I SAID YES!!!! (to the business trip)

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Hazel's POV I wake up with a jolt and I look like I bathed in sweat. I look at the clock and I was asleep just for an hour. Great! And you know what woke me up? It is my damn dream. It was nice in the beginning. With Savannah and I having fun at the picnic. It was spring. The weather was nice. It was by a river. If you are about to ask me what is that harsh about this dream that woke me up? That is exactly what I am coming to next. Hold up your patience levels!! Then Savannah's face was a lot happier. Her smile got wider. And there was a hand on my shoulder. When I look at who the person is, I see Mr. Elliot Montgomery himself. We even kissed in my dream. I don't know what is wrong or why I dreamt that way, but I did. I walk to Sienna's room to see her peacefully sleeping. So I throw on a hoodie and walk out. I lock the door behind me and drive my car arround. I am surprised to see the diner still open and serving. I can use a coffee or hot chocolate whatever it is can wake me up better so I walk in. But again, I am absolutely stunned to see Mr. Elliot again. At first, I thought I was seeing things because he was in my dream too. But I saw someone else beside him. A face that I never saw so I conclude that this is not my dream. I walk to him and he smiles at me. "Hello Hazel! I did not expect to run into you at this hour" he says. "Well, I can say the same too Mr. Montgomery. I wonder if you even live around" I whisper and finally look at the guy beside him. He is.. handsome. Maybe more handsome than Mr. Montgomery. His sharp facial features and the way he is dressed in suit like Mr. Montgomery was in the first time I saw him, concludes he is another rich guy. "This guy is Josh. My best friend and the owner of the company that produces the shoes you are wearing now" he says. "That is a weird way to introduce but it is nice meeting you, Mr. Joshua" I smile at him. "Wow! I like this lady already" he smiles at me and then nudges at Mr. Montgomery. "But you are married, Josh" Mr. Montgomery smirks. "Oh really? Where are these words coming from?" Mr. Joshua asks Mr. Montgomery again. And by now, I feel like I am just sitting with a couple who wouldn't stop flirting. I find the waitress and I ask her for a coffee to which she smiles and nods. I look at the two men again and I see they are still bickering about something. I regret that I forgot my phone at my home. So I silently sit there waiting for them to finish whatever they are talking and acknowledge me as a person. "By the way, where is Savannah?" Mr. Montgomery asks. "Who is Savannah now? Her hot chick best friend?" Joshua asks and I scrunch my nose. But Mr. Montgomery almost punches him and that makes me smile a little bit. "She is my six year old daughter and she is sleeping at home. I am here just because I couldn't sleep somehow" I tell to both at the same time. "Oh! Who are you to Elliot by the way?" He asks again and now I am starting to get annoyed by how many questions he asks. "He is my boss which is why I have been addressing him as Mr. Montgomery and you as Mr. Joshua. I am a single mother. I have a six year old daughter, Savannah. Is this enough of an interrogation or shall we discuss about my salary package too?" I ask and I see both the men just stare at me. The waitress gives me my cup of coffee and I take a sip of it. I am not this rude since years but now, I feel like this world is getting the better of it. I look at the two men again and they are still staring at me. I don't know if it is the coffee or the look on their faces but I finally smile. They both sigh in relief at the same time and I just chuckle. "I am sorry. I am not really in a good mood" I apologise however because he is still my boss. "You don't have to. We all have our fair share of bad moods, don't we?" Mr. Montgomery says and Mr. Joshua only smiles. "And Hazel, outside the office I am just Elliot and this asshole is just Josh. Since he is not your boss you can just call him that anytime" Mr. Montgomery says and I look at Joshua. "Yeah. You can just call me Josh because I already like you and your guts" he says that got me confused again. What is he talking about? "No one even raises a finger before Elliot. That is how he is born and raised but you freaking snatched his phone from him. Of course you did not know him then but girl, you would need lot of guts to do that" he says and I awkwardly smile. I take another sip of my coffee and this time, they are sipping their sodas. I guess their meal time is done already. "So what happened to your husband exactly? If you don't want to answer, you don't have to" Joshua asks. "Car crash. Two days after our first wedding Anniversary it was, Joshua" I tell him. "I am sorry. And please call me Josh. Joshua makes me feel old somehow" he says and I smile with a nod. "I did not expect you here, Mr. Montgomery. And why-" I stop mid sentence when he tilts his head and raises his eyebrow. Okay. He asked me to call him Elliot but that is now very strange because I have been calling him Mr. Montgomery since last two weeks. "I did not expect you here, Elliot" I say and he smiles but this still takes time for me to adjust, I guess. "And why is Ruby not here?" I ask him again. Josh erupts into laughter and I see Elliot roll his eyes