Scott and Joel's date gets interrupted.

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Scott closed the door after I got in, like a 50's gentleman, he then climbed in the driver's seat and started the engine, and with that we were whisked away. My face was broiling, even though it shouldn't be. Scott and I weren't going to have the typical awkward first date because we knew each other and already had the pre-date awkwardness. Enough of it to go around, as a matter of fact. I hoped there wouldn't be awkwardness or anxiety, I hope just because it was labelled as a 'date' it wouldn't change the sly chemistry between us. "So, what movie are we seeing?" I said, scratching the back of my neck. "It's called When the Earth Tilts." Scott said, peeking at me with his chocolate eyes. I once called them dull, but I wasn't sure why. Now, they were sparkling and blush-worthy. Not that I wasn't doing enough of that already. "Weird name," I murmured. Scott nodded, putting his focus back on the road. When he was focused, his jaw clenched and his eyes grew softer and doe-like. It was adorable, and familiar. Never had I noticed how focused Scott had been on me lately. I couldn't fight a dumb grin. He was enchanting. So, impossibly, captivating. "Yeah, well, it's about a zombie apocalypse. The Earth, in the movie, spins uncontrollably and this somehow makes zombies." I shifted, "How?" A grin spread across his face like butter on warm toast. "I guess you'll find out when you watch it." I chuckled, "Cheeky ass..." He playfully swatted my shoulder with a mock gasp, "Joel! It's not even the first date and you're talking about my ass!" My chuckle continued, "Well, it's not the first time, darling." "Don't make me turn this car around!" He said, the familiar focus curling into his face. I glared at him, his soft eyes so tracked on the road. I couldn't contain myself. I leaned over and pecked a kiss on his cheekbone. His lips tightened, concealing a wolfish grin. But his cheeks were suddenly dipped in a rosy color, which made me know I had done the right thing. _~_~_ "Two for When the Earth Tilts, please." The guy behind the window nodded, bored. He kneeled down for a moment; and came back up with two tickets in hand. "That'll be $16.76." Scott handed him a $20 bill. The guy smiled, no teeth. "Taking ya brother to a movie or somethin'?" Scott looked at me, smirking. "Brother? Yeah, sure. Let's go with that." He hooked his hand with mine and we walked into the theater. The ticket booth guy sighed, "Weird ass family. Must be Mormons or somethin'." "Two for When the Earth Tilts." Came a stressed and familiar voice. I spun around to try to identify it, but the voice was lost in a field of bodies. I furrowed my eyebrow, but Scott's soothing voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Hey, you okay?" I blinked, "Yeah, fine. Just hearing things." Scott nodded, "Mhm, you're a nutcase." I hit his chest lightly, "You're a nutcase's boyfriend." Scott froze, "I guess I am." Scott began to yell, raising his arms, "I was seduced by a nutcase!!" "Hey!!" Yelled a woman at the concession stand, "Indoor voices!" "Sorry!" Scott whispered. I was dying in a fit of laughs, "You're such an asshole." "Yeah, but you're an asshole's boyfriend." I shrugged, "I guess I was seduced by an asshole, then. Should I start yelling?" _~_~_ We each got one thing from the concessions stand, I got a box of Whoppers, Scott got a medium Diet Coke. "Why are you drinking diet sodas?" I asked carefully as we gave the tickets to the ticket taker. He ripped them and passed us the stubs. Scott stiffened, carefully taking a sip as we walked to the theater. It was clearly a sensitive subject, so I didn't push it. He just shrugged. "Is this movie in 3D?" Came the familiar voice again. "No, ma'am." Said the ticket taker. I craned my neck again to try and find the person who said it, but once again thy were lost in the crowd. I sighed inwardly, taking Scott's hand again. I loved holding his hand, as if it were an extension of my own. We opened the door and walked in, quickly sitting in a seat on the middle row. Scott gave me a bright smile, which I returned. "Are you excited for this movie?" The familiar voice again! "I sure am, Zoi!" Zoi. "Oh, s**t," I whispered, my stomach doing back flips on the floor. Scott glanced at me, "What's the matter?" I blinked twice, "Oh, uh, nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it won't matter." Scott c****d his head, the familiar focus settling in before he shrugged. "If you say so..." Though he didn't sound convinced. I risked a glance behind me, and sure enough, there they