Chapter 2: A Fierce Fight

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Austin let go indifferently. The dollar in his hand fell to the ground. Then without looking at Yana again, she turned to open the door and walked out. "Hey! " Yana wanted to chase after him, but she looked at herself. She was only wrapped in a blanket, so she had to start dressing. When she got dressed and was ready to leave, she saw the dollar billss on the ground again. Yana snorted coldly with disdain and stepped out on the bill. Ten seconds later, she turned back and picked up the money. How can a cute girl like me can leave the lovely dollars on the cold cold floor! Afterward, she hummed and left. In an alley, Yana grabbed a little gangster about 14 or 15 years old and pushed him to the ground with her fat body. "You're crushing me to death! f*****g fat woman." The little gangster screamed loudly. Yana coldly picked up his collar and put her other hand clenched into a fist in front of the little gangster's face. Her eyes were cold, "say, what was going on last night? What did that b***h Helen plan?" This little gangster is one of Helen's crew. His name is Bris. Yana felt she was pretty lucky. As soon as she got out of the hotel door, she saw Bris peeking in. Yana immediately rushed to catch him. Bris ran away when he saw Yana, just like how a mouse would seeing sees a cat. They ran two alleys before Yana jumped and threw herself at bris with her body. Although Yana is fat, she can be regarded as a flexible fat woman. She had not done any less rough and heavy work, so her physical strength and endurance were not poor. He felt frustrated and misfortuned, but he was alone and caught by Yana, it certainly would not be a happy meeting. Seeing that Bris didn't speak, Yana punched him hard in the face, and Bris burst into tears - he immediately begged for mercy, "stop hitting, stop hitting... I’ll tell you everything." “Cowardly thing!” Yana took back her fist and loosened her hand holding Bris's collar. She frowned, staring at bris, "Tell me." "Last night, they... just... deliberately drunk you and threw you into the hotel room, but a dirty and smelly tramp had been arranged to live in that room already..."Bris said and stepped back,  "Helen said you were 18 years old and wanted to help you lose your virginity. This is a coming-of-age gift for you." "The tramp... f**k, damn Helen." Yana's eyes were burning - if she was f****d by a tramp, they would laugh that she was only worthy of being f****d by the dirtiest and smelliest tramp in the city; But if she wasn't f****d by a tramp, they could laugh at her being fat and ugly. Even a tramp wouldn't have any desire to face her... " But she don't know what went wrong with them. They sent her to the wrong room. There was no tramp in the room, only a handsome man with burning lust. "So you're at the hotel door just to see if I've been f****d by a tramp?" Yana asked angrily. "I have nothing to do with that, it’s none of my business..." Bris retreated to a safe distance, turned and ran away. Yana had gotten the truth, so she doesn’t want to bother chasing him again. For herself, Yana Miller, she will take the revenge. That's her style. She must beat that b***h Helen today. St. FIA University is the only university in the civilian area, located on Mountain Walnut Street. Most of the students were from ordinary families, and there were quite a few who work and study like Yana. Helen and Yana were both freshmen in the university. For some reasons, they always disliked each other. It was just that Helen's boyfriend, Eve, was the gangster leader of the bar street on the next block, so Helen also has a group of followers in school. She often take her crew to trouble Yana. But this time what she did made Yana very angry. Yana thought she was not a chaste girl, but she lost her precious first night in such a muddle-headed way. The most fatal thing was that the other party still treated her as a w***e, which made her feel very ashamed. Yana angrily rushed to the school and went straight to Helen's nest. She kicked the warehouse door in the school’s basement open and rushed directly to Helen, held up her collar and scolded, "b***h! I'll kill you!" Then she waved her fist and hit her hard on the head. Before the swinging fist touched Helen's hair, her wrist was harshly grabbed by both hands. The piercing pain came to her. Damn it, it was Helen's loyal follower, Bruce. Helen hid behind Bruce and sneered at the provocation. "Hey, Yana, do you like your coming-of-age gift? Is it nice to be pressed under a man? Are you begging a man to f**k you?" Yana's eyes are burning. Damn Helen, she wanted to tear her mouth! The disparity in power with Bruce kept her suppressed. Helen came to her, reached out to pinched the fat skin around her waist, "are you under him or was he under you? God bless, that man is still alive and not crushed