Chapter 15 Who is your employer

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Just then, Kelly's phone vibrated in her purse. "I need to take this call; my parents are calling," Kelly said before moving aside. Lisa and Didi nodded and didn't pay attention to the foolish stranger anymore. They just rested in their car, looking around the venue. The man walked towards Lisa. "Hey, beauty, my boss wants to speak with you," the man said, pointing to a car not far from theirs. Lisa and Didi looked in the direction of the car and saw a black luxurious car not far away. "Guys, I am so sorry I can't spend time with you today. Something just came up, and my parents are asking me to come back quickly," Kelly said pleadingly before rushing towards her car and leaving. Lisa and Didi still stood there with confused expressions. They glared at the stranger who was still standing with them, then with a cold face and anger, turned and entered their car before driving away. The man went to his boss's car. "Boss, they left," the guard said with a cold face. "You can come in," the boss said to his bodyguard. "Beauty, we will meet again," the boss said with a grin on his face. Mera said with a calm but angry face, "Ha, mum, those bad guys just called. They said that Lisa just left the bidding venue," Mera said as she paced and turned around in the living room. Mrs. Claire sat on the couch with an angry expression. "Have they started chasing after them already?" "Yep, what will they be waiting for if not to chase after that brat immediately?" Mera said, sitting down on the sofa and picking up her drink. Exhausted but triumphant, Lisa and Didi drove away from the bidding venue. As they hit the highway, Lisa noticed a car tailing them. "Didi, I think we're being followed," Lisa said, her voice laced with concern. Didi glanced in the rearview mirror. "That black sedan has been behind us since we left the venue." Lisa's instincts kicked in. "Let's lose them." Didi sped up, weaving through traffic, but the sedan kept pace. They tried to shake it off, taking sharp turns and sudden lane changes, but the sedan clung to their bumper. Suddenly, the sedan swerved, blocking their path. Lisa's heart raced as four men emerged, their faces twisted with malice. One of them growled, "Get out of the car." Lisa and Didi exchanged terrified glances. They knew they had to escape. As the sedan blocked their path, Lisa and Didi's hearts sank. But just as the men were about to pounce, a sleek black Bentley swooped in, blocking the sedan. A group of towering bodyguards, their suits straining against their massive physiques, leaped out of the Bentley. With precision and skill, they took down the would-be kidnappers, their movements a blur of muscle and menace. The bad guys, realizing they were outmatched, cowered and pleaded for mercy immediately. The bodyguards, their faces expressionless, continued to pummel and subdue them until they were sure the threat was neutralized. One of the bodyguards, clearly the leader, approached Lisa and Didi's car. "Are you ladies okay?" he asked, his deep voice gentle. Lisa and Didi, still shaken, nodded in unison. "Yes, thank you," Lisa said. The bodyguard smiled. "You're safe now. My employer sent us to protect you." Didi's eyes widened. "Your employer? Who's that?" The bodyguard chuckled. "Someone who's been watching out for you, Miss Lisa. Someone who won't let anyone harm you." As the bodyguards dragged the defeated kidnappers away, Lisa and Didi exchanged curious glances. Who was this mysterious benefactor? And why were they so determined to keep them safe? The head bodyguard turned to them. "Are you ladies sure you're okay? We can take you to a safe location." Lisa shook her head, still trying to process what had just happened. "No, we're fine. Thank you for saving us." Didi nodded in agreement. "Yes, thank you. But who was that person you are working for?" Didi asked curiously. The bodyguard's expression turned neutral. "I'm not at liberty to disclose that information. My employer's identity is protected." With that, he nodded and returned to the Bentley, which had pulled up behind them. The bodyguards drove away, leaving Lisa and Didi alone once more. As they watched the Bentley disappear into the distance, Lisa turned to Didi. "What just happened?" Didi shook her head. "I have no idea, but I think we just got caught up in something big." Lisa's eyes narrowed. "I want to know who that person was and why they're so interested in us. We also have to thank them properly for saving our lives today." Didi's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Me too. Let's do some digging." Mera and her mother Claire paced in the living room, wearing smiles etched with malice. They had been awaiting news of Lisa's k********g, expecting her to be brought to them broken and helpless. Suddenly, the door opened, and Lisa walked in, unscathed and radiant. Her smooth, silky skin was flawless, not a single scratch or bruise to be seen. Mera's face twisted in rage and disappointment. Mrs. Claire's eyes narrowed, her lips pursing into a thin line. Ignoring them, Lisa walked past, head held high, and went straight upstairs. Mera grabbed her phone and dialed a number, her voice venomous. "You idiots! You were supposed to bring her to us, not let her escape!" Mrs Claire's face was equally ugly, her anger simmering just below the surface. "This isn't over," she hissed, her eyes fixed on Lisa's retreating figure. Mera continued to rant into the phone, her words dripping with malice. "You'll pay for this failure... just wait until I get my hands on you..." The kidnappers tried to explain, their voices barely recognizable due to their battered state. "It didn't go as planned... the girls were saved by some bodyguards... we're in bad shape..." Mera's face twisted in rage and disappointment. Mrs Claire's eyes narrowed, her lips pursing into a thin line. "How could you fail us like this?" Mera spat into the phone. The kidnapper's voice trembled. "We didn't expect... those bodyguards were like machines... please, just help us..." Mera's anger boiled over even more. "You're useless to us now. Don't bother calling again." She hung up the phone, her eyes fixed on her mother. "It seems our plan was foiled... again." Mrs. Claire's face was equally ugly, her anger simmering just below the surface. "This isn't over. We'll find another way to deal with her." As Lisa entered her room, she could feel their anger and resentment like a palpable force. She knew she had to be careful, as Mera and Mrs Claire, her stepmother would stop at nothing to destroy her. But Lisa was no longer afraid. She was ready to fight back, to take control of her life and her destiny. Sitting on her bed, her mind raced with thoughts of the impending wedding. The day after tomorrow, she would be married to Miller Lugard, the son of the richest family in the country. The same Miller who was rumored to be an ugly beast, with a heart to match. She shuddered at the thought, fear creeping up her spine. But as she looked around her room, she knew she had no choice. This was her fate, decided by her father and stepmother. Lisa took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. She would face her fate head-on, no matter how terrifying it seemed. She would not let fear consume her. As she stood up, a determination burning within her, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes sparkled with determination, her jaw set in defiance. "I will survive this," she whispered to herself, "no matter what." Just then, a soft knock on the door broke the silence. It was Didi, her best friend and confidante. "Hey, Lisa, I brought you some dinner," Didi said, her voice soft with concern. "And some company. We need to talk." Lisa smiled weakly, grateful for Didi's presence. Together, they would face whatever lay ahead.
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