7: Who Did This?

1215 Words
CHAPTER 8 Hazel's POV My heart started racing as I saw him walk into the room. He looked between us with his deep blue eyes and I had to pinch myself to stop staring at him. He was the prince! “I asked a question,” he repeated when no one said anything. I glanced at Rosaline and Cara, who looked uncomfortable. I had been ordered not to speak when there were older maids and the prince needed an answer to a question so I didn't speak nor lift my eyes to look at him. “You,” he held my chin and lifted it up. It was unexpected and my lips parted. He was staring at me with annoyance written all over his face. “Your Highness,” I whispered frighteningly, unable to form another word. His eyes narrowed suspiciously before leaving mine. He glanced at the room and I shut my eyes for a moment. I was in trouble. He won't let it go if he found out they were wasting blood just to punish me. “Who did this?” He asked, moving to touch the blood on the bed sheets. “Hazel, Your Highness,” Rosaline and Cara answered at the same time, making me gasp. My eyes widened as I stared at them. Why were they lying? Clearly they had been the one to waste precious blood just to punish me. His eyes flickered to me again. “You can leave,” he told them and they bowed. As they left, Rosaline gave me a small smirk before she walked away. Prince Damien didn't look pleased. His face was always expressionless but I could tell he was pissed. I had to redeem myself. “I didn't do it, Your Highness,” I tried to explain when suddenly his right hand shot out and grabbed my neck, lifting me up. “You dare waste blood in my quarters?” He growled, tightening his grip. I wanted to speak but instead started coughing. His hold on me was too tight. I hit his steel-like arm in an attempt to feel myself from his grip. I could feel my face turning red as I started feeling lightheaded yet he didn't let go. His face was hard. “Ple…please, Your Highness,” I croaked out, with tears prickling the side of my eyes. He watched me for a moment before throwing me to the floor . I landed on my butt and felt the bite of pain. Immediately I went to my knees, making sure to keep my eyes low. “I apologize, Your Highness,” I plead for my life. I had heard he killed some maids for standing too close to him. I didn't want to be one of them. His anger could be felt all over the room. His aura was too strong and suffocating and as a human, I was unable to withstand such power. “I need blood in my room in the next five minutes. For wasting blood you are required to give me your blood any time I need it, do you understand?” He finally said. My whole body stilled at his words. I would give him my blood? Oh no! I don't think I would be able to survive giving him only my blood when his thirst for blood is so high! “You're ignoring me?” “No!” I denied. “I will send blood immediately to your room, Your Highness,” I answered, trying not to show how scared I was but with the way my voice trembled, I was pretty sure he noticed. “Good,” he approved before walking to the door. “Don't be late,” he warned before walking out of the door. As soon as he left, I got up. My hands were covered with blood. I couldn't let the prince wait but I had to clean this room else I won't be given any meal, what do I do? Considering my options, I decided to follow the prince and do as he ordered before the five minutes went up. I ran out of the door, and went to the kitchen to get a cup where I had to put my blood in. Five minutes was too short but I had to hurry up. My life was on the line. I cut my palm with a small knife and squeezed it so my blood could easily pour into the cup. When my blood stopped flowing, I made another deep cut to fasten the process. It was painful but i was working on adrenaline. My brain wasn't registering the pain right now which I was grateful for. I took the cup to his room and knocked. It opened almost immediately and a young man stood in front of the door with a smirk. My lips went dry as my gaze fell on him. Why was the palace filled with very good looking vampires? This man was pretty too but not as much as the prince. I lifted the cup of blood. “I was ordered to give this to the prince,” I told him. His eyes fell on the blood and they went black instantly. I had forgotten he was also a vampire and loved blood. “Come in,” he hissed with a cold voice. I could see he was trying to control his lust for the drink. I bowed respectfully and entered inside to see two more people in the room including the prince. Maybe they were his friends. I walked towards him quietly, trying not to fall. As I dropped the cup on the table beside him, I noticed the cloth I had used to cover my injured hands was soaked with blood and it had stained the glass. “You're one minute late,” he was displeased. I swallowed the fear that was starting to erupt from within me. Vampires could sense when you were scared and they feed on it. “I apologize, Your Highness,” I pleaded with a bow. I noticed it was the only words I had been saying to him. Would he believe I am sincere? His friend from earlier walked closer to me and sniffed my neck, making the hairs around me stand still. “Where did you find this one, my prince? The scent of her blood is very tempting,” he murmured, licking his lips. I almost ran out of the room at his words. They scared me. Prince Damien looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “What are you still doing here?” He asked. Blood rushed to my face immediately and I bowed before running out of the room like I had seen a ghost. I never knew I had to leave after giving him his drink. “She is as scared as a kitten,” I heard one of them laugh just before I closed the door. Vampires are very dangerous. I had to stay away from the prince and most especially his friends. I hurriedly ran to the room I was supposed to clean when someone grabbed and tugged on it. As soon as I turned, she landed a slap on my cheeks so hard, my vision blurred a little.
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