to death by you." Yana was completely angered by her ridicule. The explosive strength broke her free from Bruce hands. She rushed over and lurched at Helen. Yana took the opportunity to press on her, "I want you to see if you can live under my body!" Helen is a petite girl, panting from being crushed pressed by Yana, panting, "f**k off! Fat woman!" Helen tore at her hair, scratching her face violently with her fingernails on her face violently. Bruce picked up a wooden stick to beat her, before he threw  a sack over her head. She heard Bruce's voice, "f*****g fat woman, she's clearly f****d by people but pretends to be innocent." Four or five people surrounded Yana. Although her body was very large, they still pressed her onto the ground and attacked her with fists and feet fiercely. She protected her head, curling up into a ball. Yana laid on the ground, upset and frustrated by her impulse. "Damn it, I shouldn't be so impulsive. f**k!" Helen grabbed her collar, approached her face and spit at her arrogantly, "Bah, b***h, do you want to die? How dare you beat me! I was kind enough to let you enjoy the taste of men! Without me, no man will want to sleep with you in his life, b***h!" Helen was annoyed at Yana's disregard, so she scooted closer. Suddenly Yana bumped her head into Helen's face roughly. Helen's nose felt sore and warm liquid flowed out. Helen covered her nose and blood flowed down along her fingers. Helen was so angry that she thrashed about, bodychecking Yana's fat body. Yana just pushed her it casually, and Helen fell to the ground. She won't give them a chance. The anger that has been suppressed for a long time erupted at this moment. "Stop it!" A sharp voice arise. "Damn it!" Yana loosed her hand, and a small wrinkled old woman came to the front of the warehouse door. It was Miss Lily. She can skillfully recite all the rules and regulations of the school and was the strictest teacher in the school. Helen sat on the ground crying. The blood on her face looked terrible from the random smearing. Miss Lily's face was gloomy. "Article 31 of the school rules prohibits fighting in school." Yana stood aside with her hands down. Keeping silent at this time was the best way. Her eyes glanced at Helen subconsciously. She hoped that Helen could close her mouth. Thank God, Helen didn't talk much. When she thought she could escape, Helen fell straightly backwards with a loud bang. Miss Lily's shrill voice sounded again, "Oh my God, what are you doing? Send her to the infirmary!" Bruce picked up Helen who was lying on the ground and ran out. Yana clearly saw that Helen raised her middle finger in Bruce's arms. "f**k!" Yana clenched her fist and swore in a low voice. She knew that damned Helen would not let her go. After school, Yana took tools and began to clean the toilet. This was Miss Lily's punishment. She held her breath and opened the door of the toilet compartment. A disgusting smell made her want to vomit. Yana couldn't hide her expressions. She washed the toilet floor hard, suppressed the urge to vomit, and straightened her sore waist after finally cleaned it. A basin of water splashed onto her face. Yana opened her mouth in shock as water dripped from the tips of her hair. It was Helen standing outside the door. Helen looked at her sheepish appearance and laughed, "Haha, come and have a look at this fat frog who fell into water." Helen's laughter attracted the attention of othersher students and was gradually surrounded, the audience forming half a circle outside the washroom. Helen loudly told everyone that Yana had s*x with people last night and launched a prize contest,asking who was the unlucky guy that Yana slept with. Boys whistled unkindly at Yana, while girls and the girl laughed at her without consideration. An ugly boy was identified as the Yana’s one-night-stand. The classmate fought with others angrily. Yana clearly heard him say that nobody wants to sleep with the f*****g fat woman. All the boys have no s****l interest when they saw her. The ridicule of her classmates and Helen made Yana angry and ashamed. She fled school. Yana secretly vowed that one day, that b***h Helen, will pay for her actions. Yana didn't go home and went to Sunny's house instead. Sunny was Yana's best friend and neighbor. Different from Yana, Sunny is thin and tall. She is a beautiful girl with slightly rough makeup and looks tired. She rented a small room by herself and worked as a counter salesr in a luxury brand. Yana guessed that she had just came home from work. Seeing the bruise on Yana's face, Sunny couldn't help exclaiming, "God, honey, what happened to you? " "Had a fight with that b***h, Helen." Yana covered Sunny's mouth and whispered, "keep your voice down. My grandmother will hear you later... I didn't go home just to keep her from looking.." "Helen, how did that b***h annoy you?" With sympathetic eyes, Sunny turned to