Chapter 8

1621 Words
Natasha As I do my hair and makeup for tonight's double date, my thoughts are plagued with worry. It's been nearly two days since I've seen Knox, and no one will tell me where he is. That's nothing new, but it still sucks. I don't like being kept in the dark about things that pertain to me, and Knox is my bodyguard. I should know why the f**k the man who's supposed to be protecting myself is MIA. Marco gave me a ride from the bakery today, and it was so awkward. Not anything like the quiet but comfortable presence of Knox. Even though he's technically the closest thing I have to an uncle, we're hardly close. Despite that, he kept glancing at me while he was driving. It was...unnerving. His expression seemed to hint at concern, which he didn't do a great job at hiding. Or maybe I'm just good at reading people since everyone around me lies and keeps secrets. Curling the last strand of hair on my head, I nearly jump out of my skin at the urgent knock echoing through my suite. I quickly glance through the peephole, flinging open the door to find Knox standing there, his familiar, black suited frame towering in the doorway. "Knox, you're okay!" I burst out, feeling an overwhelming surge of relief. I throw my arms around him, pressing myself against his chest. Breathing in his scent, a pleasurable shiver runs through me. This is the closest I've been to him since he saved my life, but it feels good. So right. A part of me had started to believe that I might never see him again, that something horrible had happened to him. He doesn't hug me back, but to my surprise, doesn't push me away either. Instead, his body seems to relax, and I think I hear him sigh in relief. Or maybe there's a chance I might just be delusional. "I'm right here, baby girl," he murmurs, his voice a gentle caress that I've missed so f*****g much. His presence, solid and comforting, wraps around me like a blanket, and I cling onto him longer than I should. But when I finally pull back, I look into his grey eyes, searching for answers. His expression is hard to read, but there's a tinge of concern in his gaze. He looks me over, from head to toe, like he's checking for damage. It's as if I'm some precious artifact he's responsible for, ensuring I haven't been harmed or altered since he left me. "You're okay," he says, more as a statement than a question. I frown, my eyebrows knitting. "You were worried about me? Why? You're the one who vanished without a trace for the last couple of days," I reply, my voice edged with frustration. "I'm always worried about you. That's my job." I swallow, my throat suddenly dry. "Well, I was worried about you, too," I admit, my voice nearly whisper. "Besides, you're the only one I trust to actually keep me safe. I was scared someone would come after me while you were gone." His lips twitch, almost forming a smile. "I've still been watching over you, Natasha. Just because you couldn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't there." A warmth spreads across my cheeks, and I look down at the floor to hide my crimson cheeks. Knox gently places a hand on my head, holding it there as I glance back up at his softened gaze. "Even with me being away, you still went out, even if it was just to the bakery. You didn't let your fear control you. I'm very proud of you." His words hit me like a tsunami, and I feel my heart race as tears pool in my eyes. He's proud of me. I haven't even heard those words from my own father in so long. "Thank you," I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. But then my gaze drops to his hand, and I gasp when I notice he's wearing a cast. "What the hell happened to your hand?" Knox's expression tightens for a moment, then he relaxes, giving me a casual shrug. "An accident. But I'll be fine," he says, but his eyes remain guarded. "You're lying," I snap bitterly, glaring at him. "I'll be fine," he reiterates, more firmly this time. And I get the hidden meaning of his words. It wasn't an accident, but it's 'nothing to worry my pretty little mind about'. I f*****g hate it. He keeps me in the dark, just like everyone else. Don't I deserve to know? I mean, he did abandon me for two days! "Let's just go," I say through gritted teeth. "I have a shitty date to go on." Knox nods, a muscle jumping in his jaw. I've hit a nerve, though I'm not sure why. He's the one lying to me, not the other way around. He follows me without another word, but I can feel the tension radiating from him. Once we're inside his car, his eyes catch mine in the rearview mirror as he starts the car. His icy glare sends a thrilling shiver down my spine. "Lose that attitude with me, baby girl," he warns, his tone low and dangerous. "Or what?" I dare to retort. His lips twitch, like he's considering whether to respond or not. Instead, he shakes his head, dismissing my question, and pulls away from the curb. Disappointment washes over me. It's not like I expected him to whip out a belt and spank my ass with it, but some banter would've been nice. After picking up Brandon, who's dressed in a nice sweater and jeans, Brandon calls his date, Evan, to see where we're meeting tonight. "Hey, handsome. Where are we meeting ya'll?" he asks, his voice filled with excitement. "The Lakefront Mall. Caden wants to do some shopping before the movie tonight. Then, we're going to dinner," Evan replies with just as much eagerness. The Lakefront Mall? Dread surges through my being. That's the place where my mom died, where any sense of safety I had was stripped away. My heart beats faster, a giant knot forming in my stomach. Brandon's eyes widen in shock. "Evan, Nat can't-" "It's fine," I interrupt, forcing a smile. Brandon deserves to enjoy this date, even if it means I have confront my worst fears and revisit memories I'd rather keep buried forever. It's not fear to burden him with my trauma. Besides, I need to face it at some point, right? It's been nine months since Mom died. After Brandon ends the call, I find myself gnawing my damn lips off, my anxiety consuming me. I can do this. If I survived two days without Knox, maybe this is possible as well. "Eww, Nat, you're sweating all over the place!" Brandon exclaims beside me, scrunching his nose. I wipe my hands on my jeans. "Sorry! I'm nervous, okay?" "Well, keep it over there. This sweater is cashmere silk," he says, playfully nudging me away. Then, his expression softens with concern. "Nat, we don't have to do this if it's going to be too much for you. Those memories...I know they're way too fresh." I shake my head. "No, I'll be fine." Brandon doesn't look convinced, but he nods. He's the kind of friend who always drops everything for me, and I don't want to ruin his night. I take a deep breath and try to relax. I just need to get through this evening, and then I can fall apart if I need to. "We need a safe word when you're ready to go," Brandon says, thoughtful. I hum, trying to think of something. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "What about...cookies?" He gives me a knowing smirk. "What about Daddy-" "No," I cut him off, playfully slapping his arm. My eyes flicker to Knox, relieved to find him driving and not paying attention to our conversation. "Cookies is fine." Brandon chuckles, but he nods. "Okay. I promise the second you utter that word, we're gone. I don't care how dreamy Evan is." I squeeze my best friend's hand, silently thanking him. Knox pulls to the back of the mall, far from the busy entrance. "Tell them to meet you back here," he says sternly, his gaze fixed on Brandon. Brandon's eyebrows pull together, but then his eyes widen as realization dawns on him. "Oh," he mutters. It hits me, too—Knox doesn't want me to see the spot where Mom died. Brandon quickly calls Evan to let him know our new meeting point. Soon, two men in expensive clothing stand on the curb, waiting for us. My date, Caden, is attractive enough, but something seems off about him. His hands are shoved into his pockets, impatience written all over his face. I guess we'll find out if there's a spark between us. I highly doubt it, but okay. I step out of the car last, feeling the cool evening air on my skin. The sun is just starting to go down, painting the sky in purple and orange. It's beautiful , but does nothing to calm my nerves. Before I close the door, Knox's eyes reflect back at me. "Natasha, I won't take my eyes off of you for a single second," he promises in a low, gravelly voice. Those are the creepiest yet most comforting words I've ever heard. I know a few days ago, I was against him driving us, but now I'm so f*****g grateful that he's here. I need Knox to be my shadow, to be my grumpy guardian angel. That's the only way I'm going to get through this.
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