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Third person's P.O.V ................................. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's been a week after Ananya discharged from the hospital. Everything seems to be normal  from outside but from inside  everyone are in  disastrous mess.   Ananya behaving abnormal , sometimes she cries , shout and yelled .even , in that week she tried to suicide many times , fortunately Derek came on time to  stop her .  Derek also got tensed by the acts of Ananya, many times he tried to have talk with Ananya and ask him about the problems but  all his attempts were futile because Ananya didn't utter any single world after that incident. She only cries and act like a  living corpse .  Derek thought that  after that accident she had some  traumas or may be that's the side effect of that drug that's why her mental condition was not  stable.  He decided to see a famous psychologist so that she can recover after few days .  One day , Lucifer and Alex came to the home of Derek to visit Ananya . They were sitting inside the hall,  Derek  was not in mood to  see them but he had to endure their presence for few reasons. Alex knew that , Derek didn't like their presence and  at every point he didn't leave any chance to taunt Alex but he endured all his insult just for the sake of Jahaan.  He wanted to spend more time as how much he can have with Jahaan ,so that  he can know him  better and made their bonding strong. But Jahaan doesn't seemed to interested  in  Alex  . He doesn't feel any type of  attraction or  strong bond towards Alex. Jahaan is the really  hard nut to crack . He fails the fact that , blood is thicker than water.  Lucifer  also noticed the cold behavior of Jahaan towards Alex . He can see that how Alex is trying hard to close with Jahaan but al his attempts were futile. He doesn't tried to help Alex because he wanted give that taste of his own medicine. He wanted to show him that how much bad felt we abondaned the one who loved us unconditionally. He wanted to realize the pain and agony of Neha which she felt when Alex broke up with her . Although , he also  regrets  for his wrong doings and that's why he silently endured all the curses and mistreats of both Derek and Ananya silently. They sitting silently inside the hall , no one is saying nothing to each other ,whereas  Alex's eyes only stared  Jahaan  who is busy in completing his homework.  Alex really proud of Jahaan, he knew that he is the most intelligent  of his class and have I.Q level like an adult. He took records of  his each and every single records of  Jahaan's achievements. Whenever he got first  prize or won any competition, his chest got broad in proud . He threw a party on his achievements. Alex knew that all that intelligence are genetic gift of Neha and for that he is glad . He didn't want any single  thing of Jahaan which reflects him.    Derek's doorbell rang , he goes forward to open the door . Derek saw that man again . They greeted each other, after that  Derek asked him to sit on the couch on  the other hand  both Lucifer and Alex didn't took any interest to know about the guest and  walks towards the exit.   " Sir , I really needed to talk with all of you about the will of Miss Tara before it's too much late. Try to understand that it's urgent . Only few days left !!!", informed that man and that information is sufficient for both Alex and Lucifer to stop from going back .   They walk towards  that man and asked about the will but that man refused to read it until Ananya came there. Derek tried hard to convince her by stating that she is not mentally unstable that's why she can't be there , he can read without her and informed her when she became healthy. But that man didn't buy that excuse and  sticked to his thought.  On the other hand  both Alex and Lucifer are curious that what she written in that .  Finally when Derek didn't succeed in , he gave and asked him to come next day when she will be fine . The man nodded his head in agreement and walks from there.  "Stop!!!!, there . Don't go!!!",  Ananya said and  walked down the stairs to the hall . That man stopped there and then came towards Ananya.  " Ananya you are not fine , we will deal it when you will be fine until  rest !!!! . You shouldn't have to stress yourself for the small matter . We will deal with it another day ", suggested Derek with concern . Ananya showed her palm to stop .  She gestured that man to sit on the couch and asked , " what's the matter????" " Mam , it's all about the company shares that Tara mam gave you", replied that man curtly.  And now this , is sufficient to made  all  present there to stiff at that place with shock.  "WW....WHAT DO.....  YYOU....ME....MEAN???",asked Ananya with stuttered voice.  " Mam, I am  hear to inform about two important  things about the company any Miss Tara's will " said that man.  " That girl even did troubled us after her death. How much we had to suffer because of her ???? Is these are not sufficient for us ???, taunted Alex.  Ananya gave him a angry glare with bloodshot eyes . Alex  didn't utter any single word in fear after that.  " You can read it and explain each and everything clearly. All are present there . You may carry on!!!, said Ananya but inside she knew that after that she will not able to hold himself . She clenched her fist tightly and closed her eyes to endure the pain which will come next.  " Okk mam!!. So it states that all the shares of the companies are in the name of Jahaan and they will handed to him when he became twenty one until then Miss Ananya is the legal advisor of that company and she will represent  on the behalf of Jahaan .', the man informed. "But , Tara transferred  all the shares in her name !!!" , asked Alex with curiosity.  '" Yes sir she had transferred  but at that time our company was facing too much crisis and the board of directors wants to replace that place of Jahaan . At that time I personally advised Mr. Gupta to transfer the share in his name but due to his bad health condition he can't handle it . Then we both decided to transfer  all the shares in the name of Tara, as she  well known that how to handle the business . First , she refused to this offer but after lot's of convincing by Mr. Gupta she agreed with  few conditions", informed that man.  " And what are that conditions ????", asked Lucifer with curiosity.  " The conditions were  that after the company became stable all the shares will be again transferred to  the name of Jahaan and this time the legal advisor and representative will be Miss Ananya. She had already signed a contract and when company became stable  I do that what I asked to do ." , explained that man. All the present there became shocked . This was unbearable for Ananya , she wanted to cry and hurt himself for her sins that she committed . She somehow and handled himself and asked that man to read the next . She knew that after that she will not be able to see her in front of mirror in shame, guilt and pain.  " Next , is Tara mam's will. I always prayed that this will not come but look at the irony maybe Miss Tara knew that one day she had to leave you"  said that man with sad face.  " Read it now!!!!", this time Derek barked impatiently.  "OKK!!! SO all shares of  the company that Miss Tara had created of her own  is dived into three parts , the most part ,I mean the owner of sixty percent is Master Jahaan and the rest twenty-twenty each to Miss. Ananya and Mr. Derek . The villa is in Manali is in the name of Jahaan and the  house in Loss angeles is in the name of  Miss Ananya. That's all it is written in her will that I wanted you to know that" , explained that man.  When Derek and Ananya heard it they both fell on the knees , this shock is like a slap for all  the wrong thing they had done on Tara.  " Sir , I knew it's hard time for you as it's really difficult to forget Miss Tara . She is really an angel. She helped me at that time when my family is in verge of death . I personally came here so that , I can do her all the works which she left incomplete. Please handle all these properties properly, she really works hard on it . Everyday she works like a bull just for you . She didn't had the time to rest ,even she didn't sleep properly because she wanted to  give that luxury so that you can leave a peaceful life . She  never gain any type of profit or advantage for herself . All she desired to give you that which she  gained by her hardwork because she consiered all of you as your real treasure. It's really rare to found a person like that . She is really a star like her name, who shine in dark night to enlighten the sky " , said that man and goes from there.  Lucifer on the other side grabbed his hairs in frustration , he can't believed that he had got wrong information about that.  He really wanted to shot the head of that man who gave him wrong information because of him he had  done the worst mistake. He is shivering from inside for the first time in his life. With staggered feet he goes from there to confirm each and every thing.   Alex felt sad for Tara , he really felt bad that he misbehaved and cursed that girl who raise his son by her  unconditional motherhood and in return he traded her life. He really felt pain and guilty for his wrong actions.  On the other hand this time Derek was broken beyond repair . He thought that he loved Tara truly but now he doubted that what kind of love is that  when he didn't trust on Tara even after her crying and begging  instead of that he trusted on papers . He thought that it was Tara's fault but he came to know he is at fault and the punishment of it to remain in pain and  agony of losing the one who loved you the most.  Ananya  , was completely broken from inside. She clearly remembered the time when she asked Tara that what she will choose if she had to choose between family and money .At that  time Tara answered family without any second thought and gave the reason that  her family is her treasure and she can't share her treasure with anyone and always protect them.  " I am sorry Tara .   You always thought that we are your treasure at that time I thought that  you are kidding but now I understand that you mean every single word. I was too much selfish that ,I didn't believe that , I shouldn't have the right to live . I coming to you asking for your forgiveness " cried Ananya and  then  grab a knife from the fruit bowl and cut her wrist. She fell on the floor.  When Jahaan saw that he cried and shouted like a mad person. Then Derek came out of  shock and ran towards Ananya. ........................................  Hi!! sugars sorry for not updating yesterday . I was not able to do it because I had to attend a family function. Many readers complaint that  the updates are slow but guys try to understand my problem.  I am  a student , I had to study , then do a part time job and then I got time to write the episodes for you. I am also a human ,I needs some rest . I can't give you false hope that I will update  fast but  I will try if I can until then have some patience. THANKYOU!!!     
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