and face palm himself. I don't get the joke. Maybe it is an inside joke between them. Or did I just embarass myself in front of these two? What the hell should I do right now? "Why will Ruby be here? You thought she was his girlfriend?" Josh asks. "Isn't she?" I ask him back. And the look on Mr. Montgomery's face is priceless. I should not be laughing but I could not control myself at the same time so I join Joshua and we both laugh it off. "I am so sorry. But she walks in whenever she wants to. I saw you both making out the first day I joined the office so I thought you both are-" "Friends with benefits. That is exactly what we are. Thank you Hazel" Mr. Montgomery says with another eye roll but Joshua just cannot stop laughing. Wow! I really thought Ruby was his girlfriend but he doesn't pay attention to her at work place. I mean, she threatened me about impressing him and all. I did not tell that to him. I thought she was jealous because she was his girlfriend. But now this does not make sense. "Wow" I say and finish my coffee. "Yeah. Wow. She slept with me too. So is that double wow now?" Josh asks and this time I am beyond shocked. "I am sorry but why is this funny to me?" I ask and Josh laughs it off. We then talk about Ruby and the office and even Daniel. I let myself loose after so long. Maybe after Adrian I can say. These both are actually fun to be around with. And by now, I can see my boss as my friend too. He is not in his boss mode now. "So when are you leaving to Paris?" Josh asks. "I don't know. I don't know who I should ask to accompany" Elliot says. "What? You have her. By what we talked now, she is fun to hang out with and legit has sense in fashion. She clearly knows what she is here for. Who else is perfect,dude?" Josh questions. "It is not about who fits the role, Josh. I am single widowed mother with six year daughter. I cannot leave her alone. I don't have my parents here and I cannot trust nannies either" I say and he goes silent for a minute. Meanwhile, Elliot asks for the waitress to get the check and Josh is still silent. He looks like he is thinking about something with so much of focus. "I have an idea" Josh finally says and that catches both mine and Elliot's attention. "You can leave Savannah with me and my wife. We never had kids around so it would be good. She is pregnant now" he says. "That is an amazing idea" Elliot says too but I only shake my head at both of them. "No. I don't feel it's a good idea. My daughter is-" "Just like any other six year old. The trip is for three days. I promise you will be back before she even misses you. Modish really needs you Hazel" Elliot says again. "Three days. I promise to take care of your little girl. No one says a word or they'll be burnt to death. My wife and I will make sure she is properly fed, dropping at school and picking her up will be done too. Let us experience what it is like to have kids. We have zero knowledge" Josh says. Elliot pays the bill for us and he is looking at me expectantly. I mean, I want to help those both. Savannah can have different experience and know different lifestyle too. "But if she misses me, I am coming right back" I say and both the men scream in happiness at the same time. I laugh at them and I walk out. My car looks small and old beside Elliot or Josh's Lamborghini of course. "Thanks for the time. It's been a while since I laughed this way" I tell both of them. Josh hugs me good night and Elliot just nods at me. I sit in my car and try to rev the engine up but I cannot somehow. If there is some problem here, I would go ballistic. I have no idea how towing system or whatever works here and I also feel it is already late. I need to get back home. I hop out of the car and Josh extends his hand. "Give me your car. Let Elliot drop you in mine. By the time he comes here, I will have your car towed to a service centre I know. You will have your car by tomorrow" he says without even breaking the sentence. "You are a saviour!" I smile wide and give him my car keys. I hug him bye again and follow Elliot to now I know, that it is Josh's car. Now I wonder if Elliot lives with Josh and his wife but I wouldn't ask. There is this thing called privacy. Elliot starts driving and without my instructions, he drives in the exact correct way. Now this got me thinking, how the hell does he know where I live? Just three minutes into the drive and we stop in front of my home. The light is still off. Savannah is sleeping. "How do you know that this is where I live?" I ask him and he awkwardly smiles. "The night. After I sent Daniel away, I followed you to make sure he wouldn't follow or meet you again" he shrugs. "Thank you. That was so nice of you" I smile wide and it actually makes my heart feel warm about it. He did that for me. For my safety. "Thanks for agreeing to come to Paris. I really would be doomed if I take Ruby or Jennifer with me" he smiles and I smile too. "It's my pleasure to accompany you on this business trip" I say and he nods. The air between us quickly got awkward. And the scene from my dream started replaying in my mind. I close my eyes to control myself for few seconds. But when I open my eyes, Elliot is just mere inch away from my lips and he is looking straight into my eyes. Just a tiny movement and our lips would be touching.
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