were. Zola. I felt my mouth tighten into a fierce line. Lola's eyes found mine, and a smirk broke her face. "Why, hello, Joel!" She whispered. I narrowed my eyes, "I swear, if you two interrupt this date--" "Don't worry about it!" Zoi said. "Yeah, Joel. We're simply chaperones, Joel." Lola said. "You know I don't believe that for a second!" "Oh, hey, you two." Scott said, he shifted in his seat, giving me a questioning glance. I shrugged, wanting to shrink away. "Joel, did you schedule a double date of sorts?" I huffed out a laugh, "Yeah, no chance in Hell would I schedule anything with these two." Scott's forehead crinkled, my knees weakening even more. "Don't be rude," he whispered, cautiously. "We're straight, Scott..." Lola sighed. "Really?" Scott said. "Yeah. Why does everyone think that?" Zoi slumped. "You do know what high school you go to right?" I furrowed my eyebrow. "The gayest of the gay." Scott nodded. I laughed again, but before any one could respond the lights dimmed and the movie began. "God, I can already tell that this movie is going to be amazing!" Zoi hooted. "Yeah, Zoi!" Lola chirped. Scott gave me an anxious look, I shrugged. "Oh, my God!!" Zoi whispered harshly. "I know, Zoi!" Scott sighed, biting his lip. I dug the heels of my hands into my eyes. "GOD THAT'S SO SCARY!!!" "I know, Zoi!" I looked helplessly at Scott, mouthing I'm so sorry. He gave an apologetic smile and waved it away. _~_~_ The movie was good, Zola was not. We awkwardly walked out of the movie, I tossed my half-full box of candy in the trash, it was now a melted soup of sorts. Scott dumped his soda in the same trash can and gently touched my shoulder. "Listen, I--" I put a hand on his arm, "Hold that thought." Zoi and Lola were awkwardly shuffling out of the door. "I have some loose ends that need tying." Scott sighed, "Don't do anything you'd regret." I chuckled, "Do you regret the racist cheerleader thing?" He shrugged, "Not at all." I began to walk backwards, "Then you have your answer." "Joel, stop." There was an odd sternness in his voice that made me freeze. He grabbed my hand and ushered me out of the building. "Scott, I have to talk to the--" He silenced me with a kiss. His lips were warm and soft, even the roughness of the brick wall I was leaning against didn't have an effect on me. Nothing had an effect on me, everything clouded up and became numb, disappearing. Everything was irrelevant but Scott. I melted into him, putting my hands on his hips just to hold him closer. I felt his tongue race my bottom lip and slide into my mouth. He tasted like Diet Coke and caramel, and a little bit of mint. My brain was in a puree at the moment. I felt his finger on my collarbone for a precious moment before he ruefully pulled away. I gulped in gracious breaths. "I don't care about Zoi or Lola," Scott breathed into my ear. "I care about you, and I couldn't ask for a better first date with you." I raised my eyebrows, "What?" Scott gave a breathy laugh, "Joel, your life is crazy. You're friends are insane! That's one of the things Iove about you! You're a nutcase, all of you're friends are nutcases, but you aren't ashamed. You're proud, and you should be." I looked at my shoes, my face was thousands of shades of red. A smile was plastered on my face and it wouldn't go away even if I wanted it to. I felt him gently grasp my chin and angled my face so I was looking into his confident cocoa eyes. "This date isn't over, Tully. I got a pile of DVD's in my living room just for you and me." I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Are we really going to watch said DVD's?" He shrugged, "You'll just have to see." I leaned back against the wall, "Fiiiiine." _~_~_ Scott swung open his front door once we got there. Before I walked in, I noticed that the sky was already fading into the night. My parents would be expecting me soon. I shrugged it off, they could wait. It's not like they would think I started a meth lab or something. I let him slide an arm around my waist and guide me to his couch, where a stack of DVD's lay. I sat on his couch, pushing off my shoes. I laid my head on the arm rest and bent my legs up to my chest. "So... what are you in the mood for?" Scott asked, shuffling through the cases of DVD's. "Hm... a porno," I joked. Scott chuckled, "Gah, fresh out." I mirrored his laugh, "Oh, then why am I here?" Scott gave me a smiling glance, "Romantic comedy it is, then." I burst out laughing, covering my face in my hands. Scott shrugged, sheepish. "Didn't know it was that funny." I sighed, smile not budging. "It wasn't. I mean-- you're you. And it's perfect. You're