the bathroom. She took a towel, wrapped some ice on it the towel, and then handed the ice to Yana, who was already sitting on her humble sofa. "It's a long story..." Yana took the ice and put it on the bruise on her face, "damn, that's really hurts." "Can't you take a detour when you see her?" Sunny moved some of the messy clothes on the sofa aside and sat next to Yana. "Your grandmother must be worried seeing you look like this." "That's why I came to your house." Yana glanced at Sunny. "Don't slip your tongue when you meet my grandmother later." Sunny frowned and persuaded, "If you don't go to school, get a good job so you won't see Helen." "And you can make more money." "That's not good. Grandma had suffered a lot before, raised me and provided all I need for my study. She also hopes to see me graduate from college." Yana shook her head. "I can't let her down." "To be honest, I envy you. You have a grandmother who loves you." Sunny looked at Yana with envious eyes. "I was only 12 years old when I was driven out to work by my gambler father to make money." "Honey, I envy you too. At least you have a complete home." Yana shrugged and put an ice bag on the other side. "I just have my grandmother and at every Christmas we're only have each other ... Of course, we don't have much money for Christmas." "Well... let’s not talk anymore about that. You haven't explained yet. How did that b***h Helen annoy you?" Seeing Yana's eyes filling with tears, Sunny changed the subject. "Helen is such a bitch." Yana clenched her fist. "That b***h took a large number of people to the bar where I worked last night and said that if I could win three of her men, she would pay for all the wine I drank." "So... you believed her?" With incredulous eyes, Sunny stood up and poured Yana a glass of water. "I thought there are so many people in the bar so she won't make any trouble. In order to make more money, we bet on alcohol... Unfortunately, I was drunk..." Yana shrugged. "Drunk? How did you get home last night?" Sunny exclaimed. "Hey, keep your voice down." Yana was so frightened that she immediately covered Sunny's mouth again. "You didn't go home last night?" Something suddenly reminded Sunny, she said, "when I went out to work in the morning, grandma was at the door and asked me if I saw you... I said you went to school." "Oh, thank you, honey. You didn't let my cat out of the bag." Yana thanked her sincerely, "I really didn't go home. That b***h Helen left me in a cheap hotel room and wanted a dirty tramp to r**e me." "... how could she treat you like that?" Sunny covered her mouth and some nasty pictures appeared in her mind. She was pretty sorry for Yana, "God, Yana, are you okay now?" "It's okay... Honey, it's okay. Her plan didn't succeed." Yana thought of the man and blushed for no reason. "Well, I don't know what went wrong. There was no tramp in the room they sent me to. Instead, there was a... handsome man with eight-pack abs.. Then, we..." Speaking of, Yana scooted close to Sunny's ear and whispered. Sunny's face showed an unbelievablely excited look. "God... Yana!" Sunny looked at Yana and said excitedly, "It's really... well... I don't know what to say, but I can only say it's not so bad..." Sunny's biggest wish is to meet a rich man in the store and start a romantic love story... Yana's experience should be the beginning of a romantic relationship in Sunny's perspective! "Anyway, it's a stranger. It''s a pity." Yana said disappointed. "It doesn't matter. Maybe you'll see him again one day." Sunny comforted Yana. "Hmm? So what if I see him again? I don't deserve someone like that." Yana rubbed her forehead. "Forget it, I don't want to think about it any more. Give me your makeup. I need to dress up. It's time to go to the bar and work." "Okay, okay, wait a minute." Sunny got up to a table and took out her belongings - a pile of cheap makeup. "You go to my home later and tell my grandmother that I'll come back later to cook for her." Yana went to the mirror, looked at her reflection and said. "Yes, your majesty." Sunny agreed. In the evening, Yana dressed up simply and coated her face with thick, cheap foundation to cover some bruises. No matter what happens, living is the most important thing. So Yana, as usual, came to the bar where she sold alcohol part-time in the evening. She needed to support her old and sick grandmother, but she doesn't want to give up her studies - in her mind, learning more things may come in handy in the future. So she can only go to the bar part-time after school. The more alcohol she sells, the more she earns. As soon as she entered the bar, I was stopped by waiter Lawrence: "Hey Yana, the boss asked you to go to his office." "Thanks, Lawrence." Yana wondered why did the boss suddenly ask her to go to the office, he had never met up with wine selling girls?
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