Scott and Joel ride into the sunset.

1908 Words
Scott held my hips, worried I would fall. I grabbed his shoulder, grateful for the support. I knew my first time would hurt, but damn. Not to go into specifics, but our time was amazing. After it happened, we laid in bed until we were sure the party goers were getting tired, and ready for me to open my presents and cut the cookie cake. I slid my clothes on, wincing at the sting every time I put my foot down. It didn't hurt this much when it was actually happening, it felt amazing, but I probably wouldn't be able to sit down. Scott put on his own clothes, buckling his belt and holding my waist again. He kissed me for a long time, holding me tighter. The door swung open and I launched back, with a yelp. Logan glared at us, eyebrow raised, "Um... are you guys coming down? Did I interrupt... something?" "No!" I said quickly, "We-- I mean, uh..." She held up her hands, "I don't want to hear about it! Come down soon. Don't be silly, wrap your willy!!" She closed the door, and I quickly examined myself in my parents mirror, combing down my wild hair, and we walked downstairs, a wince came for me with every step. "Hey, you god damned rabbits!" Victoria called, smiling. I shoved her lightly, "Vic, don't!" "Were you doing what we think you were doing, Joel?" Asked Lola. "We believe Scott was putting his dingle hopper in yo--" Zoi began, before I clamped my hand over her mouth. "How about you two go start cutting the cookie cake?" I asked with a nervous smile, "I'll be there in a moment." Zola looked at each other for a moment before nodding at the same time and scampering to the kitchen. "You too," I said pointedly at Kassi and Vic. Vic rolled her eyes and held Kassi's hand, guiding her to the kitchen, Jolly happily followed-- like a lapdog. When Scott and I finally had some space, he kissed me, trailing his finger along my cheekbone. When we pulled away, he leaned a way so that our foreheads were touching, and we were looking into each other's eyes. "I just want you to know...." he began, "I wouldn't have wanted to do that with anyone-- anyone-- else." I pecked his lips, "I know. And, neither would I." I thought about it for a moment, "Unless Bradley Cooper knocks on my door, then..." I laughed, kissing him again. "Well," Scott said, feigning offense. "Where's the receipt? Will there be a restocking fee?" I shoved him lightly, "You are a geek." I grabbed his hand and we walked to the kitchen. Logan was handling a lighter, about to spark it, before Helena snatched it out of her hands. "Nope, I don't trust you with fire." Logan pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. Helena sparked the lighter and grazed it over the scattered 17 candles. When she was done, she put the lighter down, and Jolly began the chorus of the classic song. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Joeelllll, happy birthday to you!!" I looked at the candles, wax dripping off. I thought of a wish, racked my brain for one. After a moment, I exhaled, extinguishing the candles. "CAAAKKEEE!!!" Roared Jolly and Logan in unison. When everyone had a slice of cake on a plate, we all crowded around a couch and Finn plopped a present on my lap. "I stitched something together, so you should open it first." I glared at him narrowly, "Mom gave me this. At the hospital." Finn slumped, "We! I meant WE stitched something together." I laughed, "Whatever you say, Finn." I tore away the paper, revealing a toy remote controlled helicopter. I laughed, examining the box. "You said not too long ago that you wanted one!" Finn said with a raised eyebrow. "Finn, it's fine. I'm surprised you actually care enough to get me something," I said before I could stop myself. He took a step back as if I'd slapped him, causing for a tense silence that lasted for a few moments. Logan cleared her throat after a while, cutting the silence. "Open mine next!" She grinned evilly and plopped a neon pink and electric green wrapped present on my lap, "Be careful with it!" I eyed her suspiciously before tearing away to bright paper. It revealed a slick box, TASER C2 CEW read at the top. I gasped, recoiling from the box, but not dropping it. "You got me a TASER?" After thinking about it, I shouldn't have expected anything else from Logan. She raked her fingers through her thin hair, smiling a wicked smile. "It's awesome, bro!" Oddly enough, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "These are expensive as hell!" Logan shrugged one shoulder, "Don't worry about it, dude! Madison paid for half of it." I c****d an eyebrow, "Does Madison know she paid for half of it?" She turned red, "Like I said, don't worry about it!" I snickered, carefully placing the TASER next to the helicopter. The rest of the gifts were an array of books and movies, that Jolly probably recited from a wish list from God knows where. Kassi and Victoria gave me a phone case that they had written countless swear words on the back. After everyone had given me a gift, only Scott remained. He grinned, handing me a small mint green bag with navy blue splotches. The colors didn't fit together all that well, but he knew they were my favorite colors. