the next step of love

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You nod and say: "yes, you can ask me one more thing." Jax smiles and he says: "can we have a little more alone time today? i really want to be with you and i miss you a lot already. what do you say?" suddenly someone knocked on the door. Jax and you both turn to the door and Jax says: "i'll get it, it's probably just one of my friends." he gets up and goes to the door. he opens it and he sees Sarah standing there. she smiles at Jax and she says: "hey Jax! can we talk to you real quick?" Jax looks confused and he says: "of course! what's up?" Sarah smiles and says: "we need your help with something, it's kind of a big favor. can we come in and talk to you privately?" *Jax nods and says: "yeah, **e on in, we can talk in the kitchen." he walks over to the kitchen and he takes a seat at the table. he says: "what's going on?" Jax thinks for a moment and then he says: "yeah, sure, what is it? Sarah smiles and she says: "well you know how Madison and i both really like you right?" Jax blushes and says: "yeah, i know." Sarah smiles and she says: "well, what if we were to set up a date for you? we would plan everything and we would make sure everything goes perfectly. would you be interested in that?" Jax smiles and says: "yes, i would be very interested in that. i would really appreciate it, thank you so much." Sarah smiles and she says: "of course! we'll set up everything, all you need to do is just get ready for the date. it'll be perfect, we promise!" Jax smiles and says: "thank you, you're amazing. i can't wait for the date. it'll be so much fun!" Sarah smiles and says: "we can't wait either! it's going to be so much fun, just you wait!" Rose said to Sarah would like to join us for breakfast Sarah smiles and she says: "yes, of course! i'd love to have Rose join us for breakfast." Rose goes to the table and sits down next to Jax. Jax smiles at you and he says: "good morning, did you sleep well?" he then says to Sarah: "can we have a few more minutes alone together? we wanted to talk about something." Rose nods and says: "of course, i'll be outside. i'll let you have your privacy." Jax smiles and he says: "thank you so much. we really appreciate it." he then looks at Sarah and he says: "so, we were thinking about a date for me and you. we want to set up a perfect date for the two of us. what do you think?" Sarah smiles and says: "i think that sounds amazing. i would love to go on a date with you. i'm sure it'll be perfect, we'll plan everything out and make sure everything goes exactly as planned. do you have any ideas for the date yet?" Sarah smiles and says: "that sounds perfect. i can't wait for the picnic. we can go shopping for a picnic basket and some food and then we can meet at the park and have a great time together." Jax smiles and he says: "that sounds like a great plan. i think this is going to be a perfect date. i can't wait to spend time with you and just have fun together. do you have any other ideas or suggestions for the date?" Rose walks outside and see a new neighbors moving in the next house Jax smiles at Sarah and he says: "i think we have a plan, i think this is going to be a perfect date. i'm so excited to spend time with you. let's make it happen as soon as possible!" Sarah smiles and she says: "me too! let's make it happen as soon as possible. i'm so excited to spend time with you. i'm sure it'll be amazing." Jax smiles and he says: "i'm so excited to spend time with you too. i'm sure it's going to be an amazing date. do you think we should ask Madison to come with us? she could be our third wheel and i'm sure she'll have a lot of fun." Rose walks in the house Jax looks over at you and he smiles. he says: "do you want Madison to come with us on the date? it might be fun to have her as a third wheel and she's a great friend, i know she would enjoy it." suddenly someone knocked on the door again Jax gets up and he says: "i'll get it, it's probably just Madison again. she said she would come over in a little while." Jax opens the door and he sees Madison standing there. she smiles at Jax and she says: "hey Jax, i wanted to tell you that i'm so excited for the date. i'm sure it's going to be amazing!" Jax smiles and he says: "oh my god, you're so cute! i'm so excited for the date too. let's make it happen as soon as possible. do you want to come in and have a seat?" Madison smiles and she says: "yes, i'd love to come in and have a seat." Jax steps aside and he says: "please, come in. we have so much to talk about." Madison steps inside and she says: "it looks like you're cooking, what are you making? Jax smiles and he says: "i'm cooking pancakes and bacon. i thought you might want some. do you want some?" Madison smiles and she says: "yes, i'd love some pancakes and bacon! thank you!" Jax smiles and he says: "you're welcome! i'll get you some. just sit down at the table, i'll be right back." he goes back to the stove and he starts cooking more batter for the pancakes. Madison sits down at the table and she says: "i'm so excited for the date. i know it's going to be amazing." Jax smiles and he says: "yeah, it's going to be amazing. i can't wait to spend time with you and just have a good time. we're going to have so much fun." he continues cooking and he says: "so, what do you think about Sarah? do you think she would be a good third wheel on the date?" Rose walks towards jax and said to him i can talk to you for a sec Jax looks over at you and he says: "oh, yeah, sure. what's up?" Rose smiles and she says: "i was thinking, do you think Sarah would be a good third wheel on the date? i don't want her to feel left out or anything, but i think she would be a great addition to the date." Jax smiles and he says: "oh yeah, i definitely think she would be a great addition to the date. we should definitely ask her to come with