I might be the next celeb at my office

2021 Words
Hazel's POV I am frozen. And I don't even take a deep breathe afraid I would move. I gulp once and he opens his eyes at the same time. We both are staring at each other and the tension between us is too much to handle right now. "I don't know why but I want to kiss you, Hazel" he whispers. And my mind throws me stupid scene of my dream again and I push him away. This is not right. I hop out of the car and walk to my house without turning back. Once I get inside my home, I release the breath I was holding in and crash on the floor. What the f**k just happened there? If I wasted another second, he would have kissed me.! I walk to the window and see that he is still there. And he waves at me. I don't even know if he can see me from there. Oh! I switched the light on when I walked inside. I switch the light off and I see him drive away again. I sigh once more but go into alert mode when I hear my daughter's room door open. "Mommy?" She calls for me. "Yes baby" I say and walk to her. "I am scared. Can I sleep with you?" She asks. I take her into my arms and walk upstairs. I place tender kisses all over her face as I climb each step. She just smiles at me and yawns. I place her on my bed and remove the hoodie that I wore before going out. I join her on the bed and she throws both her arms over me snuggling closer. "Why were you scared?" I ask her. "I saw a monster that was trying to grab my school bag" she whispers. "It's okay. Close your eyes again. And this time, Elsa is going to beat him up for you" I say and she giggles. I kiss her forehead and she yawns again. "Mommy?" Savannah calls out again. "Yes, sweetie?" I ask her "I love you" she says and I kiss her forehead again before playing with her long hair. "I love you more, cutie. Now get back to sleep and slay the monster" I whisper and within moments, she is back to sleep again. But somehow, I cannot find myself sleeping. My thoughts keep going to Elliot again and again. That dream. Whatever happened in the car back there. I don't know if I have been lonely for a while now or whatever the other reason, but I find myself being in all comfort around Elliot. I know he treats me just as his another employee. Because I have never recieved flowers from him again. He called me only once and that too to discuss about the Paris fashion show. He never really saw me as a person. I am just another employee to him. One among the hundred working under him. I sigh and curse myself. What am I even thinking about? I hold my wedding ring that is around my neck and look at the window. Before I even had the chance to sleep, I see the sun rise and just as I close my eyes, Savannah wakes me up again. Maybe I have slept for two hours but I guess I am ready for the day. . . "Mommy.! Someone stole our car" Savannah shouts as soon as we step out. Oh yeah! I forgot. My car is at the service whatever Josh mentioned yesterday. So I quickly book for a cab ride to Savannah's school first and I'll see how I can get there to my office from there. "Our car has a minor repair, sweetie. It will get back to us soon. But let us take the cab for today, shall we?" I ask and she nods. Just as we start talking about Savannah's school and everything, the cab arrives and we hop in. The driver is a middle aged man who keeps smiling at Savannah and she occasionally returns the smile. "Mommy, when is Elliot coming again?" Savannah asks out of blue. "What?" "Elliot. Your friend we met at the restaurant. He promised to see me if I be a good girl and don't get you worried. Was I a good girl, mommy?" She asks. "Of course you are a good girl, sweetie. You are the best" I say and place a kiss on her cheek. "And I will tell Elliot to visit you soon, okay?" I ask and she nods excitedly. She now takes a strong liking towards Elliot. Nice. Just when I thought it is not complicated enough. "And the one who took us to dinner was mean" she says again. "What are you talking about, baby?" I ask her quite shocked. "When you were helping me with the chair. He was looking at you mommy. Here" she says and places her both hands on my chest,"and and in movies they are the bad guys" I feel disgusted right now. Elliot was right. Daniel was indeed a pervert. I was soft on him only because of Jennifer. I take my daughter closer and I see the cab driver through the rearview mirror. His eyes are soft and concerned. But now I don't have that time and emotions invested to worry about someone else's concern over me or my daughter. I drop her at her school and kiss her good bye but I see the cab is still there. "I can drop you at your home again, if you want" he says. But I give him my office address and he smiles at me again. I sit in my cab praying to all Gods above that Elliot should be there at the office today. He doesn't come to office at Saturdays. And yesterday I also came to know that Elliot and Josh take long weekend holidays to go to whatever place they want to, just to blow off some steam or whatever. I take the elevator to the fourth floor and I see Jennifer. She had a