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I plucked away the tissue, to reveal a photo album, about 1 and a half inches thick, and 4 inches tall. Crammed into the plastic panel on the cover was a photo of Scott, but about 10 years old, smiling with royal blue braces, gleaming from the flash. Under the panel was etched, "Memories," in shiny gold, cursive, font. I felt the cover and flipped it open, seeing a glossy photo of a woman, mid scream with a planet-sized stomach, in a hospital. "What's this?" Scott smiled at his shoes, "An album of my baby photos. Starting from my very pregnant mother and ending with a photo I took right before I came to pick you up." I shuttered at the memory of the car wreck, after Scott and I shared a "special" moment, it seemed centuries old. I noticed I had never met his family--well, his parents, rather-- I've seen plenty of Carolyn and her army of drooling boys at school and Neil dropped by my house sometimes to hang out with Finn. "You showed me your baby photos, and this album has a lot of sentimental value, so it makes sense." Scott shrugged, "Do you like it?" "Well," I held up a finger, "I did not show you my baby pictures. Victoria showed you my baby photos." I closed the album, "Scott, I love it." I thumbed through the glued, plastic pages, "Honestly, I can't think of a better gift." "Aw, love birds!" Vic squeed. I didn't snort at her comment, as I usually would, because I was lost in thought. My heart was filled with dandelion fuzz, and I had never felt that way, not with any other boy. Not so romantic like this. Especially not with Adonis, who was now looking awkward and red-faced in the corner. I placed the album on the floor and leaped up, Scott already had his arms out so I walked into them and we embraced each other, kissing. After a few moments, Logan cleared her throat. "Should we... go?" I pulled away, blushing. "No, sorry." _~_~_ The rest of the party went smoothly, Kent and Audrey were absorbed in each other the entire time, but I couldn't make fun of them because Scott and I were probably the exact same. When the sky was getting ready to set., everyone began to shuffle out. Kassi and Victoria were the last ones to leave. "We had a great time," Kassi said, hand in hand with Vic. "Thanks for inviting us," Vic said quietly, half asleep. Her face was buried in Kassi's neck. Kassi giggled softly, "I gotta get this one home before she passes out." Scott chuckled, "It's barely 8 pm, why is she so tired?" Kassi grew red faced, "She... um... didn't sleep well." "What?" I c****d my head. "Gotta gooooo!" Kassi called, swinging the door shut behind her. Scott and I looked at each other for a while before I melted into his arms and he pressed our lips together, tracing circles on my back. He abruptly pulled away, yanking a moan of protest drip out of my mouth. Scott walked over to the pile of presents and grabbed the remote control helicopter. Finn was at Adonis' house, and Mom and Dad were on a romantic dinner. Lydia was asleep in her room, so she wouldn't bother us. I was hoping we would repeat the actions of the past-- if you catch my drift--but Scott was only interested in toy helicopters. Somehow, I wasn't surprised. "I wanna teach you how to work this thing." I looked at him, skeptical, "Really?" "Yeah! I've always thought that they're neat." I c****d my head, thinking about it. "Well, if we're playing with toys, I should probably ask Lydia if she wants to, she'd get really mad if she found out I did it without her." Scott stiffened, "That's not necessary." "Why not?" "I may or may not have plans for afterwards." I smirked, "Okay, let's go." _~_~_ After ten minutes of Scott hovering over an array of pieces and batteries on the side of the road, the sun began to drop into the horizon. Scott launched up, holding the helicopter and the remote control. He pressed the control into my hands and placed the helicopter ahead of us. "Now," Scott pressed his chest to my back, circling his arms around me and placing his hands over my hands on the remote, "You just wanna hit this butto--" "Scott," I laughed, relishing in the way our bodies went together like we were sculptures, carved out of marble for the sole purpose of each other, "I think I know how to work a child's toy." "Don't be such a stick in the mud," He said, breath warm against my ear, "When else will I get to hold you like this?" I fought a dumb grin, stopping my protests. His warm thumb guiding mine to a console on the right of the control, his other thumb guiding mine to a red button. I pressed both and the helicopter fluttered into the air, spinning and whirling. Scott made his signature gravelly chuckle, soothing my thumb's grip into a soft push. The helicopter flew smoothly in the air, ahead. He took a step to the right, and I almost fell back from the lack of him, but he curled his arm around my waist. I let the helicopter turn in circles and fly up, letting it do flips and letting it drop but swiftly saving it at last moment. "I think you got the hang of things," he said. I let the helicopter glide down and I dropped the remote control, kissing him, and wrapping my arms around his neck. It was another one of those moments when I felt impossibly gleeful.
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