Chapter Three

1219 Words
I was standing outside the building holding my chest, as I tried to calm myself down. I coughed as I tried to breath through my panic attack. "Melissa... Mel, hey it's okay," I heard Alex speak up. I shook my head, "No it's not okay, I live in fear Aunty Alex, I live every day scared of what is going to happen next, I can't even stand in a room full of people without panicking!" I shouted making her sigh. "I can't say I know what you are going through because I don't, but what I do know is that it will get easier, right now it is hard but later on, it'll get easier. Yes it won't ever go away but it'll be easier to deal with," Alex replied. I cried to myself outside holding onto my chest, I heard the sound of Harry's husky voice, "Is everything okay?" He asked. Alex looked at him, "Yes boss, sorry it's just she just moved here and things back home weren't great." Harry nodded, "Melissa, do you want to use my private elevator?" He didn't understand what was going on but he knew it had to be something. I looked at Harry, "If that's okay," I replied calming myself down. Harry nodded his head, he gently led us to his private elevator, I kept my head down from the stares I was getting from some people, Alex squeezed my hand gently. Once we made it to his elevator, he pressed the button and stepped aside. "You guys go first," Harry smiled. I went to walk in with Alex once the doors opened but I looked over at Harry, "It's okay, you can come with us. I'm sorry about this." I couldn't help but feel stupid about this situation, I've probably made Alex late for work and my future boss probably already hates me. I stepped inside and stayed by the wall as I took a deep breath. Alex stood next to me but far enough that I could have the space if I needed it, Harry was standing at the front. "I'm sorry about the coffee spill again, you shouldn't have coffee near me," I spoke after the silence in the elevator. Harry chuckled, "That is true, maybe I'll get my assistant to make one before I reach my office. It's alright I've got a spare in my office." "I can pay for the dry cleaning of your suit," I replied. Harry shook his head, "No it's okay." The elevator door opened, Harry stepped aside so we could get off. "Thank you Mr Styles," Alex spoke before she stepped off. I bit my lip as I got off as well giving Harry a small smile, once they were closed, I looked at Alex, "I'm so sorry Aunty Alex, I didn't mean to make a scene." "Melissa, darling don't apologise, you can't help it and honestly it was kind of fun to ride in Mr Styles personal elevator. I didn't even know he had one," she joked at the end. I couldn't help but chuckle, Alex showed me to my desk which was bigger than I expected it to be with a computer on it and some paperwork, not to mention a coffee mug, some stationery and a mini fridge at the bottom. "I installed the mini fridge a few days ago, for you. So you could store some food if you wanted too and water," Alex said. I smiled before sitting on the office chair adjusting the height to the right spot. I could see her office through the windows and it was medium sized. "Alright, I will be heading into my office, at 10:30 is the meeting in that board room over there, there will be a few businessmen walk-in in. Just show them where it is, you don't have to leave your chair if you don't want too," Alex spoke. "Thank you, I will do," I replied as I logged onto the computer, there was a sticky note placed on it with the log in and password. I was filling out some forums on the computer, as their was a little guide handbook as well on the table. I answered calls from companies that wanted to give their toys a go, which I had to send to Alex. I heard my phone ding making me look and unlock it. It was a message from my mum. Mum: hey sweetheart, I’m just checking in. How is everything? I miss you Me: It’s alright, I arrived in London yesterday morning. Aunty Alex has gotten me a job at her work. I’m her assistant. How are you? I miss you and dad so much Mum: I am so glad, it’s great that Alex was able to get you a job. I am fine, your dad is okay though he still blames himself for what happened to you.. Me: Tell dad not to blame himself, how could he have known? Mum: I’ve tried sweetheart, how is the pregnancy going? I wish I could be there for you. Have you got an appointment booked with a obgyn? Me: the pregnancy is okay, I wish this didn’t happen, but I couldn’t get rid of it. It would have haunted me. I have a little bit of nausea each morning. Any word on my case? I know we lost but I just wish there was something else. I remember the detective said he would keep looking into it for me? Mum: I know darling and we could never hate you for the discussions you make. Unfortunately we haven’t heard anything yet from the detective, we are hoping in the next few months. I’m still angry with our justice system, what happened to you was unfair and he should be punished for what he did. Not enough evidence what a load of bull crap Me: I know Mum, but there wasn’t much we could do after that, I just hope one day he is put behind bars I locked my phone after that, to hear the elevator ding. Where some guys and a few girls stepped off, I took a deep breath. "Hello, are you here for the business meeting?" I asked. "Yes we are, sexy," the man spoke at the front of the group. I gulped a little, "Please make your way to business room three. It's just to your right over there," I replied. The man who called me sexy tried grabbing my hand that was on the desk, I shot my hand away from his grasp. The group of guys grumbled before walking to the office, I counted to 7 in my head. As soon as I got to 7 the elevator opened again to reveal Harry, he was wearing a new suit. "Told you I had one in my office," Harry chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh as well, "I'm glad, the meeting will be held in business room three," I spoke. Harry nodded before seriously looking at me, "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked. "I've had a rough couple of months but I'm okay," I replied to Harry. If I told him, he would give me a look I didn't want. The look of unworthiness, I already felt that way and didn't need someone to dig it in either.
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