Chapter 3: A Girl From the Slums

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Lawrence hesitated for a moment, looked at the bruise on Yana's face and whispered, "Yana, were you okay last night? Where did the group who drank with you take you?" "..It's... it's all right. I was so drunk that I went to sleep." Yana patted Lawrence on the shoulder. "Thank you, Lawrence." There are only two people in the world who care about her besidesexcept grandma. One is Sunny and the other is Lawrence. Because he is thinner than her peers, he is often bullied by all kinds of people. Yana had helped him through many fights, so their relationship is that of a friend in need. Yana nervously pushed open the door of the boss's office. The boss half-leaned on the his chair with a cigarette in her hand. "Boss, Lawrence said you ask for me. What can I do for you?" Yana asked, standing in front of the table and looking into the boss's eyes. The boss didn't speak, but pushed the bill in front of him to Yana. Yana didn't understand what it meant. Was there anything wrong with the bill last night? "Boss, I don't understand. Is there anything wrong with the bill?" The boss's index finger tapped on the table. "There's no problem with the bill." He took a puff of smoke, stood up and sprayed the smoke on Yana's face. Yana coughed. The boss didn't care. Then he said, "I didn't receive a penny of the bill. Fat girl, I'm a bar, not a charity. This account is on your head." "What! That's impossible!" Yesterday was the day when she sold the most drinks since she came here to work. There was a full $300. How could he not receive the money: "Boss, there must be something wrong. I watched them pay with my own eyes. There can be no mistake." The boss didn't listen to Yana's explanation at all and waved to her, "Get out, fat girl, you're fired. Look at you. The bunny suit can't cover the fat on you. We're selling alcohol with bunny girls, not pig girl. Get out!" She was fired? Yana stood petrified. No, she can't be fired! She needed the salary of this job to finish college and support herself and her grandmother. "Boss, please! Don't fire me." Yana humbly asked the boss to give him another chance and begged him not to fire her. "Somebody, drag her out!" The boss didn't even look at her, so he sent someone to drag her. Yana struggled and was suddenly reminded something: "then you have to pay me my salary for this period of time." "Salary? Your salary is not enough to deduct one percent of last night's alcohol money." The boss roared angrily. Yana's stiff body was dragged out of the bar by the security guard, just like a dead pig. At the bar door, the security guard warned her fiercely, "ten days later, the boss must seereceive the three hundred dollars, otherwise you'll be one of the young w****s in the brothel.” "Bang-" the door of the bar closed, and the bar street in the dark was full of neon lights. There were flashy prostitutes and drunks drinkers come and go. No one cared about a fat girl who fell to the ground. This is a cold city! If it weren't for her grandmother, Yana would sometimes really feel that living is meaningless sometimes. At this moment, the door of the bar opened again, and Lawrence cautiously came out and pulled Yana up again. Yana pushed Lawrence away and said, "go back quickly. If they see you later, you will be punish." "Can you go home by yourself?" Lawrence asked with concern, "why don't I call Sunny and let her pick you up?" "No, no, she should be asleep by now. I don't want to bother her." Yana smiled, made a gesture of victory to Lawrence, turned and left. The frustrated Yana walked sadly in the street and went to the clothing store she passed by every day. There was a wine red dress on display at the transparent window. She stopped in front of the window and mimicked the model’s posture.. Her fat body was reflected on the glass of the window. She lowered her head. She couldn't even see her toes, she was too fat. Yana walked away quickly and looked at the graceful girls in the street. She felt frustrated and depressed. She also envied those slim women. However, it was really difficult for her to lose weight because she was ill when she was a child. For this reason, her grandmother often felt guilty. If she had enough money, she could consume safer medicine. Yana doesn't blame her grandmother. Without her grandmother, she would have starved to death in the streets. Yes, she didn't know who her biological parents were. She was left on the streets in the slums. Maybe her parents had frozen to death in some corner. She was lucky to meet her grandmother andwho adopted her, so that she could have her sole family member in the world. A young couple passed by her. They were having a happy conversation. The girl deliberately avoided the boy's arms and bumped into hiser shoulder. The girl put out her tongue making face playfully and apologized for her rashness. The boy took the girl in his arms and whispered that he would punish her severely at night. The girl bashfully beat the boy's chest. They smiled at Yana and ran away. Yana watched the couple leave. Thinking of the punishment, she gave a knowing smile. Then her cheeks showed a faint blush. She remembered the man last night but didn't know who he was. It seems that God was still good to her. He didn't letting Helen succeed in her scheme of being r***d by an ugly tramp, instead, she spent a wonderful night with a handsome man. She was quite satisfied with this coming-of-age - the only pity is that she had a thick hazy mind and was too confused to fully experience the feeling at that time. But fortunately, as she woke up, Yana had vaguely recalled some emotions of the event — The man in and out of her body, making her feel like a boat on the sea. Sometimes she roseflew from the bottom of the wave to the top of the wave, and sometimes she slid from the top of the wave back to the bottom. Thinking in this way, life is not too bad. She hummed a tune and bought a cupcake, some beer and a pizza with the money left by the man, ready to have a late coming-of-age party with her grandmother. As soon as Yana got home, grandma opened the door, "Oh, my poor child, why is life so difficult, making you work so late" "No, grandma, don't say that. Taking care of you is my duty, it is what I should do." Yana shook the food in her hand. "Grandma, guess what I get for you?" Grandma saw the food in her hand and was startled. "My child, where did you get so much money?" Yana smiled, arms wrapped around grandma's shoulder, "grandma, don't worry, it was