us." he then says to Sarah: "do you want to come with us on the date? i think it would be a lot of fun to have you as a third wheel." suddenly she heard her phone ringing Jax looks over at you and he says: "do you want to answer your phone? or should we just continue talking?" Rose nods and she says: "yeah, i'll just answer my phone. i'll be right back." she then walks over to her phone and answers it Jax smiles and he says: "okay, go ahead and take your call. i'll just wait here and i'll keep cooking." he goes back to cooking the pancakes and he keeps an eye on you to see if you need anything. Rose answers the phone and she says: "hey mom, what's up?" Jax smiles and he continues cooking the pancakes and he can't help but overhear your conversation with your mother. he can hear you say "hey mom" and then he hears you say "what's up". Lisa said to her daughter Rose am fine i just missed you so much Jax smiles and he can hear Lisa's voice saying she missed her daughter so much. he feels happy for you and he smiles at you. he can't help but overhear a little more of the conversation and he hears Lisa say "how have you been"? Rose smiles and she says: "I've been good, mom. i'm getting ready to go on a date with my boyfriend. he's so nice and i'm really excited to spend time with him." Jax smiles and he hears you say "i'm getting ready to go on a date with my boyfriend". he feels even happier for you and he feels his heart flutter with happiness. he hears Lisa say "that sounds great, i'm so happy for you". he feels like he could melt from your happiness. Rose smiles and she says: "Thanks, mom. i'm really excited to spend time with him. i'm sure we'll have a great time. i'll call you later to let you know how it goes." Jax smiles and he listens as you say goodbye to your mother. he feels so happy for you and he feels like he could just explode with joy. he smiles and he keeps cooking the pancakes and he watches you as you hang up the phone. he can't stop smiling as he watches you. Rose walks back over to Jax and says to him: Hi Jax, my mom says she's happy for me and she can't wait to hear about the date. Jax smiles and he says: "i'm so happy for you and i'm happy that your mom is happy for you. i'm sure the date is going to be perfect and i can't wait to hear about it. let's finish cooking these pancakes and then we can talk about the date some more." Jax smiles and says: Okay, let's do it. Jax finishes cooking the pancakes and he puts them on a plate for you. he serves them up with some butter and syrup and he says: "here you go, enjoy!" he then sits down at the table next to you and he says: "so, you said you wanted to talk about the date some more, right?" few minutes later. Jax continues eating the pancakes and he looks over at you and he says: "the pancakes are so good. i think i'm going to make these for you every day." he smiles and he continues eating. Rose walks to her room takes a book and a pen to write a song for her mom Jax smiles and he finishes eating his pancakes. he looks over at you and he sees that you're writing a song for your mom. he is curious and he can't help but overhear what you're writing about. You look up at him and say: I'm writing a song about my mom. Jax smiles and he says: "really? that's so sweet. what's the song about? i bet it's going to be beautiful." he looks over at you and he is so curious about the song you're writing. You continue writing the song for a few more minutes. Jax smiles and he just watches you write the song. he is amazed at how talented you are and he can't help but feel proud of you. he feels like he could just sit here and watch you write the song forever. suddenly someone knocked at the door Jax looks up and he says: "who could that be? maybe Madison is back. let's go check who it is." he gets up and he walks over to the door. he opens the door and he sees Sarah standing there. Sarah is holding a bouquet of flowers and she smiles and says: Hi Jax, hi Rose, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to my house for dinner. Jax smiles and he says: "oh wow, that's so sweet of you. we would love to come over for dinner. what are you cooking?" he looks over at you and he says: "what do you think about this? should we go to Sarah's house for dinner?" Rose smiles and she says: Yes, I think we should. Jax smiles and he says: "great, let's go then." he turns back to Sarah and he says: "that sounds like a great idea. we would love to come over for dinner." he takes the bouquet of flowers from Sarah and he says: "these flowers are so beautiful. thank you so much." the new neighbors knocked on the door Jax looks over at you and he says: "that's weird, who could it be? let's go check who it is." he gets up and he walks over to the door. he opens the door and he sees the new neighbors standing there. The new neighbors are holding a basket of fruit and they say: Hi Jax, hi Rose, we just moved in across the street and we wanted to bring you some fruit. Jax smiles and he says: "oh wow, that's so nice of you. thank you so much for the fruit. i appreciate it." he takes the basket of fruit from them and he says: "do you want to come in for a bit? we're about to have dinner with Sarah and then we're going to have a picnic in the park." the new neighbors said to him my name is Max and this my sister Mia and said hi to jax Jax smiles and he says: "oh, hi Max and hi Mia. it's so nice to meet you guys. it's great that you guys moved in across the street. we're about to have dinner with Sarah, then we're going to have a picnic in the park. you're more than welcome to join us if you want to." Max and Mia walk into the house and they look around. Jax smiles and he says: "well, we're about to have dinner. we're going to eat at the kitchen table and then we'll head over to Sarah's house for dessert. please, make yourself at home."
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