smile on her face when the elevator made a ding sound. But that smile gone when she notices it is me. I do not care at this point. The elevator closes behind and I walk to Jenny. She is just staring at me with no emotion. "Is Mr. Montgomery here?" I ask and she nods. "Oh My Goodness! Thank you" I sigh and rush to his cabin. But Alas! I am greeted with him and Ruby making out again. And this time, his tongue was down her throat and she is doing lap dance or whatever they call it. I groan and walk out. I look at Jennifer and she smirks. She knows that is what is happening inside our boss's cabin but she hid that from me and deliberately sent me in. Whatever! I sit at my desk and try to wrap my head around the fact that, Daniel.. that fucker was checking me out in front of my daughter. I am now grateful to Elliot that he stood behind me. And watched me till I reached safe. No one has done that for me since Adrian. "Hazel, boss is calling you" Ruby says as she sets her short skirt that is clearly covering nothing. I walk inside and I see he is tightening his belt too. Woah! That was not lap dance then. God! What did I run into early in the morning. "Good morning Hazel" he smiles. "Thank you so much for that night, Mr. Montgomery. I didn't know that. I actually. Savannah told me. I-" "Shh shhhhh!" He says as he walks to me and he places both his hands over my shoulders. "Calm down" he whispers and makes me sit on one of the chairs in his room but I stand up in an instant. "Are these polluted?" I ask and he is confused for a second until he gets it and laughs it off. "Except my chair and the couch over there, everything is fine and safe to sit" he says and I smile a little. He gives me his glass of water and I take a couple sips from it. He sits on the table before me and is looking at me to calm down. More like waiting for me to calm my ass down. I sigh once I gain my cool again. "Savannah told me that you promised her a visit if she was a good girl" I smile at him and he smiles back. "I did. And I intend to keep my promise" he says and I nod. "And then she said that Daniel.. that day ... He was staring at my., My-" "You don't have to finish the sentence, Hazel. I know what kind of a bastard he is. I did not just simply kick him out okay?" He asks. "But my patience is kicking, Elliot. I am trying my best with this good start. I feel alone at times. Savannah is growing up and I am trying my best to take care of everything for her. I let my guard down with him only because my friend Jennifer likes him. And and-" I burst into tears right then and there. This is not just about Daniel. But several little things bottled up together coming out all at once. To me, I don't react anything soon. I wait till the depression pot inside me is filled and I go crazy when the pot is brimming with all the sad incidents. I did not expect Elliot to hug but he does. Strange enough, his hug feels calming. I find myself calming. "Thanks for that evening" I whisper pulling away. "You're welcome" he smiles. I then nod and walk out again. And this time, I am ready to focus on my own work. But I see I grabbed attention of everyone coming out of boss's office. And I look different. Little does people know that I had a panic attack in that room. Nonetheless, I smile and bury my face in the files before me. I recieve a message that the business trip to Paris is scheduled in two weeks. Very nice. That means I should slowly start taking care of things. I should also let Savannah know that I will be away for three days. I need to prepare her from now because then she wouldn't actually miss me that much. If I randomly leave her at stranger's house and travel to another country, that trip is doomed since beginning. Just an hour into the work, I hear people go crazy. I wonder why. But I still keep my head down and read the papers since I don't want to grab more attention than I did today. "Jeez! I cannot believe he is married" I hear someone say and even Ruby's face is glowing. Huh? "Hey Hazel!" I hear the familiar voice and turn around. Before me is Josh in his oh so dashing suit again. And he is different than yesterday. He is dressed all professional and he looks handsome than I remember. "Hey Josh" his name rolls off my tongue automatically and he seems impressed that I just called him by his name. "Your car keys" he gives me those and I just stare at him. "This fast? I was expecting two days minimum" I say and he laughs. "I am a VIP baby. They do it fast when the name is on me" he smirks and I nod with an impressed smile. "Is Elliot in there?" He asks and I nod. "Cool then. We have a deal remember? If you break that I am going to go crazy on you" he almost screams walking towards my boss's cabin. "I remember. Now please stop throwing the attention on me" I whisper yell at him. "That, you already got Hazel" he winks at me and turns around leaving again. And by the time I understand what he means, I turn around to see everyone's eyes on me again and this time, for a different person. Great!
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