earned by me penny by penny. Don't worry, I remember what you said." She took another $20 from her pocket and put it into Grandma's hand. "Grandma, save this money well." Grandma stared at her and muttered with some worry, "Where did you get so much money?" "Save them well, I will make more money for us." Yana fondly nuzzled her head against her grandmother and spoiled herself in her arms, "Don't worry grandma, I will make more money and lead us to a decent life in the future." Grandma took the money, took out a old tin box in the room, put the money in and said, "silly child, grandma is just worried that you are suffering in life. Grandma is old and I don't care about a better life. As long as you are healthy and happy." "Well, grandma, I'm good in health. Don't worry!" Yana reassured her grandmother and did a bodybuilding action to show her health. Grandma was amused by her. She just turned around and secretly wiped away the tears of her eyes when grandma didn't pay attention. My silly child, grandma really wants to be with you all the time, but the day of farewell will always come. Yana put the food on the old table with a broken leg and led grandma to the sofa. She stood aside and lifted a slice of pizza to grandma's mouth. "Grandma, try it, it's still warm." She made up her mind to bought a fresh pizza with a delicious smell. They ate and drank happily. Yana drank some beer and danced excitedly in the middle of the room. "Grandma, I can make a living our life now., so you don't have to go out to pick up garbage for living. It's too hard for you to do it everyday." Grandma put down the cupcake and watched her eyes. She took a deep breath and said, "My dear child, now that you have grown up, our life is much better than before. You should study hard and learn something from school and don't neglect your education due to making money. Grandma knows you want to reduce the burden on me and hope I can have a easy life, but you're still young so don't put so much pressure on yourself. You're still a child. Grandma doesn't want you to crush yourself for our family. You can have your own life, and now grandma can still work. " "Grandma..." Yana knew that grandma was worried about her so she hurriedly comforted her and said, "don't worry, I will take good care of myself. I won't give up my education because of work. I got a scholarship last semester, don't you remember?" Grandma didn't insist stubbornly. She believed that Yana would take good care of herself and wouldn't give up her education. It was just that the elderly would always nag a little. But she knew that she is a smart girl and she would try her best to live better. She was already grown up, she can create a great future for herself, for the family. Yana also breathed a sigh of relief and reluctantly persuaded her grandmother. She was afraid that her grandmother would not allow her to keep working, and her scholarship was not enough to support their lives. Yana tried her best to make grandma happy. She hoped grandma can be so happy all the time, rather than worrying about what they can eat tomorrow. Suddenly, grandma coughed badly. Grandma's violent cough frightened Yana. She stopped her movements and asked with concern. "Grandma, what's the matter with you?" "Don't worry, my child, that's my old trouble going at it again." Grandma secretly clenched her fist and put her hand down. But Yana couldn't relieve her doubt and directed grandma to stretch out her hand. Under Yana’s persistence, grandma just obeyed her request. At the moment when grandma stretched out her hand hidden behind her and showed her palm, Yana was shocked. There was dark red blood on grandma's palm. "No, my God! We must go to the hospital at once." Yana was really frightened. Grandma was the only one relative she had. She can't lose grandma. She didn't think so much. She must take grandma to the hospital. Grandma sat on the sofa motionless, "Silly child, don't worry. It's okay. I'm fine. It's an old problem. Go to the cabinet next to the bed and bring me the medicine. After taking the medicine, I'll be fine." Yana took out a bottle without label in the cabinet. "What kind of medicine is this?" Grandma grabbed the medicine in her hand and swallowed two tablets. "Don't worry about it, it's a good kind of medicine. I'm fine. Go take a bath and go to school tomorrow." Grandma didn't give Yana a chance to doubt the medicine at all. She trembled as she returned to the bedroom and closed the door. Yana knocked on grandma's door, "Grandma, are you really all right?" "Don't worry about me, and don't waste too much money on me. Death god will take me away at any time. I just hope you can be happy, dear child." Grandma didn't open the door. Yana stood outside the door quietly. Knowing that she could not persuade her stubborn grandma, she secretly vowed to take her grandmother to the hospital for a thorough examination when she made a big fortune and saved enough money. She looked at the old clock hanging on the wall. There was still time. Maybe she could take a bath. She walked to the bathroom, filled the old bathtub with water and stepped in carefully. The water in the bathtub overflowed. She laid in the bathtub. The warm steam spread in the bathroom. Under the steam, Yana gradually relaxed and started feeling drowsy, causing her mind to constantly recall the events of these past two days. Like a flood, the memory came rushing into her mind. She clearly remembered the feeling of the man's hand touching her bare body, and the man's rough collision with her body. The two naked bodies were deeply intertwined. That pleasure made her body hot and gradually high. Uncontrollably, her hands stroked her body. Yana was soft all over. She closed her eyes until the evil fire in her body dissipated. Finishing the bath, she suddenly stood up from the bathtub, and the drops of water fell from top to bottom, from her hair onto her bare body. She shook her body to get rid of the excess water, and her chest shook with the shaking of her body. Her well-endowed chest was standing brightly and proudly, like two mountain peaks. Yana stood in front of the bathroom mirror, where her naked body was exposed to her own eyes. There was no hourglass figure, only a fat girl covered by the fats. The flush on her face had not dissipated, and the traces left after last night's love-making remained on her fair body. Thinking about the man last night, an idea popped up in her mind----She wanted to lose weight, she wanted to have a sexy figure!
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