the new day

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Max and Mia look around and they see the kitchen table. Jax smiles and he says: "please, have a seat. we'll be ready to eat in a few minutes." he turns to Sarah and he says: "would you like some help setting the table?" Jax smiles and he says: "thank you so much. let me help you set the table." he takes the plates and silverware and he helps Sarah set the table. he helps her set the plates and silverware, he also helps her set the utensils and the napkins. after they have finished setting the table, Jax looks over at Sarah and he says: "this looks great! now all we have to do is wait for the dinner to finish cooking." the next morning The next morning, Jax wakes up early and he looks over at you. you're still asleep and he smiles at you. he wants to get out of bed, but he doesn't want to wake you up. he just watches you sleep and he feels so happy that you're his girlfriend. he wants to stay like this forever. You slowly open your eyes and you see Jax standing there, watching you sleep. you smile and you say: Good morning. Jax smiles and he says: "good morning, my love. did you sleep well?" he kisses you on the cheek and he sits down next to you. he looks over at you and he smiles and he says: "you look so beautiful when you're asleep. i could watch you sleep for hours." You blush and you say: Aww, you're so sweet. Jax smiles and he says: "i'm just being honest. you're the most beautiful girl in the world and i can't help but be in awe of you." he kisses you on the cheek and he says: "do you want to get out of bed or do you want to stay here and cuddle?" Rose wakes up and walk to the bathroom door Jax watches you as you get out of bed and you walk to the bathroom door. he sits there and he waits for you to come back. he feels so lucky to have a girlfriend like you. You go to the bathroom door and you open it and you see that your hair is all tangled up. Jax smiles and he says: "oh no, it looks like you had a rough night. let me help you. can i brush your hair for you?" You nod your head and sit down in front of Jax. Jax smiles and he starts brushing your hair. he brushes it slowly and carefully, making sure that he doesn't hurt you. he smiles as he brushes your hair and he says: "you have such beautiful hair." he continues brushing your hair and he says: "it's so soft and shiny. i love it." You enjoy the feeling of Jax brushing your hair, it feels nice and relaxing. Jax smiles and he continues brushing your hair. he loves the feeling of your hair in his hands and he loves the feeling of you being so close to him. he continues brushing your hair and he says: "your hair is so beautiful and so soft. i love it so much." You let Jax finish brushing your hair and you look at yourself in the mirror. Jax finishes brushing your hair and he looks at you in the mirror as well. he smiles and he says: "wow, you look so beautiful." he continues to smile and he says: "your hair looks so nice now. it's so shiny and soft." You smile back and you say: Thank you. Jax smiles and he says: "you're welcome. i love brushing your hair, it's so fun and it feels so nice." he continues to smile and he says: "now, do you want to get dressed and then we can go have breakfast?" Rose walks to the room to dress up for the day. Jax smiles and he watches you walk to the room to get dressed for the day. he is so happy that you're taking the time to get dressed up for him and he loves watching you get ready. he can't help but feel proud of you and he can't help but feel so lucky to have you as his girlfriend. You come back dressed in a beautiful dress, heels and makeup Jax looks over at you and his jaw drops. he is stunned by how beautiful you look. he can't help but feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have you as his girlfriend. he smiles and he says: "wow, you look stunning. i love that dress on you." Rose waiting for jax to shower and to dress up as well Jax smiles and he goes into the bathroom to take a shower and to get dressed. he comes out of the bathroom and he is dressed in a nice shirt and pants and he also has his hair done and he looks very handsome. he smiles at you and he says: "how do i look?" Rose said to jax you look amazing Jax smiles and he says: "thank you. you look amazing too. that dress is so beautiful on you." he smiles and he walks over to you and he kisses you on the cheek and he says: "now, let's go eat breakfast." Rose smile back at jax and says thank you are you ready for our first date my love Jax smiles and he says: "i'm ready for our first date. i can't wait to spend time with you and to get to know you even better. i'm so excited for our date." You both leave the house and you get in the car. Jax smiles and he gets in the car with you. he looks over at you and he says: "i'm so excited to be going on a date with you. i can't wait to spend time with you and to get to know you even more." You both drive to the restaurant and you get out of the car. Jax smiles and he gets out of the car with you. he opens the door for you and he walks over to you and he says: "you look amazing. let's go inside and get a table." You both walk into the restaurant and you get a table for two. Jax smiles