleted Scenes Ch 57+58

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The first scene is the deleted scene from when Xavier and Rose have some fun before the dinner party ;-) *    *    *  “We…the party…we’ll be late.” Rose breathed. Xavier gave a mischievous smile. “I don’t mind, if you don’t.” He nuzzled her neck making her moan again. She removed her hands from his as he painstakingly opened her robe, letting it fall to the floor, pearls cool against her hot bare skin. They clinked together as Xavier brought his hands around to slip under the pearls and cage her breasts with his fingers. His hands began to massage her in circular motions, allowing the pearls to clatter and roll adding to the sensations on Roses skin. She let out a breathy moan, knees practically buckling under Xavier’s skillful hands. Xavier continued, enjoying the way the pearls moved across her breasts, giving him tantalizing peeks of her pink n*****s as they moved while he massaged her breasts. He slowly walked her back into the wall behind her until she her back hit the wall. A hand trailed down to grip her thigh, coaxing it around his waist. Rose licked her lips, leaning back into the wall, as his erection pressed against her naked womanhood and when Xavier ground into her, she let out a breathy laugh. The pearls clicked together as her chest vibrated. “Is this what you had in mind when you wanted to ‘help’ me?” her voice was husky as she drowned in her own desire. Xavier carefully moved the strands of pearls aside to look at his mark on her neck. “No.” he gave Rose a small smirk. “But it’s what I had in mind the minute Maria left us alone.” Rose watched entranced as Xavier’s canines began to protrude, his eyes momentarily turning yellow. It was mesmerizing, watching his canines extend as an animalistic lust entered his eyes. Rose tilted her neck to give him better access. “Aahhhhh.” She couldn’t help the sound as it escaped her lips, the pleasure and pain of his bite mixed together as sparks erupted inside of her. She felt like she might implode from the pleasure of it all. Every sensation, every touch was heightened whenever her bit her. The air itself around her seemed to shimmer when his canines were deeply entrenched inside her neck. It made her entire body tingled and thrum with pleasure. Not to mention the fact that this act alone seemed to encase his scent over her which made her even more aroused.  Xavier’s tongue laved over her skin, lapping at her new puncture marks before pulling back to look at Rose. She stood there naked save for those pearls hanging down to her mid-section. Her hair was a little tousled and the pink blush across her skin made him want her more. The urge to take her was killing him. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He murmured, pistoning his hips forward and trapping Rose’s hips against the wall and his own. His bulge was lined up against her core. Her wetness seeping from inside of her onto his black slacks. Xavier growled in satisfaction at the smell of her arousal. “Can I touch you?” Xavier asked, fingers skimming down her sides in a featherlight caress. Rose looked at him curiously. He was touching her. His fingers skimmed perilously close to her womanhood as he pulled his hips back slightly. Rose gave a small start. Oh. He meant down there. “Um…” Rose trailed off uncertainly before giving him a small nod. Xavier slipped a finger between her folds and hissed. She was dripping wet. “I’m going to make you come all over my sheets one day.” He promised, his finger trailing up and then down the length of the most intimate part of her. Rose blushed, a delicious thrill running up her spine. Xavier was looking at her expectantly and Rose couldn’t help but look away. It was just that no one had ever talked to her like that. What was she supposed to say? Then she felt Xavier slowly pull away from her, mumbling something about how he really should let her get ready. And then Rose sprang into action realizing that they were going to be really late now. *    *    * This is the scene where Alyssa asks Xavier to stay back. It really wasn't all that important so I cut it out. "Thanks for staying back." Alyssa's voice was soft, the wind carrying her voice between them.  “You really should thank Rose, not me.” Xavier said with his arms crossed as he leaned against a table in the back lawn of Alistair Evans mansion. Alyssa and him stood outside after all the guests had left. “So you wouldn’t have stayed if she hadn’t given you permission?” Alyssa queried scathingly. “I would have respected her wishes if she didn’t want me hanging back to talk with my ex.” Xavier replied bluntly. Alyssa winced. “But Xavier we have so much history together…” Alyssa trailed off almost pleadingly. "Are you seriously willing to throw it all away?"  Xavier gave a heavy sigh. “We had a past together but Alyssa, isn’t it time to move on now?” “You say that because you’ve succumbed to the mate pull.” Alyssa replied bitterly. Xavier really didn’t want to argue about this so he changed the subject to one of the main reasons he’d stayed back. “Alyssa, tell Alistair to back off Rose. She doesn’t feel like he likes her. And if she feels threatened, then that’s not a good sign. Rose is pretty easy going so if she’s having a problem with him, It must be because he really is being rude to her.” Alyssa looked at Xavier taken aback. Her father and Xavier had always gotten along. Now Rose was driving a wedge between them as well. “She may have misconstrued his feelings.” Alyssa supplied off-handedly. “Well, he better start making sure she doesn’t misconstrue them anymore otherwise I’ll break off my alliance with your pack.” Xavier threatened. “I asked you to stay back as an emotional support for me because my mother is sick.” Alyssa wept prettily. “And here you are making threats to my pack and father.” Xavier gave another sigh. “I really am sorry about your mother. You really should bring her to Dr. Danvers tomorrow. He might be able to help with the cancer that’s spreading. We have some antidotes we’ve been using for Dylan. Maybe they might work for your mother too?” Xavier suggested. Alyssa wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands before sniffling. “How is Dylan doing?” she queried, almost begrudgingly.  “As good as can be expected given all that’s happened to him.” Xavier replied. “He’s a pretty strong kid. He’ll be fine.” Xavier assured. “Yeah, he is a pretty strong kid.” Alyssa said ‘kid’ bitterly, as if it was a word to denote something taboo. “You never really got along with him.” Xavier noted. “But thank you for your concern.”  "Is this it then? Can't we at least be friends?" Alyssa queried.  Xavier shrugged. "We can be friends." he relented, his mind already on getting home to be with Rose.  "You've marked her." Alyssa noted, staring at her hands sadly. She couldn't help but think bitterly how Xavier had never marked her. No matter how much she'd asked him too. He'd always said he was saving it for their mating ceremony. Now he'd gone and marked Rose.  "What I do or don't do with Rose is none of your concern." Xavier's voice was on edge.  Alyssa couldn't help the gleam that entered her eyes.  "You haven't slept with her yet have you?"  Xavier's jaw clenched tightly and he looked away.  "It's none of your business. I need to go home now since you're clearly done talking about your  mother."  Alyssa didn't push the matter further as hope soared in her chest again. Maybe she still had a chance...
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