perfect." Scott c****d his head, there were words on his lips that he wouldn't say. "No, I'm really not." He finally whispered. I bit my lip, crawling over the couch to him. I grabbed his arm and twisted. "Ow, what the f**k?!" He yelped, trying to push me away. "I'm not going to until you admit you're perfect!" I yelled. "Joel, ow!! Stop!!" "Say you're perfect, say it!" I was laughing too hard, but I noticed Scott was too, his smile showing all of his oddly perfectly straight teeth. Scott held his head back, and wailed, "I'm in an abusive relationship!!!" Laughter filled the air, clogging my throat. I had to gulp in breath before I said my next words, "Say the truth, Scott!!" "f**k, Joel!! Fine, I'm perfect. Mercy!!" Hoarse from laughter, and still laughing, I fell back onto the couch. I clutched my chest, trying to catch my breath. "I don't... think I've ever... laughed that hard in... my life!" I heaved. Scott chuckled, "Same." He leaned over, quickly kissing me, putting his finger on my jaw. He leaned his forehead to mine. "You're so god damn cute. What did I do to deserve you?" I leaned my head back, "Do I need to twist your arm again?" Scott chuckled again, putting his fingers through my hair. "No, please don't. I'm vulnerable." I chuckled lightly again, and shifted over a little and patted the spot in front of me. Scott squeezed in; I was the little spoon of sorts. I filled the space between us, cuddling into the crevice. Our noses lightly grazed the other. He kissed me again, hooking his arm around my waist to hold me. I slid my arm around his neck and pressed my lips to his cheek, kissing softly. "Do you still want to watch a movie?" I breathed into his ear. He chuckled that same gravelly chuckle. "What do you think?" I laughed softly, resting my forehead on his chest. I was so... unspeakably happy. So happy it almost made me ache. _~_~_ He was driving me back to my house, and we were already dying of laughter... again. I wasn't sure if any of us actually said anything funny, or if just us being around each other was enough to inspire the purest, dumbest glee. He parked in my driveway, "I'll walk you up." I grinned, "Okay." We walked up the stars, hand in hand, and he stopped at the door. "Thank you for an amazing date, Joel." I smiled at my shoes, "Right back at you." Scott dragged his hand into the crook where my skull met my neck, drawing circles with his finger on my skin. "Look at me," he said. I did, and he pushed his lips back into mine. It was becoming almost a habit now, I could tell. I heard the door open, and my heart leaped. I swung, regretfully breaking the kiss. Scott didn't notice anything until I pulled away, and he froze like a deer in headlights. Lydia stood there, mouth agape. "Finn!!" She screamed, taking off. "Someone's eating Joel!!" I groaned, holding my head back, "I swear to God, if Finn showed her Invasion of the Body Snatchers again..." I trailed off, looking at Scott's hopeful face. I couldn't help but laugh again, "That's my cue to leave." Scott looked off, biting his lip, smiling. I pinched his nose, giving him a quick kiss. "I'll see you Monday." "You will see me sooner!" I laughed again, "Fine, I will see you sooner!" Scott laughed, looking at his shoes, then back at me, "Bye!" "Bye..." He watched me walk inside for a moment before bounding down the stairs. I hustled into my bedroom and peeked out of the window, where I had a clear view of the driveway. I saw Scott give a little leap and balled up his fist, and jutted down his elbow, in the classic celebratory way. I laughed at his child-like mannerisms. I had laughed a lot today, and I wasn't ashamed a bit of it. "Uh, knock knock?" I jumped at the familiar voice and swiveled around, narrowly avoiding crashing my skull into the window sill. My jaw dropped, "Adonis?" Adonis gave a nervous smile, "Erm, howdy." "You're not supposed to be here-- I mean-- Finn is grounded. And, he probably hates you." He shrugged, "It's nice to see you, too." I sighed, "Sorry, it's just a surprise to see you." "Well, you haven't answered my calls, or returned my texts, or listened to my voice mails-- I'm assuming." I deflated, "Adonis, I... met someone." Adonis gave a dry chuckle, "Yeah, I caught your face sucking." I sighed, couldn't help but feel bad. "It would've never worked out between us. You're my brother's best friend. I'm 3 years younger than you. I..." He silenced me with a hand, "I don't want to hear it." And with that, he stalked back off to my brother's room. I groaned, stuffing my face with a pillow. Great, now I'm a terrible person.
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