Chapter 11

1943 Words
Angelo’s POV “Come for me baby” He moaned into my ear grabbing my butt. “come hard and deep babe. Uuuuhhh yeah. Babe...ungh..baabbbee come for me.” He moaned clenching his ass muscles down around my length. Randy looked so hot as he writhed under me in pleasure. It only increased my own pleasure when he moan and groaned. And that expression on his face when I pushed in deeper and harder was just priceless. He was sexy to the bone. I couldn’t believe that I was having sex....let alone with him. It was just awesome. I felt the movement under me as my pillow seemed to move a bit. Aww it was a dream? That’s so not fair. I groaned. I want to go back to sleep, I want to dream some more, I wonder how much more explicit my dream can get. Maybe I can will the hangover headache that I feel coming away, and go back to sleep. My pillow moved again. For freaking freaks sake what is with this moving pillow. I groaned again and cuddled more into it. Mmmmm I love the feel of these sheets, they must be new. Mmmm and they feel like a well built body. I moved my leg slightly – wait..... what’s that.. that feels like a..... no it cant be....can it? No.... not in my bed. I don’t even own a dildo. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. it cant be. Oh my gosh! My pillow is touching my head. Oh s**t that hurts, my head started pounding. Great now my head hurts. I groaned again. Thanks a lot pillow geez! I opened my eyes. Oowwwwwww! Ugh damn sun! I let my eyes adjust to the light. Oh s**t. Uh- oh. I looked down. Okay either my new sheets come with a body foam up thingy for single people like myself or and Im just spit-balling here…. This is a genuine body, in which case I may have brought someone home last night. I glanced around the room. Nope this is definitely not my room. Oh s**t. The party…. s**t s**t s**t. What happened last night? What the hell, there is a naked body - a sexy one from what I can tell and feel – in the same bed as me and from what I can tell im naked too. s**t. I looked up. Oh my goodness tell me im dreaming..Anyone? Anyone? Randy f*****g Porter?! I looked up into those amazing green eyes. How do eyes get that pretty? And those lips mmmm I would love to kiss those. Oh s**t s**t s**t! I remember now. Alcohol, talking and laughing, alcohol, dancing, alcohol, kissing, alcohol - why is there so much alcohol in this memory - room, alcohol, s-s-se-s*x. HOLY MOTHER f*****g w***e ON A HANDBREAK. OH MY s**t. DAMN. f**k. s**t. b***h. MOTHER FUCKER. I LOST MY VIRGINITY LAST NIGHT – so did he but s**t I LOST MINE. When I was drunk…..ahh that’s disappointing. Ugh way to f**k up my already f****d up life. I feel stressed all of a sudden. This is not good. What’s gonna happen now? I don’t have a good feeling about this. How can this happen to me? trust me to fall for a bi, straight-minded-and-acting guy. Maybe he really wanted this, maybe we are meant to be, maybe I’m getting a second chance at love. A new love. Maybe he came on to me - that’s the only part that’s not quite clear – Yeah right maybe pigs will fly and dogs will love cats and maybe just maybe there will be world peace too…. As my inner battle was going on he was looking at me with a look of deep thinking, confusion, sadness and a hint of…….what is that….pity? PITY?! WTF he feels pity for me? pity? Ouch that hurts. Why do people think I’m such a charity case to feel pity for? Hm? Why do people do this to me, that freaking look? Why?....... I felt my tears beginning to sting in my eyes. I closed my eyes briefly to force back the tears. I am not going to let him see that he can hurt me like this. No one will see my vulnerable side ever again. I will not be vulnerable for anyone, no matter how much I like them. I can’t… I might not make it this time. I opened my eyes again. I was angry and hurt. I don’t want to do this anymore, I don’t want to be the one people pity anymore. I don’t want to be a charity case. I pushed myself off of him and jumped off the bed, startling him slightly. So there I stood straight and tall, holding my head up high. I was ready to give him a piece of my mind. And then…… I lost the words and what came out was a weak: “uh… I… uhm… hi?” I stuttered. Wow Angelo, nice strong front. Ugh.. I slapped myself mentally. “hey” he croaked confusion clear on his face. He stared at me with a look I couldn’t read exactly. He was looking at me but not at my face, at least that’s not what it looked like he was