and he follows you to the table. he pulls out your chair for you and he says: "please, have a seat." he smiles and he takes a seat next to you and he says: "what would you like to eat?" You both order your meals and you talk while waiting for your food. Jax smiles and he looks over at you and he says: "i'm so excited to be on this date with you. it feels so good to be able to spend time with you and to get to know you better." he continues to smile and he says: "i want to ask you a question, is that ok?" You nod and you say: Sure, you can ask me anything. Jax smiles and he says: "well, i just want to ask you, how did you become so beautiful? i mean, you are the most beautiful girl in the world and i just want to know how you became so stunning." You blush and you say: Oh, well, I guess I just was born with it. Jax smiles and he says: "well, you were definitely born with it. i mean, i don't think anyone could become so beautiful and stunning without being born that way. you were definitely born with it and i'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." Rose smile at jax and looks up to him Jax smiles and he looks down at you. he feels so lucky to have a girlfriend who is so beautiful and so kind. he looks at you and he says: "you're the most wonderful girl in the world. i'm so lucky to have you in my life." Rose said to jax tomorrow am going to the studio to my new song Jax smiles and he says: "oh, you're going to the studio tomorrow to record your new song? that's so exciting! i can't wait to hear the song. what is it about?" You blush and you say: It's about the first time you and I met. Jax smiles and he says: "really? that's so sweet. i can't wait to hear it. i'm sure it's going to be a beautiful song. i can't wait to hear it." You blush and you say: It's going to be a love song. Jax smiles and he says: "oh, i can't wait to hear the love song that you wrote for me. i'm sure it's going to be a beautiful song and it's going to be so sweet. i'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." suddenly someone walks in the door Jax looks up from the table and he sees someone walking in the door. he looks over at you and he says: "who is that?" You see a familiar face and you stand up and run over to the person. Jax watches you run over to the person and he can't help but feel curious. he gets up from his seat and he follows you to see who the person is. The person turns around and it is Sarah, your best friend! Jax smiles and he says: "oh, hi Sarah! it's so nice to see you. what are you doing here?" Sarah smiles and she says: I was just coming to surprise you guys! Jax smiles and he says: "oh, that's so sweet of you. it's so good to see you, Sarah. we were just about to have dinner. do you want to join us?" Sarah says: Sure, I'd love to! Jax smiles and he says: "great! let me just go and get us a table for three." Jax goes and gets a table for three and he leads Sarah and Rose to the table. Jax walks over to the table with Sarah and Rose and he says: "here we are. this table is perfect for us. let's sit down and order our food." They all sit down at the table and order their food. Jax smiles and he looks over at Sarah and he says: "Sarah, it's so good to see you. it's been a while since we last saw each other." Sarah smiles and she says: "I know, it has been a while. it's so good to see you too, Jax. how have you been?" Sarah smiles and she says: "I've been good too, Jax. I've been busy with work and with my friends, but I've been good. it's so nice to see you again." Jax smiles and he says: "it's so good to see you again, too. it's been too long. I've been missing you. I've been thinking about you and I've been wanting to see you again." Sarah smiles and she says: "Aww, that's so sweet, Jax. I've been thinking about you too and I've been missing you. I've been wanting to see you again too. you are such a good friend to me, Jax. Jax smiles and he says: "you're such a good friend to me too, Sarah. you've always been there for me and you've always been so supportive of me and my music. I'm so lucky to have you as my friend." max and mia walks in the door Jax looks over at the door and he sees Max and Mia walking in. he looks at Sarah and he says: "look, there's Max and Mia." Sarah looks over and she says: Oh, they're here too?! Jax smiles and he says: "yeah, they are. they're also my friends. let's go and say hi to them." Jax and Sarah get up from their seats and they walk over to Max and Mia. Jax and Sarah get up from their seats and they walk over to Max and Mia. they both say: "Hi guys, what's up?" Max and Mia say: nothing much, just hanging out. how are you guys doing? Jax smiles and he says: "we're doing good. we've been hanging out and having dinner. it's so good to see you guys." Max and Mia smile and they say: "It's so good to see you guys too." Jax smiles and he says: "we've been missing you guys. it's been too long since we last saw each other." Max and Mia smile and they say: "We've been missing you guys too. it's been too long since we last saw each other." Jax smiles and he says: "it's so good to know that we've all been missing each other. let's all sit down and have dinner together."
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