Chapter 7

1737 Words
“We need a doctor, a doctor!” another old man who stood beside the old man who had fainted shouted as I approached them. “I know medicine,” I said in a confident tone. “Jenna, what are you doing? You don't know medicine” Amelia tried whispering but I guess some people. “Young girl this is not a game, this is about somebody's life you can't just do anything that you want,” said a lady who looked like she was the same age as me, she had black hair, reading glasses on, and she was undeniably pretty. “You don't look a day older than me,” I said feeding her the same energy she used to shut me down. “Whatever” She rolled her eyes at me and turned towards the old man who was crying for help. “Don't mind her sir, I am actually a medical doctor, let me check how your boss is doing” she said in a confident tone as she crouched down to reach the unconscious old man’s level. One look at the man and I knew what was wrong with him, the old man had pronounced tremors, and shortness of breath, and he was even coughing up blood with his hands clutching his chest tightly, an obvious sign of chest pain. and I was quite familiar with it because that was the same illness Adrien’s grandmother had when he came to Hidden Valley at that time and filled me in on her symptoms. I found it interesting and spent months researching her particular illness and the next year looking for a suitable treatment. “This old man has neuroxia,” The lady in glasses said very confidently and I looked at her with wide eyes, she was very wrong. “That is not true” I rebutted very loudly. “Young lady you do not know medicine can you stop disrupting the treatment, if anything bad happens to this man you will be held accountable!” she shouted, she actually shouted at me. No one had ever dared to shout at me in the hidden valley because they knew what would come next if they did that. “Old man are you going to let her kill your master” I asked the old man standing next to the sick old man. “Can you please keep quiet and let the doctor proceed with treatment?” the old man said and I kept quiet, I knew they would beg me to treat the sick old man when everything went south. “What do we do now doctor, we called the ambulance a long time ago, the roads are blocked, oh gosh,” the old man said in distress. “Don't worry I will give him an emergency treatment, although it won't heal him, it will give him more time,” she said and the old man nodded. She ran back to her car and brought out an anti-biotic, a very strong one that was not quite popular in the pharmaceutical market, who was she to be able to get her hands on it? “He has neurexin and it is caused by a viral infection, lets him take this drug first and it will calm down the infection in his system,” she said as she shoved the tablet into his mouth the old man swallowed it and I smirked. Now not only did she make his condition work, she also made him resistant to most antibiotics, a very foolish woman. The old man immediately calmed down after taking the drugs and began to take deep breaths, he looked fine. “Oh thank you so much, young lady, how can we ever repay you” the old buttle said happily with tears as he shook her hands. “Yes, thank you so much” the sick old man spoke with so much difficulty. Just as she was about to smile and reply the two old men. The sick man’s symptoms erupted again, and this time it seemed worse as the veins on his head popped out, and he started to cough out more blood, and he started choking. “What is going on” the old butler asked her with distress while she looked confused as well. And poor Amelia stood by my side clutching my arms in fear. “I don't know, he supposed to be better by now,” she said with fear in her voice and the crowd that gathered round the old man began to point and shout at her, just what I wanted. “If you did not know how to treat him, why would you step up, now his condition is worse,” a woman in the crowd said and people around agreed. “I told you that he does not have neuroxia” I laughed, as I walked forward. “What do you mean, he has spasms and mirror movements, those are the clear symptoms of neurexia!” she shouted angrily. “No you are wrong, are you so blind or have you just decided to ignore the fact that he is coughing out blood and choking on his blood, he obviously has Erezobia, and all you needed to do was to drain the blood from his lungs,” I said with my arms crossed. “Erezobia” she repeated with realization on her face. “Please young lady, heal my master, I am sorry for how I treated you earlier but you have to save him” the old butler pleaded, of course I would save him, if not how would I build my reputation? “Move aside,” I said as I pushed her aside causing her to land on her but. “Someone give me a pen” I asked as I stretched out my arms and a pen was given to me. “If this man dies, it would be all your fault!” the woman in glasses shouted. “Whatever” I rolled my eyes as I removed the ink from the pen and used the pen itself to stab it into his chest, immediately dark blood came out from the hole of the pen and the old man stopped choking and coughing. “He is fine for the time being, take him to the hospital for his remaining treatment, and also the side effects of the drugs she just gave to him,” I said to the old butler as I stood up. “Thank you so much miss, thank you so much miss,” he said with a very thankful voice. “Can I have your contact information for the future?” he requested. “Sure,” I said as I wrote it down, that is just what I wanted. “ And you are lucky I am here unless you would have killed this innocent old man,” I said in a mocking tone before leaving with Amelia at my back. As soon as we entered the car, Amelia’s gaze never left me for one second. “Speak,” I said while still keeping my eyes on the road. “Jenna you seem so different from before,” she said with confusion in her eyes. “People don't stay the same forever you know” I shrugged nonchalantly. “But this is different Jenna, like how do you freakin know medicine, it's so mindblowing how you seem so learned than a whole medical doctor,” she said still looking shocked. “Well that is because I am more learned than a real medical doctor,” I said as I drove towards her house. “But how?” she shouted, her hands signing a mind-blowing reaction “I told you at Livvys didn't I? I said I had a long-ass dream” I laughed. “I thought you were joking, like how is that freaking possible?” she asked in shock. “I don't know, I am just lucky I guess” I chuckled. “Well girl you are, that's so cool, I wish that would happen to me,” she said, her shock turning into excitement. And I was just grateful for how gullible she was. “Back to Times Entertainment, you did not get the contract did you?” she asked after a brief silence. “No, I didn't” I answered. “So what will you do now?” “Make money some other way of course” I laughed. After a while, we arrived at her house and I dropped her off. “Bye Jenna!” she shouted as she was about to enter her house. “Bye!” I shouted back. I was on the way to my house when I noticed a black-tinted Mercedes Benz on my track. A normal person would try to lose the car, but I of course was in for the fun. I stopped my car and the Mercedes Benz came to an abrupt stop as well. I came down from my from my car and the driver of the Mercedes Benz alighted as well. He had sunglasses on and wore a black suit, looking all serious and all as he approached me while I cracked my fingers, ready to beat someone up. “My boss wants to have a word with you,” he said as soon as he was in my front. “And who will that be?” I asked. “You can see for yourself,” he said as he motioned for me to walk towards the Mercedes which I did. ‘It couldn't be Adler, could it?’ I asked myself but quickly thwarted my suspicions, although he was rich, he was not rich enough to buy a limited edition Mercedes Benz, as far as I know, there were only three of that type in the whole world. The man in black opened the car door for me and I was shocked, it was Adrien Lockwood. Why was he following me, did he follow me all the way from times entertainment? “Why did you follow me?” I asked immediately I entered his car and crossed my legs. She turned and looked at me very ruthlessly, an air of oppression emanating from him but I had to keep my composure. “Marry me” was the first thing that came out of his mouth”
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