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Third person's  P.O.V ...................................... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  When Ananya woke up she found herself lying herself on the cold floor of a dirty dark room . Her hands and  legs were tied with ropes and her mouth is sealed with tape. She  moved  and tried hard to free himself but all her attempts were futile. She tried to make noise but can't unable  to utter a single world  .She was wriggling like a fish without water.  Suddenly she heard the tapping sound of  heels.  "Stop struggling Ananya ,  all your attempts  are futile. Don't waste your energy in that thing that you can't do " , a sound echoed  in the  room. Ananya confirmed that she is none other than Kavya.  She moved her gaze towards  Kavya and wriggled more to free herself.  Kavya notices her struggle and chuckled. She  removed the tape from her mouth harshly so, his mouth became red and she let out a scream.  " What the hell is this Kavya and  why  did you tied me like this???" asked Ananya with annoyed face.   Kavya slapped her hard so that blood started oozing from the left corner of her lips .  " Don't act like a innocent b***h!!!!. I" , screamed Kavya.  "What??? Are you got mad ???, Or you what are you talking about??/ Tell me clearly??, asked Ananya in both fear and annoyance.  " You don't know after snatching my love, my life, my Derek!!!!. How can you you act soo innocent like your slut sister Tara ," yelled  Kavya and fisted her hairs tightly.  AHHH!!!!,  Ananya winced in pain  and said " Leave me Kavya , I really don't know that you loved Derek , otherwise I will not married to him . But , you also can't  do anything like me , he only loves Tara and he can't love anyone except her . "  " TARA !!!!!! TARA !!!! TARA!!!!!, I am still sick of that b***h !!! even after  I killed her she doesn't  stopped troubling me . " , yelled  Kavya and grabbed her hair tightly like a mad women.  " What????, you killed her !!!! but she died in fire , asked  Ananya with astonished expression.  " Awwww!!!!! so stupid!!   you also didn't know . Okk!!! then I will help you . I will send  you to Tara and then you can ask everything from her sweetheart ", replied   Kavya  with a smirk  and put out a injection  from his pocket.  " Wh......what doing ???, asked Ananya with shuttered voice.  " Relax!!!!  sweety , it's just an injection and it will not hurt you . Soon you  will go to the long sleep without any pain then you can  meet your family.   You know it's very effective , the  higher dose of drug  gave  any young person cardiac arrest and he died immediately and if he saved then his body got paralyzed. It will definitely work  on you and no one knows the real reason of your death like no one knew the reason of the death of your father. Everyone thought that it's normal cardiac arrest except me because I am the one behind that !!!!, informed Kavya and  injected the injection in the hand of Ananya .  " You are the one who killed my father??? how could you do that and why did you blamed   Tara for  that !!!!'  I will kill you b***h because  of you I hated her till her last breath. I punished for all her sins that she had not done. I accused her as a murderer. Because of you  I  snatched a son from a mother . I will not spare you b***h!!!!, mark my words and be ready to pay for your sins", yelled Ananya loudly and  wriggled to freed himself. " It's too much late for regret and  now I will send you with them .  You can ask from them that  how I murdered them , especially ask  to  Tara  that how I betrayed her ,how she begged for mercy. Her cries  still gave  peace  to my ears", said  Kavya and  laughed like a psycho.  Soon,  Ananya's vision got blurred, she  felt like her body stiffed there.  " I.......W....II...LLLL  N...OT..SPARE.....YOU....BITCH!!!!",  said Ananya with staggered voice . now it's too hard for her to move . She  lost her control slowly and she  felt like his brain got numb.  Kavya saw her condition  like she was watching a show and enjoying it.  " In your dreams b***h!!!, Soon , I will send that  scumbag Jahaan with you !! Look how good friend I am that I  am helping you to complete your family. Say hello  to, Neha, Tara and Gupta uncle from my side . And inform that soon they will have complete family.  And don't worry about Derek , I will take care of him . Soon my love heal everything', said Kavya and goes from there.  " No , one can snatch my Derek from me, if anyone dared to do that they will  face the same fate like Ananya and Tara. Now , I had to do something with that  bastard Jahaan ,  Derek can't be the father of him. Only my kids have that right. Derek will be the father of our kids ", she mumbled to himself like a psychopath. Whereas Ananya was lying on the floor ,she had a tears in her eyes. She is regretting for all her doing. She felt guilty for not listening the point of view of Tara and  for not believing her once. She  doesn't care , if she dies , but she was worried that how she show her face to Tara , Neha  and Papa and what she will say. All the moments flashed when Tara begged to her for not leaving her but she  ignored all her all  begging and leave her to rot  in that  hell and even she didn't tried to stop Lucifer and Alex for trading Tara in exchange of Jahaan.   " I am......  ss...orry   Tara. I .....  deserve.....that !!!!!,  whispered Anaya with too much effort and  soon the darkness consumed her.  On, the other hand Lucifer and Derek were finding Ananya  madly . They searched  that whole place but didn't find anything. when  they didn't find anything they  loose their hopes.   " f**k!!!!, I think boss she is kidnapped and the kidnapper is sharp minded . I am sure he had hide her in that place where no one can reach !!!!" , said one of the man of Lucifer.  This point got hit inside the the brain of Lucifer , he rearranged all the facts that he collected and processed it and when he got the conclusions  he cursed himself for his stupidity.  Without wasting anytime he ran  as fast as can, when Derek saw that act of Lucifer and followed him without any further questions because he knew that Lucifer had found something important.  While Lucifer was running like a  madman. All his men also followed her. After running so much long he stopped in front of the old abondoned  warehouse. Lucifer had came here earlier when he had to fix the deal with other gang that's why he knew that location.  He go inside that house and there was no one. He barged inside the room and there they found Ananya lying on the floor lifeless. When Lucifer saw that condition he got horrified.  On the other hand Derek goes near  Ananya  and checked her pulse rate. Ananya's pulse rate was too slow . Derek ordered the men to take out the car and lifted Ananya in his arms in bridal style.  Lucifer also followed them. He still can't process that what happened with Ananya.  After that they all sat inside the car and  drove to the hospital. Within one hour they reached the hospital . Derek personally treated Ananya and when he examined Ananya and got the reports . He got shocked, because that's the rare case that he found. But still , he couldn't find that what is the main causes of the conditions of Ananya. He still couldn't figure out . But he is dam sure that someone had injected something inside her when he noticed  Ananya's hand.  He  asked the specialist to examine the body of Ananya as it's really difficult for Anaya.  It's been one day Ananya is still in comma , her body is not responding. While both Lucifer and  Derek were tensed  for Ananya and keenly waiting for their results so that they can proceed the treatment. After sometime , reports came and the specialist informed that , it's a  rare type of drug. It's excessive use can kill any young person  by showing all the signs of natural death. Even ,it's difficult to find it's traces in blood samples. And the amount that had given to Ananya can kill her or made her paralyzed for life time.  When Derek heard that he got shocked , he didn't know that what should he had to do now.  On the other hand  Lucifer understands the situation and he can easily identify that type of drugs and it's symptoms.  He knew that what , should he had to do but doesn't know it's results will be  positive or not.  He called someone  and  asked him to come there urgently.  On ,the other hand Derek got devastated  because he can't fulfil his responsibility as  a husband. and a friend. His heart ached in pain . He felt like he is failure as a husband and friend because he can't protect Ananya. He was really helpless because he can't see Ananya die slowly in front of his eyes.  After  sometime a man came there, Derek  instantly  recognised that he is the famous drug specialist . He go towards him , kneeled down, begged for saving the Life of Ananya. That man felt bad for Derek and consoled that he will try his best and started studying the medical reports of Ananya.  When , he read he also got tensed but then composed himself . It's really difficult to  save her but not impossible , I have antidote for it and you are lucky that it's not too late!!!!" that  man informed.  When Derek heard that his eyes sparkled in happiness , this time that man is like an angel sent from  heaven for him.  After that they started treating Ananya.  That men informed that Ananya should be woke within three days and she didn't then he can't do nothing. He also instructed that when and what quantity the doses should be given.  Derek carefully noted it and followed the each and every guidance. And after two days Ananya woke up but didn't say anything cried all times. Sometimes she complaint to Derek that why did he saved her, she deserves to  die. The regret and guilt inside Anaya is killing her brutally. His heart ached for the pain of guilt and regrets.  every second she cursed herself for  not believing Tara . On the other , hand  Derek can't understood anything but he didn't  ask any question as  he knew that she is not mentally stable due to the side effects of drugs .  He only consoled her like she is a child    When Lucifer knew that Ananya woke up  he  takes departure from there, After that Lucifer got a sigh of relief and now he  can do the rest of work which is left . He called one  of his men  and ordered to spy on Kavya and informed her each and every actions.  
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