Encouraged by what Serena had said Sadie had decided to find her flow so the next day in school she went to the field, basketball she thought, she decided to try and play basketball but it didn't work out the way she planned, the ball kept smacking her face and it would never enter the hoop. The coach finally kicked her out when she actually scored but for the opposite team.
She also tried other sports like swimming and running but she almost drowned and she wasn't fit for running. After all the tries Sadie felt useless "maybe i am just a pretty face" she thought and she went to the music room, while she was there she played the piano and sang gracefully, by the time she was done she heard some clapping and wondered who was there and she was shocked to see her music and arts teacher; Mrs Robinson who praised her "I didn't know you could sing or play like this" "neither did i, i did learn it as a kid but i didn't think I'll remember" Sadie laughed. Mrs Robinson sat by Sadie and they started talking, she learned that Sadie wasn't dull but she just had to put more efforts.
After that day Mrs Robinson gave more attention to Sadie and she started improving, it was a slow process but she actually started making progress. One day as Sadie was cleaning the toilet because of her punishment Anabel entered and intentionally spilled her drink on the floor, Sadie was annoyed but she resisted it and cleaned the stain but the last straw was when she poured the remainder of her juice on Sadie's head, Sadie was furious but she said "I know you are stupid and blind enough to mistake me for a trash bin but in my point of view i think you should look at a mirror if you actually want to see something that resembles trash" at this Anabel became angry and pushed her hard Sadie went back and hit her head then she fainted.
Sadie woke up in her bedroom with Serena by her side, Serena told her that Anabel was going to be suspended for a month and the school paid for her fees. Sadie was happy but she was having a horrible head ache so she begged Serena to bring some tea for her to drink for energy.
Sadie had had a small concussion so her grandma told her not to go to school until she was fully healed, during that time all she did was read books, she started being interested and started feeling a bit happier, she even did her farmwork with joy and she was more calm.
One day as she was going on a walk she bumped into a boy that looked and sounded familiar but she shrugged the thought until she got home and she opened her bag to see the boys wallet and inside was his id card and phone,she wondered how they got into her bag and decided to give the police but it was already late so she would have to wait till the next day.