Warmth is wrapping me up

2253 Words

Hazel's POV "What the f**k" I whisper rereading the words on the tissue again. "Exactly! What the f**k" Elliot says in the same tone and I sense a little mocking too. But I brush it off because right now, Ruby is on the list. "Maybe you should explain this to me. Because she is clearly upset that you are not hers!" I say. "Again! What the f**k" he says looking at me,"now you want me to go choose Ruby? What the f**k is wrong with you?" Seriously. Why did I just say that? I don't know if this particular thing broke our kiss or I am genuinely mad at both Ruby and Elliot. But this whole situation is pissing me off. I look at Elliot and this time, I am met with his stare. I sigh calming down a little and his eyes go soft. "Come here" he whispers and I take a step towards him. He

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