Stay away from my son!

1263 Words

Valerie's POV We came as quickly as possible. We walked into the Principal's office to find a mother with her child and Hannah sitting there glaring at Little Dean, who looked like he had been crying. I walked over to my son and stood protectively between him and the others. These people don't want to know how angry I am. They don't know what is waiting for them, especially Hannah Stark. Who does she think she is to intervene in school business? She does not even have a child in this school. She has gone too far. If Dean does not do something about it today, I will. "What is Hannah's Stark doing in a meeting at the school? As far as I know, she is not on the board of directors, but I am. I have already told you that you had better not mess with my son or me. Principle, I want to know ex

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