looking at. His eyes roamed my body. Then he looked at my face, taking in every detail, it seemed. He then cleared his throat loudly. I gave him a what-are-you-staring-at-and-fake-clearing-your-throat-for, look. He glanced down then up again at my body. His face turned bright red and he chuckled slightly. “what?” I asked getting slightly annoyed with a pout on my face. “you’re…. uhm… well you’re kinda-” “just say it already” I exasperated “you’re n-n-na-ked” he stuttered. That’s all, that’s what he was stuttering about. Wait….. what. im naked? s**t! I ran to grab something to cover my exposed body. I found boxers and put them on in record time. Good now im not so naked. Now he was looking at me with that look I couldn’t read again as he looked at my body again. What its not like he hasn’t seen me without my shirt. He continued to stare as I became more and more annoyed. “what now?!” “wha-, huh?” he looked at my face confused “you're still staring!” “it’s uh well uhm you’re kinda wearingmyboxers” he said quickly. I didn’t quite catch the end. “what?” I am so confused. “Speak up I cant hear you. What are you trying to say?” “You’re WEARING MY BOXERS” he shouted stressing each word. “Oh sorry” I said sheepishly. Oh my goodness this is so embarrassing. But I didn’t want to take them off. At least not in front of him. “I-its okay” he said looking down “Well, could you please turn around so I can take them off?” “Why? Are you shy?” he teased smirking. Ah wow, there’s randy porter. “In my own way okay… i-uh – ugh just do it” I groaned blushing. “okay I will cover my eyes” “why cant you just turn around” “takes too much effort and my head is killing me” “Okay…. Put your head under the blanket? “Won't be able to breathe” “Randy!” “Angelo” “Fine! Just don’t peek okay” “oh I won't be doing any peeking trust me” he said sarcastically. Ouch. Blow number 2. Geez cant he at least pretend for a little while. Oh well I guess I should get used to this kind of thing right. Its life it happens. “Are you done yet?” randy asked with his hand covering his eyes. “Not yet” I answered taking off his boxers and looking around for mine. I did this thing with my body that strippers do, just to mock him. he couldn’t see anyway. I don’t see my boxers. “now?” “ I cant find my boxers” I stated still looking around for them. “what?” “ I CANT FIND MY BLOODY BOXERS!!” I shouted “oh- geez no need to bite my head off now. I’ll help you look.” “Well sorry.. Thanks. Wait what? No stay on the bed with your eyes covered” I commanded. “Yes, sir!” he replied in a sarcastic tone. d**k. I looked around for my boxers and I still couldn’t find them so I decided that I might as well go without them. I slipped back into my shorts and top. I looked around for my sock… aha there is one on the desk, now to find the other one. I glanced around the room again. “Aren’t you done yet?” Randy asked in a weary tone. “Just wait” I am not going to be nice to him at all this morning because I am just that mean….. ha. Ha. Ha. Ooooo my sock is on the lamp. Yay. Now shoes. Ah by the door. I slipped them on. “You can peek now.” I said in a fake seductive voice. “Finall- so you just go ahead and get dressed while I have my hand over my eyes? You said you wanted to find your boxers.” “BFD dude. What is the big deal anyway?” “Never mind. I might as well get dressed too.” “Want me to turn around?” I mocked “No” he said simply “I don’t mind you looking. I love my body and I change in front of my team all the time so… im used to it one could say.” He smirked at me. Hmph he ruined my fun of mocking him. I snarled then stuck my tongue out at him. He leapt out of bed and grabbed his discarded boxers followed by this shorts, his top, socks and finally shoes. I was staring at his amazing body the whole time. If there is one good thing that came out of this, it’s that I get a full show of him in all this naked glory. I love the way his muscles flex as he pulls his top over his head and the way his ass looks when he bends over to pull up his pants or tie his shoes. Mmmh I could just lick him all over – “ANGELO!” “What?” I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. he is sitting now… when did he get over there. “I think we need to talk...” “About?” I asked looking around trying to avoid his eyes but I could still feel his intense gaze on me. “Last night” I swallowed hard and looked down. Uh-oh. Im in trouble now.
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