Chapter 10

1389 Words
Knox You know that feeling when you're sure you're crossing a line, but you don't give a damn anymore? Yeah, I think I've hit that point. After Natasha finally calms down, I drive her back to her hotel. I still don't get why she went out there—that's exactly what I was trying to avoid. It seems now I've got to protect her from herself too. She doesn't protest as I carry her up to her suite, carefully laying her down on the bed. Curled up, she watches me with wary eyes as I order room service. I made the decision for her—her 'date' is over. But she still needs to eat something. All she had at the mall was a smoothie, probably saving her appetite for later. I should've punched that smug little asshole in his f*****g throat for whatever he said to her. But I didn't get the chance, I was too busy catching up to her. But I'll be back for him. Nobody makes my little temptress cry and walks away unscathed. I wonder how handsome he'll look with a few less teeth and a carved-up face. "Y-You ordered food?" Natasha asks hoarsely, her eyes red from crying. I nod. "You haven't eaten dinner yet, so I got you some pizza. Pepperoni and mushroom, just how you like it." Yeah, I'm f*****g obsessed. Of course, I know everything about her. She gives me a faint smile, and it hits me right in the chest. I'd do anything to keep that smile on her face. "What do you want to watch?" I ask, grabbing the remote from the dresser. Her eyes widen slightly. "Uh, it doesn't matter," she mumbles. I pull up Hulu and select the first show from her "recently watched" section. I sit on the bed and gently slide her into my lap, my fingers running through her hair. Maybe this'll calm both of us down. "W-What are you doing?" she stammers, but I can't tell if it's more out of shock or uncertainty. "If you're going to cry on anyone, it's going to be me." I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I've never comforted a woman before. But if I have to see Brandon hold her one more goddamn time, I'm going to hurt him, and I don't want to do that. He's a good friend to her, but the green-eyed monster in me is feeling possessive and unhinged right now. I try to focus on the show, but all I can think about is her warmth, the strawberry scent of her hair, and how she seems to relax in my arms. This is where she belongs. With me. It's taking all my willpower not to get a damn hard-on. Especially, when I remember the way she rolled her hips while she was riding that dildo, and now she's sitting right on my crotch. I am definitely not a good man. My c**k starts to stiffen, so I close my eyes, trying to think of anything else. Like Andre chopping off my fingers, which are now screaming from pain. Once I'm as soft as a damn gummy worm again, I relax, allowing her to rest against my chest. "I don't want you to view me as a child," Natasha mutters after a moment, her voice dripping with disdain. "When did I ever say that?" I reply, my voice low as I continue stroking her hair. "You don't have to. Just look at what you're doing," she retorts. My body tenses, but I get where she's coming from. She's never known any different. "Baby girl, a man can take care of you without being your daddy. And needing someone doesn't make you weak." She looks up at me, her face softening. "You really think so?" I nod. "It's an honor to protect you. Any real man would agree." I wanna do so much more. But I shouldn't. "But I shouldn't need you so much," she whispers. I hum. "You can need me as much as you want. Cause I'm not going anywhere." She doesn't get that it'd be damn near impossible for me to leave her now. She exhales softly, her breath warm against my face. Goosebumps riddle down my spine, and I almost shiver. Her lips are so close, and even though I know I should stop this, I can't. She leans in, eyes half-closed, and I'm transfixed. It'd be so easy to close the gap, to feel her lips, to claim her with a kiss. Then, she'd know how much I want and need her. She wouldn't need to question it because I'd f*****g show her. Suddenly, her phone rings, shattering the moment. I clear my throat, gently lifting her off my lap and setting her down. I grab the phone from the dresser, and she tries to reach for it, but I hold a finger to silence her. Like a good girl, she pouts and sits back down. Knowing it's Brandon, I answer it without a word. "Nat, I hope to God Daddy Knox has you. You just disappeared!" Brandon says, genuine concern in his voice. Daddy Knox. Shit, I'd do anything to hear her call me that. Just the thought makes my c**k twitch. "Yes, Daddy Knox has her," I reply, barely hiding the grin in my voice. Natasha's mouth drops open, and a pink tinge appears on her cheeks. She's f*****g adorable. "s**t. I'm so sorry, Knox. Is she okay?" Brandon asks, snapping my attention back to him. "She will be. Enjoy the rest of your date, and tell Caden I'll be knocking on his doorstep soon." My tone makes it clear it won't be a friendly visit. Brandon's voice tightens. "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry again for putting her in the position to get hurt." I grunt and end the call. It's not entirely his fault, but a few days ago, he told her she shouldn't rush to date, and then he sets up a double date because he was too afraid to be alone with his own date. And Natasha, being the kind-hearted soul she is, just couldn't let him down. Natasha reaches for her phone, and I hand it over. Concern is etched on her face, and I raise an eyebrow, silently demanding an explanation. "Knox, promise me you won't hurt him. Sure, he's an asshole, but you can't hurt everyone who hurts me," she pleads in a soft voice. "That's exactly what I'll do," I reply, my voice low and fierce. "Don't you see that seeing you in pain, watching tears leak from your eyes, drives me into a blind rage? Anyone who hurts you is going to feel my wrath." Her eyes widen, and I watch her swallow. "That's...intense. Is that really a part of your job description?" "No." I say it with no hesitation. f**k Andre. Everything I do for her is personal. She doesn't know what her father is planning to do with her yet, but I do, and that's why I'll keep men—if you can even call him that—like Caden Abramov far away from her. This time, I watched from a distance, but next time, I'll f*****g intervene—I don't care if she gets upset with me or not. She won't be going another date with anyone with mafia connections unless I can confirm they don't intend to use her. Leaving her to dwell on my answer, I turn towards the door just as the room service arrives. I place the pizza on the table beside her. "I'll be going now," I tell her. Because if I stay any longer, I might do something even more reckless than killing Caden tonight. "Promise me that you'll call if you need me before morning." She simply nods, and I leave. Once inside my car, the pain from my fingers is so intense, I pop four pain pills. I overdid it a bit carrying Natasha, but she needed me, and I won't even apologize to my own body for that. However, I should go home and rest, but I want to remain close in case she needs me. So, I park nearby, crank the volume on my phone, and lean back in my seat, deciding to take a nap until my little temptress needs me again.
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